Bonus: Headcanons

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Thank you to everyone who read and loved this story! While I don't have plans to continue it beyond the last chapter (as I intended it to be a short story), I made some headcanons because I enjoyed writing this concept so much. Feel free to share your own headcanons with me, but please also be respectful of my headcanons and others'. The headcanons here are just specifically for this story's concept, but if anyone wants me to share all of my 3Below/Krel headcanons then I'd be happy to make another chapter detailing those. Now without further ado, here are my headcanons for Understanding Me.

- Krel goes to all of (Y/n)'s gaming matches to cheer for her

- He loves just watching her play; he doesn't like talking for long periods of time and still has trouble keeping up conversations so he's very content with watching (Y/n) do her thing while he gets to observe her

- He made the mistake of challenging her to a 1v1 on both League and OSU!. Safe to say he now understands very much why she is so highly respected in Arcadia Oaks' gaming community

- When (Y/n) met Aja, they became best friends. Krel almost got jealous that Aja stole his special friend until he was hanging out with (Y/n) one day and she told him Aja was great but she preferred the more chill hangouts with him

- They were messing around once and (Y/n) told Krel that she loved him in a platonic way. Krel combusted and was a blushing mess though he tried to play it off; (Y/n) called him cute because of that. He promptly combusted again

- When (Y/n) finds out Krel's true identity along with the rest of the school, he becomes insecure about keeping his secret for so long, but she cups his face with her hands and tells him "You're beautiful"

- Krel can't help himself and says "I love you" in that moment

- (Y/n) smiles and hugs him in response

- Krel becomes very comfortable being in his Akiridion form around (Y/n). During this time, he stops getting nervous around her. He stops stuttering and getting so flustered. Instead of nerves pooling in his stomach, all he feels is warmth and peace when he's with her

- With his identity now known to (Y/n), Krel brought her over to the Mothership again and tells her that the same Akiridion-5 digital landscape she fell in love with during the work study when she helped him make his own mock video game is his real home and not just something he made up. He also tells her how much it meant to him to have the 3D figurine of the palace she had printed out for him that day. After getting over her initial shock, (Y/n) is filled with awe and she rambles on excitedly about how amazing that is while Krel listens with a content smile on his face

- (Y/n) mutually breaks up with her boyfriend at a later point. She isn't too depressed or upset about it, but Krel was beyond worried when he found out the news. (Seeing the rom-coms Varvatos watches alarmed him that (Y/n) would be sobbing while eating ice cream and watching bad soap operas. However, this was not the case.) He barged into her house which led to a slightly awkward meeting with her parents before finding out that she was actually fine

- Krel is still very particular when it comes to being touched by people other than his family. He doesn't prefer to engage in it besides high-fives and cool handshakes, but the first time he hugged (Y/n) was when she lost the Heroes Gauntlet tournament grand finals with her team. He opened his arms out because he wasn't quite sure how to hug a crying girl, but his uncertainty at the situation made (Y/n) giggle as she wiped her tears away. She told him he didn't have to hug her but he insisted

- When they hugged, Krel had never felt so safe, even though it was him comforting (Y/n). He swore in that moment that he would never let her go

- Aja, not knowing Steve and (Y/n) were already familiar with each other, decided to introduce him to her. Steve was horrified to learn that (Y/n) was Aja's self proclaimed new best friend and part of her girl-friend group with Mary and Darci

- Krel finds it admirable that (Y/n) could connect with so many different people and make diverse friends even though her preferences weren't aligned with theirs. It's one of the things he loves about her

- On the day the Tarrons were meant to return home and reclaim Akiridion-5's throne, (Y/n) took Krel back to the Gaming Lab to play with him one last time before he supposedly left. They only played a few games before ditching their equipment to just talk about life and how things were. (Y/n) tried to hold back her tears but she couldn't, and ended up weeping into Krel's shoulder as he wrapped his four arms around her, knowing he could never leave Earth so long as (Y/n) was here

- When the time came to say goodbye to Aja, Zadra and the rest of the Akiridions, (Y/n) gives them her farewells before coming to stand in front of Krel. She hugs him tightly and tells him how grateful she is to know someone as incredible as him, and that she'll never forget him or what he means to her. Krel finally admits he wants to stay on Earth. He takes (Y/n)'s hand in his, saying he can't imagine a life without her by his side

- Aja gives them her blessing and promises that (Y/n) could visit soon so she can see their home with her own eyes

- With their lives no longer in danger for the time being, Krel stays at Arcadia Oaks High and remembering (Y/n)'s words, works hard to score within the top ten percent of his grade so he could take advanced classes with her

- When Arcadia Oaks High starts gaming tryouts for the new season, Krel tries out for the League of Legends team just for fun. He really just wanted to show off to everyone how good he was and impress (Y/n). He didn't actually care about being on the team or not. (Y/n) goes to watch and cheer him on

- Krel comes to realise that as his feelings grow for (Y/n), he isn't too worried about trying to become her boyfriend. He just wants to be with her and enjoy their time together because he treasures his relationship with her regardless of romantic status. He knows that (Y/n) cares about him a lot too and that's enough for him right now. Just for them to be with each other

- He ends up confessing to her one day just so she knows how much he cares about her. The confession is casual but sincere, though it took Krel longer than he'd like to admit to summon up the courage to say the words that had spilled out so easily when she said he was beautiful as an Akiridion, and he stuttered a little too but other than that he thought he did pretty well with the whole confessing-to-someone-he-wouldn't-trade-the-entire-galaxy-for-and-wanted-to-be-with-for-eternity thing. Besides, if Varvatos Vex could do it, he could too right?

- Krel knows his initial butterflies and nerves had long gone when he first began to associate comfort with (Y/n), but after the words came out of his mouth, he couldn't help but feel the familiar pit of nerves spiralling in his stomach

- But in that moment he knew he didn't regret saying those words to her. (Y/n) helped him become a better version of himself and he would do his very best to do the same for her. Of course, he doesn't know that he already accomplished this mission long ago

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