Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Tony's POV

Time Skip... Two Weeks Later...


  These first two weeks officially dating Peter have been incredible, though we can't beat around the bush for much longer. The Avengers are catching onto us. It's time for us to come clean to everyone,  breaking the news of both the annulment and my relationship with Peter (which ties into my sexuality) once and for all. We're having a dinner tonight here at the Tower to make the announcement. Pepper is going out with Morgan to Dave and Busters for the evening. I gave them the money for it. Morgan hasn't been in nearly a year and the kid deserves to have a fun night out with her mother. 

      As the main Avengers along with a few special guests like T'Challa, Shuri, and Carol make their way into our dining room, my heart begins to race. My palms begin to sweat tremendously. Peter hesitates to reach out to comfort me right now. He doesn't want to give away our secret before we have to. Instead, he looks at me with a concerned expression and mouths "Everything is going to be okay." I sigh and nod, doing my best to compose myself before facing everyone. Peter and I share one last look before entering the dining room together but not hand in hand. I put on a facade for a few minutes to greet everyone. 

     "Thank you for coming everyone. I've gathered you all here to break some major news. It's a three part series so pay attention because I'm only going to say it once." Everyone takes a bite of their food but is listening intently for what I'm about to say. Peter's eyes are on me the entire time, causing me to sweat even more. I'm lucky that my hands and legs aren't trembling at this point. "The first bit of news is that Pepper and I had an annulment the other day in order to finalize our divorce." Everyone except Rhodey and Happy gasp because they already knew about this. I take a deep breath and continue. "The second bit of news is that I'm Bisexual. I'm on a new journey of discovering my sexuality... which leads me to my third and probably most shocking bit of news." 

       It's now that both my hands and my legs begin to tremble. "T-The third bit of news is that I'm dating s-someone new, someone that I've liked for a long time. H-He's helping my figure out my sexuality further." I motion with my eyes for Peter to stand up. Hesitantly he does and all eyes are on him... before they shift to me in realization. There isn't a jaw that isn't dropped in this room. Bruce of all people is the first one to speak, breaking the tension in the air that is quite thick. "Tony, you're dating Peter Parker? You left your wife, the woman you have a child with for a man that's young enough to be your son. Did you really think this through?" I can see tears forming in Peter's eyes and my heart aches. I need to prevent a dumpster fire from breaking out as quickly as possible. 

     "I absolutely did Bruce. I had an honest and raw conversation with Pepper last week about my lack of romantic feelings towards her, my romantic feelings for Peter, and my sexuality. We both agreed on having an annulment rather than a public divorce to protect each other and our daughter. We also had a talk with Morgan who handled it better than most children her age would. I didn't just decide to end my marriage on a whim. I ended my marriage because I fell hard for someone else and I needed to the freedom to see the potential our relationship would have together. Peter was all I thought about for the five years that half of the universe ceased to exist. Once I was reunited with him, I knew in that moment that there was more to my feelings for him." 

      T'Challa is the next to speak. "I think I speak on behalf of everyone here that while all of this news is certainly shocking, we commend you for being so candid with us. It takes a lot of courage to put your thoughts and feelings out on the line like you just have. Thank you Tony." I nod. "Thank you T'Challa. Any other questions, thoughts, concerns, etc?" No else apparently has anything to say which is both a good and bad thing. The rest of dinner is quite quiet. Peter and I are left alone to wash up the dishes and reflect on how dinner went. Let's be honest, it was an awkward shit show...

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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