Hello Everyone

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*time skip 2 years later*
+Somewhere unknown+

"Bill hurry up! We gotta go before the bus leave."

Bill laughed and ran up to the person shouting him to hurry up. "Don't worry, we'll catch the bus."


"No butts! Not nuts! No coconuts! Patience is a virtue as they say!" Bill exclaimed.

The person rolled his eyes. "New topic then. Why do I have to go to school?" The person asked.

"Because your still young and need education." Bill ruffles the teen's chocolate hair.

"Then why can't I be educated by you instead. You practically know everything." He challenged.

Bill chuckled into his gloved hand. "One, you'd be too distracted and two you'd rather play games with me rather than study." The blond stated as the teen huffed.

"Bus to Gravity Fall! Call for passengers to Gravity Falls!" Both of them heard a man call out by the bus stop.

"Seems that our bus made it here early. We're ahead of schedule, great!" Bill says with glee taking long strides as he walked.

The teen grabbed Bill's hand and pulled him towards the bus. "Let's go!"

"Alright PineTree."

They never know what came to them
How grateful they should be...

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

School for today just ended, 15 year old Mabel and her friends walking back to the Mystery Shack to hangout together.

"Mabel don't walk so fast!" Pacifica exclaimed, pushing some of her long blond hair back.

Grenda, Gideon, and Candy followed right behind her. Laughing along as they walked on.

"Mabel watch out!" Candy says seeing her friend about to bump into someone.

Mabel wasn't able to stop in time and sent herself and the person she bumped into onto the ground of the sidewalk.

This is a reunion right?

The person's hat fell off his head and rolled over to Gideon's feet.

Mabel instantly got to her feet and started apologizing to the person while holding her head. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you on purpose!" She rapidly says.

The person chuckled and slowly sat up rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay really. Are you okay? I noticed you bumped your head kinda hard."

"I'm fine really! It's just a little bump, and I'm one tough cookie to be able to get hurt." Mabel told him.

"Just try to be more careful next time, okay?"

She nodded and looked at the person in front of her.

The person in front of her is a teen himself like her. Chocolate brown hair with a few tips of his hair dyed yellow. He wore a white button up with black slacks and black shoes. Black leather gloves covered his hands. His eyes, mismatched color, his left eye a blue color while his right eye is brown.

"I haven't seen you around Gravity Falls before, are you a tourist?" She asked curiously.

Only one knows the other,
But the other is blind to see the real person

The brunet teen chuckled a bit. "I've been here before once, but I recently moved here with my boyfriend." He told her. "Ah! I haven't introduced myself yet." He stuck his hand out to Mabel. "My name's Dominic. I don't really have a family anymore so I share my boyfriend's last name, but I won't tell you what it is for the fun of it." He said playfully.

Mabel giggled at his attituded. "I'm Mabel Pines, nice to meet you Dominic." She shook hands with him.

Gideon decided to intervene. "I believe this is yours?" He held out Dominic's hat.

Dominic smiled and took the hat from Gideon. "Thanks um..."

"The name's Gideon Gleeful."

Dominic nodded. "Thanks Gideon." He placed the black top hat on his head smiling again.

"Oh and over there is three more of my friends. That's Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica!"

"Nice to meet you three too." Dominic said to them.

"Same here!" The three said at the same time.

Dominic turned his back to the. "We if you'll excuse me, I have a date to get to with my boyfriend. I'll see you guys around?"

Mabel grin widened, "Definitely!"

The brunet teen laughed as he walked away from their sight.

"Omg! Mabel! You two like, totally had a thing going on!" Grenda exclaimed to her friend.

Mabel blush. "No way Grenda. Plus you heard him, Dominic has a boyfriend. I can't break their love!" Clapping her hands together.

"Mabel has a point Grenda. That boy is sold to someone already." Candy says to her friend.

Pacifica had a hand to her chin. 'I have a feeling I've seen him before somewhere.' Pacifica thought pondering about it for a minute.

"Hey guys." Mabel asked in quiet tone. "Do you mind if we visit Dipper's grave today? I just feel like going right now."

The feeling of sadness,
Leads you to someone

Gideon patted her on the back. "Sure Mabel. We'll go with ya, right everyone?"

The rest nodded and they started heading to the graveyard. On the way they stopped by the flower shop to buy some flowers. Gideon bought a Hyacinth, Pacifica a Poppy, Candy a Yellow Rose, Grenda a Aster, and Mabel got a White Carnation. They greater the Valentino family on the way who sent them happy, but sad looks as they passed.

Upon getting close to Dipper's grave, they saw two figures standing in front of the tombstone with their backs facing them.

The group stood silently a little ways behind them.

"Forget Me Not flowers!" The one wearing a black tail coat exclaimed happily. He picked up the blue flowers in his hands.

"You know you can't take those right?" The one wearing a yellow tail coat asked.

The other nodded. "They are technically mine, but I'll leave them here. Just give me a second so I can fix these."

The yellow man hummed. "They even placed the hat and jacket here~ This hat sure brings back memories." The blond picked up the hat gently in his hands inspecting it.

"This goes here... And around here, done." The brunet placed the now made forget me not flower crown on the grave.

The blond placed the hat back on the tombstone. "We should get going PineTree. You start school tomorrow you know."

The brunet nodded. "Okay Bill."


Bill turned around and saw Mabel and her group of friends looking at him with shock and fear.

The brunet turned his head slightly to side glance at the group. Not fully revealing his face.

"Hello everyone." Bill greeted them with a playful smile.

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