Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Peter's POV

 I love being coddled like this by Tony. I don't get coddled very often so on the rare occasion that I get to be, I cherish every second of it. It's not for pleasure reasons obviously (well mostly not for pleasure reasons). I fainted due to being under a high amount of stress. So much is happening to me right now in my life and while it's mainly positive events, too much of a good thing ends up being a bad thing (hence the fainting at work). I said that before and it's the truth. Tony is currently stroking my hair and it's soothing me beyond belief. I smile up at him and he smiles down at me with the most breathtaking smile. 

    When Tony smiles completely with his teeth showing, he looks absolutely radiant. The beauty oozes out of him even more than it already does. He's giving me one of those smiles right now and my heart is racing. "Tony, I love it when you smile like that." He blushes. "I love it when you make me smile like that. On a serious note though, I'm glad you're okay. Pep said you were barely breathing when she first found you. My mind automatically assumed the worst. You know like you had a brain aneurysm or a heart attack and died instantly." I gasp. "I-I wouldn't want to scare anyone like that." I hang my head. "I'm sorry if I scared you Tony."

       He gently cups my face and forces me to look straight into his eyes. "It's okay. You didn't scare me on purpose. You're way past those days. What matters now is that you're getting some rest and that you're okay. I'm sure that you'll be as good as new within a couple of days. The boss orders that you take tomorrow off from work and/or missions to rest more." I smirk at him. "Will the boss be joining me?" He wiggles his eyebrows and I chuckle. "Perhaps so." I lie back in bed and make myself comfortable leaning up against his chest. "Then I'll follow the bosses' orders willingly. I'm too tired to object it truthfully. I'm sure I'll be as good as new the day after tomorrow." 

         Tony nods and cuddles with me some more, peppering me with kisses all over my face and neck. Gah, I love it when he does this to me. It gives me chills in the best possible way. There are the good kind of chills and the bad kind of chills. Obviously Tony peppering me with kisses gives me the good kind of chills. I babble way too much. I wish I was able to get straight to the point most of the time but that's just not me. I think the world already knows that about me though. How everyone is able to put up with it though is beyond me. I soon fall asleep in Tony's arms and sleep soundly the rest of the night. I know Tony gets up a couple of times during the night to check on lab reports and/or use the bathroom. I miss the feeling of warmth from his body  against my body when he's not lying in bed with me. 

Tony's POV

I limit myself to getting up only twice during the night. Once to check on lab reports and once to use the bathroom. I try to hold in for as long as I can but my bladder can only hold it for so long. Now that I'm getting a bit older, I feel the urge to go the bathroom even more. I'm not dying anytime soon but the aging process does eventually catch up with a person. I'm so glad that I made the decision to keep Peter out of work tomorrow/today (since it's the middle of the night, almost sunrise). I'm going to tend to Peter today. Whatever he wants or needs, I'm going to make sure he gets it. I love that man so much. 

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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