Chapter 9: With A True Smile

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A panicked knock was heard at the door of Life's house, surprising the reading female goat.

Placing her book and reading glasses down on the table next to her couch, she proceeds to stand up walk towards the door, “Who is it?”, her calm voice echoes through her small comfy and flowery house, as she made it to the living room Life began to walk to the door, hearing heavy panting and sniffling, Life opens her door, to see death himself, looking grim and saddened, with another skeleton, he had a red scarf, and a red gash sprawled across his chest, her eyes drifted to something the said skeleton was holding, another skeleton, but Life knew him as Destruction, the God of destruction was at her door, all bruised, beaten up, and blood dripping off him.

“O-Oh my! What happened?!! Please come in! I'll get him treated right away!”, Life rushed towards the kitchen, panicking and scrambling to find the first aid, all while Geno quickly set his little brother down on the couch, the red blood bleeding from the little victim staining the cream colored couch.

After a while, Life had rushed back in with an emergency kit in her hands and an emergency oxygen kit bag in her other, as then she quickly set the kits next to her in front of the skeleton, while the other two skeletons moved back to let her do her thing, Life quickly set the oxygen tank kit up and put it on the bleeding skeleton, his uneven breath slowly but surely evening out.

While Life was doing her best, healing and tending the little skeleton, even going as far as attaching IV drips on the dying skeleton, the older couldn't help but be in the brick of tears, his soul aching, having the feeling of his Soulstring tightening and aching, his soul filled with hope for the life of his little brother.

“Geno...”, a deep voice cut off the trains of thought the little one had, making the skeleton with the red scarf looking up at the taller, placing a hand on his shoulder the reaper comforted the little one, “Don't worry, Life knows her stuff, she can save him just in time...”, with teary eyes, the skeleton known as Geno glances at the ground with guilt, then back up at the grim reaper, “Come on, she'll call us once he wakes up... We've got someone to talk to...”, when the sudden voice turned darker and grimmer, it sent a small shiver up the skeleton's backbone, yet, he agrees and wipes his own tears, his soul brimming of determination.

If Ink wasn't fucked by the fact that he'd seen Fresh angry for the first time and Blue shocked for the enemy.

He has a whole other thing waiting for him.


Ink was thrown on the ground with force, a sickening crack sounded from his ribs, and a little gasp of pain coming from him, an angry huff coming from his attacker.

Soon after the whole plan, all the Sanses were teleported back to their own worlds by a shining light, the artist knew it was his mentor's doing, leaving only Ink, Dream, Fresh, and The Bad Sanses, because apparently Nightmare had to call in Killer, Dust, and Horror, who then were pissed as hell at what Ink had done and ended up with them attacking, Fresh just glancing from the sidelines with no emotions, his cold emotionless eyes shown through the translucent shades, sending shivers down everyone's spine every time anyone would glance at him.

“Why the fuck would you think that was a good fucking idea Ink?!!”, Ink flinched, and so did Dream, shocked at how Fresh was there, but he wasn't censoring anything, nor did he flinch or move, his shades blank and his aura menacing, “N-Nightmare! Brother! W-Wait-”, Dream tried to rush in front of Ink to shield his best friend, only to be pushed aside with brute force by his own twin, falling down, “Stay out of this”.

Dream's eyes widen, he had never seen Nightmare this mad before, nor did he ever seen any of the Bad Sanses this serious before, did they really care for their teammates? Weren't they forced to join Nightmare? “Nightmare, that's enough”, a sudden new voice calls out, calm and deep, and without having to turn around, Nightmare knew it was death himself.

“You think this is enough, Reaper?... This stupid asshole's about to destroy the whole universe itself!”, the goopy octopus lashes out, his tentacles spiked and iris shrunken, “And if you kill him, you'll be on Alpha and Delta's next-”, the said octopus cut Reaper off, “I know. So shut up”, he spat towards Reaper, showing his eye full of anger and rage, negativity so big, that it even caused his twin to shudder in fear.

“Geno...”, Reaper whispered to the hiding skeleton behind him, the one eyed skeleton peering from behind, hiding due to the sense of danger everywhere near him, only for his eye to widen and be filled with rage and revenge once he saw a certain creation skeleton standing up, wincing a bit, but contains the pain while sighing and tiding up his outfit, feeding the tar covered skeleton making him smile.

“Geno?”, this time the God's voice was filled with concern, but the said skeleton ignored him and walked towards the two Star Sanses in front of him, Dream trembled at the amount of negativity coming off the red scarfed skeleton, backing up, “You...”, he grumbles as he stops in front of Ink.

Gritting his teeth, Geno clenched his hands to fists, anger coming off him.

Suddenly with a swoosh, a loud sound startled everyone, even Fresh.


Ink fell down by the force of the slap, his cheek tainted red from the force of it.

The artist looks up to see Geno, with an angered yet tearful face, tears on the end of his eye, while his glitches multiplying.


At this point, the red scarfed skeleton was filled with tears, and Dream's eyes widen, the Balance? Alpha never told them about those things, he just said that everything was Destroyer's fault, and that if they didn't create and protect, he would destroy them all in a flash.

“You... And your stupid... Plans... Stupid... Idiot... He cared for you... He liked you... He loved you”, Geno mutters the last one quietly, hiccuping and just trying to hide the tears, failing miserably, this was the third time? Yeah... The third time today.

While Ink was on the ground, still shocked at everything, 'Error never cares. So why did Aftertale... No, they don't know each other, he must've brainwashed them, even the parasite', Ink's eye sockets widen, then were soon filled with determination to release his friend from this curse, “Geno! You're being brainwashed! There's no way Error would care!-”, he screams out, “AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM, INK?!! YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HIM LIKE I DID! YOU KNOW NOTHING!”.


Nighttime at Nightmare's castle, almost everyone was asleep, and a black glitchy skeleton was just back from destroying another new AU, blood seeping from his long sleeved outer due to the gigantic gash he had gotten from the fight.

Seeing as most of them were asleep on the couch, and some in their own rooms, the God walked upstairs, walking down the quiet halls, cracking open both his brother's rooms next to his to check for their safety before retreating to his own room.

After quietly closing the door shut, the God quickly collapsed next to the door, hiding his head in his knees while his two hands gripping the sides of his head, a sudden wave negative emotions and regret filling his soul, Nightmare wouldn't come, he'd be busy doing his job lurking in other people's nightmares and memories of negativity to come nor even feel Error's wave of emotions, the negativity was tugging his Soulstring a bit, asking, no, pleading for help for someone to comfort him.

And unfortunately, the person in the room next to him, the room to his right to be exact, Geno, felt the tug, and had woken up due to it, he heard the quiet sobs from the room next to him, standing up with a bit of concern, and walking out of his room, he went to check on Error, cracking open the door towards Error's room, he peeked in to see Error glitching up, and sobbing, tears flowing and dripping, his eyes tired and his arm still bleeding.

“Error?...”, his voice came out as a dry whisper, obviously due to the fact that he just had woken up, although it was still heard by the crying skeleton, causing him to look up, to see his older brother there, just staring at him with concern, but the skeleton looked back down, hiding his face, sniffling.

Coming in, Geno closed the door, sitting down next to his younger brother, “Are you okay? Did you just came home? Are you hurt?”, his younger brother suddenly hugged the older, glitching a bit, but still sobbing, “I didn't want to do it... I-I don't wanna d-do this anymore... I-It hurts! They d-didn't deserve this... A-And now... T-They're dead! Because... B-Because of me...”, the God cries out, regret filling his soul, the older shocked and concerned.

Geno didn't know that this was what his brother had been through for all these nine years, he didn't know his brother was hurting every time he destroyed.

(Note: Error's 24, Geno's 26, and Fresh's 23)

Hugging back, he could feel Error's grip tightening.

“Shh... It's alright Error... At least they're at peace, it wasn't your fault... You had to do it.”, the older comforted, the smaller one breaking more and more down, letting it all out, sobbing into his older brother.

Little did they know, a figure stood leaning on the door, his head looking up, with YOLO shades in his left hand, while the other was in his pocket, hearing the said conversation, his Soulstring tightened, but he was smiling, at the fact that he would always know that they would be there when he needed the most.

Closing his eyes for a minute, he braced the calm air and quiet hall, taking it in, while the background sobs turned slowly to sniffles.

Letting out an exhalation of breath, Fresh opened his eye sockets and stopped leaning on the door, placing his shades in his pockets, leaving the scene back to his room.

With a true smile.

Boom! Feeling productive so I did about 1800 words! Imma have a goal to get 2000ish the next time!

Oh! And here's another blooper on the scene!

See ya mah blotches!


“Why the fuNK would you think that was a good fucking idea Ink?!!”

"CUT! FRESH WHAT THE FUNK?!! IT WAS GETTING SO GOOD!", the author, Mel grunts, infuriated and annoyed.

Scratching her head, puffing up her hair, she groans in annoyance, loud enough for the whole recording team to chuckle, and the Sanses sweat drop.

“Well, it's not that fuNKing bad? I mean, we can do it, this chapter's shEDDy deadline is only tomorrow?”, everyone instantly moved away from Killer, and soon after, the black tear marked skeleton had realized his mistake, and behind Mel, was the almighty Error, still on his costume, the fake blood dripping from hi chin, while giving Killer a thumbs up with a face saying, 'Good luck, we'll miss you'.

“O-Oi, oi the fuNK...”, Killer looks to his side to see his two best friends, Horror, and Dust, giving him the Bodhisattva face, while Dream on his left wiping his tear, and Ink waving a napkin on the air.

Killer slowly looked in front of him, to see the author with her double dagger chains raised, and two more chained daggers floating behind her, the aura around smelled like death.

“Oh... ShED...”


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