Chapter 10: A Number On Me

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'Where am I?'

A black boned skeleton floated in the middle of an ocean of black, bubbles floating up all around him, his breath steady, his eyes fluttering open slowly.

'Am I dead?'

He began to try to regain his balance, wanting to see the surroundings of his new afterlife, failing and flailing, but at last finally regaining his balance, floating but sinking yet with his posture up, it was then did he only realize that everything felt cold and wet, and every time he breathed out, bubbles form and fly up, yet he didn't feel like he was drowning, it felt calm, like a dream.

'Am I dreaming? Is this a lucid dream?'

He realized it, he was in fact dreaming, and now that he realized it, he was lucid dreaming, true to fact that he loved the calmness of the ocean and drowning, but a sudden glance of memory turned everything upside down, killing his calm dream, a glance of memory, a dark memory of his death, making his soul panic a bit.

Bad move.

The dream suddenly shifted, and water suddenly flew in his lungs, making the said skeleton choke and glitch, turning the once lucid dream into a lucid nightmare.

The water disappeared, no, more like disintegrated from existence, making him fall to the floor of the black void like dream, then everything turned black and white, gray trees formed, the black sky emerged, and white sand stood under him, a treeless circle forming around him, and the sudden darkness created faces, faces of disgust, laughter, fear, sorrow, all emotions he could think of.

His fears got the best of him, when under him felt wet, the glitched skeleton looked down to see that the sand under him turned to ink, and that was when he suddenly stood up, wanting to run away and wake up.

Something was felt slithering around his leg, slowly looking down in fear, his eyes widen to see arms gripping on him, his haphephobia reacting, his breath hitched, and tears brimmed in the end of his eyes.

Laughter was heard all around him, and voices screamed at him, insulting him, and laughing at him.

He needed to think, think of something, calm down, concentrate on waking up, to make this nightmare end.

But to his lost, mirrors form around him, causing him to try and close his eye sockets to avoid mirrors, he remembered Nightmare saying something about not looking in mirrors in lucid dreams nor nightmares.

But time got the best of him, at last Error opened his eyes to be face to face with a giant mirror.

Figures formed in the mirrors, “Ew! Such a disgusting glitch! Do we even know him?!!”, Geno's figure looked at him with disgust, “Ya, I agree, dis glitch deserve ta die bro”, Fresh's figure emerged from Geno's, “How am I even friends with you? Pathetic. You're just a negativity stash, agreed gang?”, his team appeared in front of him, looking at him with pure disgust, when the sudden figures disappear, Error looked closer, tears brimming.

A new figure appeared, he knew who it was clearly.


His crush.

Looking at him with disgust.

“I hate you. It's never going to work. You're not worth it”

Just when the glitchy skeleton touched the mirror, it seems as if he dug his own grave, the mirror showed a reflection of him, hanging from a noose of his strings, but smiling and bloody, then the demon looked at Error in his eyes, glitches all over the eyes, and tilting his head to his side, the demon let out a shriek.

And arms were coming through the mirrors, grabbing Error, and pulling him into the void of the mirror.

Nothing stays forever of course.


Slowly, Error felt himself waking up, his nightmare ending, but he felt hot yet cold tears touching his side of his face, falling down into a soft cushion under him, staining the soft mattress like couch with wet tears, his breath hitched badly, and everything was aching, adding that to the splitting headache, and the aches in his soul due to his lucid nightmare, everything hurt, yet he couldn't move, it was like the pain had paralyzed him, so all he could do at the moment, was cry.

Slowly opening his eyes to see his surroundings, blurry images form all around him due to the tears, but he could still make out the IV and magic drips hanging right next to him, and the oxygen mask he had hooked up to a tank, everything ached to him, his translucent tears still rolling down his face, “Oh my! You're awake!”, a voice made Error shot his head towards the sound, making him regret that decision due to the ache it forms on his neck, worsening the splitting headache, making the God groan in pain.

“Oh! I need to call in Reaper!”, once Error had gotten a good glance, the blurry white snow morphed into a blurry tall white goat with a white dress and flower crown, 'Ms Life?', his mind spoke.

“Ms.... Life...”, his raspy breath calls out, it was so dry, yet, muffled due to the air from the emergency air mask, “Don't worry now, just rest dear...”, she placed a hand on the weak skeleton's forehead, the warm fur felt a bit cold to the weak God, but it felt warming and comforting, and so the God closed his eye sockets to drift off to sleep.

Not long later, or what he assumed not long later, the injured black boned skeleton woke up from his dreamless sleep by soft muffling from figures around him, slowly, getting used to the lighting in the room, he had realized he was no longer on the couch, but on a bed, and turning his head to his right, causing him to flinch at the aching pain on his ribs and neck bone, he glanced at the source of the muffled voices, to see four figures, one colorful figure, who not long after Error had seen him, sat down, the injured skeleton's glance then drifts to two skeletons having a chat with a goat lady, he can only assume the two were Geno and Reaper by their choice of clothing, while Geno wore that red scarf, Reaper had to wear all black.

Taking in a shaky breath, Error choked a bit, not used to the extreme pain he was in, making everyone shot their head at his direction, Error's hand immediately flew to his chest, gripping on his soul.

The coughing fit made Life rush to the said skeleton to treat him, removing the oxygen mask to get him used to the air's surroundings and get fresh air, she had also stuffed two pillows under the skeleton's head to help ease the coughing and pain.

Slowly, the injured skeleton got used to the air and had stopped his coughing fit, still gasping in pain eventually, but not that much.

“Wh-Why does i-it h-hurt-”, Error's raspy and dried out pained voice was cut off by his painful coughs, he gripped his chest hard, and all while the two brothers were both trying their best to hold in their pities, and the God of death looking down onto the tiled flooring.





Life had pulled out what appears to be Error's soul, IV drips connected to it, yet it looked so fragile, it had red and black paint all over it, and a piece of orange bone pierced through it, a part of the soul dropped to the flooring, making the Soulstring around it crackle and ache a well, causing two certain skeletons to shudder in the aching feeling.

“M-Ms Toriel... What...”, the eldest sibling's voice began to shake, his whole soul filling with concern, fear, and shock all the result in seeing the said soul, “Do not worry dear... He isn't a mortal, we Gods have an ability to heal our soul, but it'll take time. So I suggest that he stays here for a short while until his soul is halfway done with it's healing process”, Life's sweet and angelic voice comforted the three brothers, Geno sighs in relief while Reaper chuckles, “Ya that scared? Gen, we're literal Gods here”, making the red scarfed skeleton blush in embarrassment and hide in his scarf, and the glitched injured one glare towards death himself with a 'I will not hesitate to kill you when I'm fully healed' kind of glare.

“Well, Error... You see...”, the God of death nudged at the numbers on the clock, smirking.

“They really did-”

“I know…”, the injured one cut Reaper off with a slight smile.

“A number on me”

I got tagged. So no blooperz, sorry my little readers QwQ.


1. Do you care about what others think of you?
I used to, not that now I care much. Someone taught me to try to not care too much about how others may think of you and just be yourself.

2. Middle name?
I don't... Have one?

3. Favorite sport?
I can't choose either soccer or floorball, but I also love volley

4. Best friend?
Irl: Yuuga_EddsworldFan
Online: Luna3323

5. Someone you couldn't live without?
My best friend.

6. Favorite name/nickname that others call you?
Uh... I had very interesting nicknames from friends, my all time favorite is of course, Crotch Destroyer, due to soccer

7. Are you more cute or sexy?
I like cute things, and love Yami Kawaii, and I'm not into sexy things, I can't even imagine not wearing a bra...

8. What are your preferred pronouns?
I don't care what you call me with pronouns, I'm more gender fluid to be honest, you can call me a he, a she, a they, or call me a squirrel for all I care.

9. Have you ever been asked out?
Yes. Twice. One was a guy, and one was a girl. But I'm single now, yeah we broke up, both of them.

10. Do you believe in true love/soulmates?
I know it seems a bit too childish and really wierd but, yeah, I kinda do believe in soulmates and true love, even this book is a brotherly love book based on the concept of a soulmate's red string.

11. What are your top three pet peeves?
1. People hugging me without my permission and more than 10 seconds in the hug. Bro. Stop.
2. When someone touches my things or enter within radius of my territory without my permission.
3. When I see an unarranged deck of cards, for example the top and bottom sides of the cards are flipped at random places in the deck, I will not hesitate to kick you out of my room the next time you bring that unorganized Buddyfight Double Horus or Buddyfight Dragon Zuein deck in my room brother.

12. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
I cry when I saw that Haikyuu and Fairy Tail ended, and not to mention MCQ animatics... But compare me to my classmates, I'm just blank, my friends cry over deaths of their loved ones, but I couldn't remember why I can't seem to shed tears for them, no matter how hard I try I can't.

13. Words you say often?
Uh... I dunno... Fuck? does that count? Or cunt? I say 'Prengketeprekgununggambreng' a lot when someone says something stupid tho-

14. A picture of yourself?
I don't like to show personal information to Wattpad or any other social medias... I feel really uncomfortable in doing so.

15. Your favorite picture of another person?
I have no idea... Maybe that picture me, and Yuuga took on her birthday?... Or the time where we had a freestyle class photo and we got matching colored outfits without even planning to be matching.

16. Favorite hobby?
Writing and drawing I guess?

17. Role model?
I really look up to really great authors on Wattpad, but I look up to artists and creators on other medias as well! Such as CQ, Myebi, Little Noko, Alaina Prana, and it may be crazy but I look up to a certain fictional character, Natsu Dragneel.

18. Who is the best person you personally know?
Probably Cessy, or I call her Error, and Yuuga.

19. Crush?
Fictional characters. Which are Himiko Toga, Erza Scarlet, Kyouka Jirou, and Megumin, I also like Aqua... I have no life, I'm a closet weeb what did you expect from me?

20. Tag 20 people

I'm sorry for the tags QwQ

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