Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Peter's POV

The next day...

 Tony texted me late yesterday afternoon to tell me that he needed a night to himself but that he wants to have dinner tonight. He said he has some news to tell me and he prefers do it both in private and in person. I think I know what he wants to tell me but I'm not going to jump to conclusions just yet. I stay composed throughout the work day and try not to pry into Pepper's personal affairs despite her making it quite obvious that she's upset about something. 

That evening...

  Tony sends an escort to fetch me from the lab to meet Tony in a limo downstairs outside of the tower. I haven't been in a limo in ages. I stare at it in awe before hopping inside. Tony greets me with a small smile. "Hey love, we're heading out to a nice restaurant on the outskirts of the city. It's a Italian joint that I've been to a couple of times before that I know you're going to love." I nod with a smile and hold his hand for the entire ride there. When we get there, I gasp at the beauty of the restaurant. The architectural designing of it is unlike anything I've ever seen more. I literally feel like I'm about to have dinner in the Colosseum in Rome. 

    Tony grins and wraps an arm around me. "I told you that it's quite something. Don't worry, I made reservations for us here about a week ago." I let him lead the way and we walk in as if we're a movie star couple. Apparently it isn't the cheapest place to eat so we don't have to worry about people easing dropping in our conversations here. This is one of the few times that I'm grateful to be surrounded by pompous, egotistical human beings. We're seated at a corner table in the left hand side of the restaurant. Menus are already placed on the table for us to browse. As we do, Tony sighs. "Peter, again, I'm so sorry about not wanting to see you yesterday. I just needed a night to myself to process something major that had occurred."

      I raise an eyebrow at him. "I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but did you and Pepper divorce?" I ask him in a hushed tone of voice so no one catches onto our topic of conversation. He nods. "We did. We signed the papers with a lawyer present in my office yesterday. We also told Morgan about it. She had a mild tantrum when she first found out but aside from that, she handled it quite well. I also told Happy and Rhodey this morning too. I wanted them to know too because they babysit Morgan a lot too so I felt like they should be informed of the news." As for you and I, Pepper is the only other person that knows about us. I'm not ready to be publicly outed just yet." 

     I reach across the table and stroke his hands gently. "I understand. I'm not ready to be publicly outed just yet either. The only people who know about us in my personal orbit are MJ, Ned, and Aunt May. Aunt May freaked out at first too but slowly came around. I used my free time last time to come clean to her about it." Our waiter interrupts our conversation to ask for our drink order. Tony orders us a bottle of red wine for us to split. Apparently we might get drunk tonight and I'm not opposed to that. The only concern I have is either and/or both us trying to take advantage of one another while intoxicated. As long as that doesn't happen, we're clear for take off. 

     The wine is a little bitter but it tastes good once I take a few sips of it. It has a tint of raspberry in it which enhances the flavor of it even more. As for the main courses, Tony orders shrimp scampi and I order a cheese ravioli platter. We both agreed on splitting half a NYC style cheesecake for dessert. We're just suckers for traditional desserts made within our own fine city.  

   I have to be honest about one thing though, I'm thrilled that the divorce between Tony and Pepper is finalized. Now I don't have to feel like as much as villain for pursing the man that I adore, the man that I...  I love. 

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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