Chapter Two (Edited)

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     Chara woke with a start, her stomach growling and her head hurt. She turned away from the wall to see Asriel with his eyes squeezed shut, like he was having a nightmare. She walked up to him and shook his shoulder,"Come on wake up." He didn't move. Chara sighed and walked out the room

   She wandered the house, the only one awake. She saw a picture of a baby Asriel. Chara smiled at his bright blue eyes, which were filled with joy. Then she looked closer, and saw that it was a drawing. Now that she had noticed it, she saw some writing on the bottom, For my Tori. Love from Asgore. "Wow."she breathed,"Asgore did this, this is amazing!" Chara looked closer, noticing all the details,all the work put into it.

    "You see my picture."

   Chara jumped and spun around, Asgore was behind her.

   "Y-yes, I do. I-it's amazing, it looks so real,"

   He smiled,"Thank you.I did it so many years ago, and I wish I could say that I've improved, but that was the last picture that I drew."

   "Why did you stop?"

    "I guess I just didn't have any thing else to draw"

    "Well, that seems like a waste, this is so good."

    "Yeah, I guess it is a waste, but Asriel grew up and the kingdom needed me. So I didn't have time for it anymore."

     Chara didn't say anymore, she just studied the drawing. They were startled out of their silence by a screaming Asriel running down the hall, a harried Toriel following.

   "Chara! CHARA!"he screamed.

   "What happened?"Asgore asked.

    "I don't know. I went to wake him up,"came the reply,"and when I touched him he started screaming."

     Asriel ran up to Chara, a wild look in his eyes. He took Chara's face in his hands,(a/n paws whatever )looking at every inch.

   "What are you doing Asriel?"

    He didn't reply, just kept breathing heavily. Chara noticed that he was whispering something, and when she concentrated, she could hear it.

   "You're alive. You're alive."over and over again.

     "Shh. Shh. I'm right here Asriel. Right here."

Light flooded into his dull eyes,and he broke down crying. Toriel took Asgore's arm and they went into their room. Chara knelt by Asriel, taking his hand."What happened?" He looked up at her, shaking,"I-I had a dream,y-you were laying down on your bed, very pale. We were all around you, mom was crying and dad was holding a yellow flower. Y-you started breathing real fast, I thought you were going to wake up. But then, you, you..."

     "Shh, shh. I'm here."Chara said, a bit unnerved. Asriel kept weeping. She sighed,"Come on crybaby, I'm not dead."

      AAAAAAAA! People are actually reading this! Sooooo happy!
      Updates might be slow because I'm in school all day,but I write the story on paper when I have the chance. Because of that most of the updates will be on weekends.
        Princess out!

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