Chapter 5

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As promised, (Y/n) came over to the Tarron house to help Krel with his reflection essay on what he learned over the week. He submitted it to Ms. Janeth the following Monday, who looked clearly impressed as she read over it.

"What an excellent paper Mr. Tarron," she told him. "A+ without a doubt."

"Thanks Ms. Janeth," Krel said without much enthusiasm. He should have been over the moon to get an A+ but it left a bitterness inside of him he couldn't describe. He got what he wanted, so why didn't he feel happy?

"Is something wrong, Mr. Tarron?" Ms. Janeth asked, concern evident in her voice. It was unusual for her star student to look so dejected after hearing that he got the best grade he possibly could on his paper.

"No, not at all," Krel mumbled. "I'm just experiencing what you call a stomach ache. I wish to use the restroom."

"Go ahead. If you're not feeling well then you have my permission to see the nurse." She went to collect the rest of the class's essays while Krel excused himself.

Aja shot him a questioning glance as he passed by her desk but he just looked away. The walk to the bathroom and back did little to lift Krel's spirits up in any shape or form. The ever perceptive Eli asked him if he was feeling okay and then started blabbering about 'depression' and other strange words which Krel only listened to with half an ear.

His phone vibrated with a text message in his pocket but he ignored it, too absorbed his thoughts about how his life would go back to its boring, miserable routine without (Y/n). How would he pass the time now without the MOBA game and everything else she had shown him?

After what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang for lunch. Everyone around Krel began to get up and stretch dramatically, smiles on their faces as they packed their bags and started off to the cafeteria. How could they be so happy with their uninteresting lives?

Aja tapping him on the shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts and he hastily gathered his things and followed her to the cafeteria with their friends.

He found himself sitting across from tubby Tobias Domzalski, accompanied by Darci and Mary as well. As the three talked and laughed together with his sister, Krel decided he might as well check the text message on his phone.

(Y/n): Hey, meet me at the G-Lab after school? Wanna show you something

Warmth flooded through Krel as he read the message and he couldn't help smiling. (Y/n) still wanted to see him! He was still allowed access to the Gaming Lab! Krel texted back that he'd absolutely be there and pocketed his phone.

"Someone seems lively all of a sudden," Aja teased, seeing her brother's demeanor changed. "What happened?"

"Nothing." Krel shook his head quickly. "You'll have to walk home later without me. I need to do something after school."

"Is it about (Y/n)?" Aja asked innocently, her eyes glimmering with mischievousness.

"No! Mind your own business."

Aja only shook her head and laughed. Krel felt a renewed sense of energy and motivation. It was a pleasant surprise to both Señor Uhl and their history teacher, whose classes Krel never seemed to pay attention to. But he became their most diligent student that day.

As soon as the final bell rang, Krel practically leapt out of his seat and shouted a hurried goodbye to Aja before taking off. He looked in both directions down the hallway, making sure no one was around even though he was using the secret staircase (Y/n) showed him, and he dashed up to the second floor.

(Y/n) was standing outside the Gaming Lab, tapping her foot impatiently. The pendant Krel had gifted her hung down from her neck. Her eyes lit up when she noticed Krel.

"Hey Krel, how are you?" She greeted him. A teasing smile was plastered on her face. "Didn't miss me too much today, did you?"

"I didn't," Krel denied, but he knew the broad grin on his face as he gazed at her contradicted his statement. And he didn't care. He was just happy (Y/n) didn't ditch him as soon as the work study was over. He didn't want to go home that day, bored beyond belief and with no way to fill the void of time that had been spent with (Y/n) every day last week.

"That sucks," (Y/n) replied with a shrug. "But it's okay, I missed you too."


"Of course I missed you." She seemed surprised that he was questioning her. "I haven't had this much fun in a while. School was starting to get a little boring."

Krel's cheeks went unusually warm and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"So, what is it you wanted to show me?" He asked, recalling the reason for them meeting up in the first place.

"It's in the Robotics Lab," (Y/n) replied. She turned into the G-Lab, a conscious choice when they could have easily used the front door to the Robotics Lab, and Krel followed her.

Krel allowed himself to walk through the Gaming Lab with confidence. A few heads turned his way but he ignored them. He knew now more than ever that he belonged here—belonged with (Y/n)—and the opinions of the other humans didn't matter to him anymore.

(Y/n) proved it too as she stepped aside and let Krel open the door to the Robotics Lab and lead them inside.

A large object lay on one of the empty tables, covered with a white sheet. (Y/n) pulled it off as she explained where it came from. "Marie Lee found this in the forest when she went hiking with her friends yesterday. She thought I'd want it because it looks cool but I have no clue what it is. Do you know anything about it?"

Krel stared at the unveiled object in disbelief. In front of him was a piece of intergalactic technology, though he didn't know exactly what it was. But it definitely did not come from Earth.

Once again, he, Aja, and Varvatos were not alone on this planet.

Krel straightened up to look at (Y/n) who was waiting for him to answer.

"I don't know what it is either," he said honestly. "But I want to find out. Together."

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