Chapter Three (Edited)

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Two days had past since Asriel's breakdown, and the whole family was still treading softly around him. Chara walked up to him."Hey Goatkid, what's up?" Chara had taken up calling him Goatkid or crybaby. She hadn't called him by his real name all day. "How you doin?"

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, I know that face."

"It's nothing!"

"Oh come on crybaby. I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need your help! I just want y'all to stop acting like I'm a fragile little flower! I had a bad dream, that's all! I don't need y'all's pity party!

Asriel stared at her, his rant nearly over,"I just want,"he whispered,"I want to be treated normally. Not like I'll break down if someone says the wrong thing."

He studied Chara's face. Was that excitement in her eyes, her smile? He sighed and went to lay down. I don't need anyone. He told himself, but he felt his lip shake and his eyes fill with tears. No! He shouted silently. Stop crying! Asriel couldn't stop the flood of tears, and he began crying silently. He had learned how the night before, after Chara had yelled at him to be quiet. Asriel cried until he fell,exhausted, asleep.

"Wake up Asriel. It's time for dinner."

He woke up from his dreamless sleep, his eyes fuzzy, to Toriel standing above him.

     "Er, Chara told us what you told her, and um, I'm sorry we've been treating you like a baby. We were afraid because your father used to have realistic dreams and most of the time they..."Toriel broke off, glancing around nervously.

"They what?"

"Nothing, forget it. We just want you to be happy, so we're having snail pie for dessert."

Asriel smiled and got up,pretty hungry,"Mmm,"he said,"I wonder what Chara will do."

"Well,"Toriel said,walking down the hall,"she'll learn to like it or have something else."

Asriel grinned at his mother taking his side for the first time in five days. Maybe his nightmare would make his parents realize that they have a son too.

Throughout the whole dinner of vegetable stew Asriel and Toriel talked. Asgore had to be at the castle so he wasn't at the table. Asriel looked at Chara,wondering why she wasn't talking, when to his surprise, he saw her glaring at him. When she saw him looking she quickly covered it up with a bite of carrot.

Asriel glanced questioningly and hurt at her. What is wrong with her? He wondered.

"All right you two, go outside while the pie cools."Toriel said.

Chara jumped out of her chair and ran outside, Asriel following slowly. He caught up with her sitting in a bed of yellow flowers. He felt strange and his fur prickled looking at them.

"What's up with you?"
"Nothing Asriel. Leave me alone."

Asriel felt a strong feeling of déjà vu."I know that expression. Why are you mad at me?"

She laughed harshly and glared at him,"You should know."

"But I don't. Please tell me."

"After I told mom what you said, she nearly had a breakdown herself.'We've been neglecting him,'she said, 'focusing more on you instead.' She said. Ugh. Why didn't you tell me that you are a mama's kid. I was just beginning to feel truly welcome, then you have your first bad dream, and I'm back to square one because your mom blames ME!"

Hey guys. I didn't expect to upload today but I was bored in Spanish then I got checked out so I had lots of time. Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Most of my stories don't get past chapter three sooooooo we'll see about this one.




Princess out!

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