Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Pepper's POV

 Peter is helping me out again today with a few errands (bless his heart). He seems to be a little run down so I'm trying not to go too rough on him but yet I need certain tasks completed. When he comes back from a coffee run for an important meeting we have this afternoon, he nearly drops the two trays of coffee. He looks down in embarrassment and mumbles under his breath. When he's out of the room, I hear a loud thud. I jump at the noise but am curious as to where it came from. I gasp when I realize that it's Peter lying face first on the floor outside of the conference room. 

    Panic rises in me and I rush to his head. I try several tricks to make him wake up and he doesn't. He's breathing but not nearly as much as he should. I immediately page Tony. He walks slowly at first but sprints when he sees the panic on my face. He bends down beside me on the floor. "What the hell happened Pep?" I look at him with confusion. "I-I have no idea. He's been exhausted since the moment he showed up to work and he just fainted out of the blue." I can see Tony becoming tense. "You didn't overwork him, did you?" "No Tony, I kept his task load light because I could tell that he was exhausted. He's breathing but has yet to wake up." Without uttering another word, Tony scoops him up bridal style into his arms and carries him most likely up to his bedroom. I sigh and hope that Peter wakes up soon. 

Tony's POV

 I carry my precious Peter upstairs to my bedroom. I got sick of everyone gawking at Peter but refusing to help him aside from Pep and I. I gently place him onto my bed and sit, patiently waiting for him to wake up. I look at him with concern and try to mull over what could have sent Peter into this state. Stress obviously... but what about? That's the question at hand...

Half an hour later...

 Peter's eyes slowly begin to open and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Peter, can you hear me?" He nods but groans a bit. "Does your head hurt love?" He nods again and rubs his head. I remove his hand and feel his head, noticing a bump there. I then rush to get an ice pack to place on the bump immediately. My poor baby. He's had a terrible day. After a few minutes of him tending to the bump on his head, I ask the question that I've been anxious to ask. "What's been stressing you out so much love?" He looks at me with anxiety on his face. "I don't know to be honest. I guess so much is happening for me at once and while it's exciting, it's also a little bit of overload. Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing. I think I need a vacation."

    I nod sympathetically. "I could use one too. Say, what about you and I go away for the weekend? Pep can watch Morgan because she's been itching to have a girls weekend with her. Would that put you at ease a bit?" He smiles softly. "That sounds nice. Yes, that does put me at ease. Thank you Tony." I wrap my arms around him and peck him on the lips gently. "We'll have a weekend up in the Hamptons. I know the perfect place to stay up there. A friend of Happy's owns it so we'll get a steep discount. It'll be amazing!" He sighs and collapses into my arms, not fainting but in a restful manner. I end up playing hooky for the rest of the day from work. I made sure to text Pepper about wanting to take care of Peter and she understood completely.  Bless Pepper Potts and her incredibly big heart. I'm grateful for her, always have been and always will be. Nothing will ever change that. 

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! I have some great news, my latest book is now available for purchase on Amazon. The links to purchase it are down below: 



-Mary :)

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