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(I suggest listening to the music to this chapter)

+Weirdmageddon: Outside of the castle+

Bill and Dipper stood on the ground looking at the sky.

"Bill what?" Dipper says. He watched as the rip in the sky as it sucked the demons back into their dimension. Some complied while others struggled to stay on the ground, but eventually failing.

Bill is keeping himself grounded by holding tightly onto Dipper's shoulders. "I'm ending Weirdmageddon... I really love you PineTree and I don't want to lose you. Nor do I want you to be unhappy." He told Dipper in a calm tone.

Dipper looked at Bill confused. "But why? Knowing your personality you would've continued your plans."

Bill laughed at his idea. "As I said before PineTree, I'd do anything for you. Even if it means ending my plans to take this world as mine."

The brunet's issued kissed and hugged Bill tightly, the yellow demon going to his knees to hug at the same height. "Bill... Thank you so much." He said into the demon's ear.

The yellow demon smiled softly and hugged Dipper back.

"Dipper!" A familiar voice shouted out.

Said boy broke the hug to turn around to see who was calling him. He smile widened when he saw his sister and everyone else safe and sound.

They smiled back at him happily, but when they saw Bill they frowned at him.

"Dipper get away from Bill and come over here!" Ford shouted over to Dipper.

Dipper wanted to go over to them, but a part of him wanted to say next to Bill. He held Bill's hand in his own.

Bill looked down at the boy and kept smiling.


Dipper's smile on his face dropped, he started to cough. He saw Bill's face change to shock, his form trembling. He could feel warm liquid bleeding through his clothes. Dipper felt weak and tired.

The demon caught the weak Dipper in his arms, who was losing strength and lots of blood. He looked up along with the rest of the people on the ground with him.

A struggling demon holding a human weapon gun pointed at Dipper. Smoke flowing out of the nozzle. Out of fear of what it had just done, the demon flew away through the rip to escape.

"PineTree! PineTree!" Bill yelled turning back at Dipper. He placed his glove hand above the bleeding wound over Dipper's heart. "Stay awake PineTree! Please! I can't lose you again!"

Dipper weakly smiled at Bill. "Just kiss it... A-all better." The brunet said quietly, tears falling from his eyes. He laughed a little before coughing again.

"This all my fault." Bill said.

The boy shook his head. "It's not your fault love...You didn't k-know this would happen." He cupped Bill's cheek. "Just stay with me, until I fall asleep o-okay?"

"No!" Bill desperately tried to use his powers, but he was a little too late.

Dipper's vision was blurring out. "I-I can't see y-you Bill..." He said weakly. Dipper's time was up and he went limp in Bill's arms. "PineTree?! Wake up! Please... Don't leave me..." He cried. The demon brought back his hand from the bleeding wound. "Dipper..." Bill saw Dipper's soul and contained it from leaving him. Hiding it as a necklace around his neck.

The next few seconds passed as a blur to Bill.

The rip closed, sky returning to its normal blue color. The weirdness faded away, returning things back to normal. The town's people jumping onto Bill and ripping his PineTree away from him.

Mabel crying as she hugged her twin's dead body close. The two older twins placing a hand on her shoulders, not saying a word. The parents crying at the loss of their son.


Everything kept going.

The town's people had the demon down on his knees, head up looking blankly at Ford with tears streaming down his face. The man looked down at the demon with a cold look.

"Cipher, we're locking you down. You'll never see the light of day again." Ford stated and told the citizens to take him to the town's jail and put him in the deepest part of the prison.


Bill didn't fight their tugs and let them do away with him.

I'm not done with this game...

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

It had been 3 months since the events of Weirdmageddon. Everyone in the world had gotten better and fixed up the mess of the demon's party.

Bill sat on in his cell laying down, eye closed. Ford had placed trapping symbols around Bill's cell to keep him from escaping. Everyday Bill wouldn't say a word to anyone, not to the government, scientist, researchers, etc... Especially to the Pines Family. But he would often respond only in a specific language. Times he would often mutter things to himself in same language they did not know of too.

A funeral was held for Dipper. Everyone was there to attended, paying respects and saying sorries to the family. Mabel cried a lot, Stan was mad at himself, and Ford lost himself a great apprentice and nephew. Dipper's grave was decorated with his PineTree hat, a folded blue jacket, and some Forget Me Not flowers.

The Pines Family stayed together. Mabel and her parents moving into a newly built house in the area. The female twin started going to school in Gravity Falls. The parents started up a little cafe,that eventually expanded over time, naming it Little Dipper. The Stans, they made up with each other and lived together in the Shack. Stan bringing money to pay the taxes and other supplies. Ford continued studying the paranormal of the town, as well as helping the government with containing and researching Bill Cipher.


"Wmytavpt... P qthz czj zs xjjl." Bill mumbled to himself.

"T'as fcxuk jdb flrr, czj dsy'i ii sjtey, qbx..." He brought his hand up to brush his fingers against the small bottle holding his PineTree's soul.

"Jdb'pw ql ewxci zcji xdyi." He tightened his hold around the bottle.

The scientists and researchers heard his mumbling. Writing down things while observing his actions.

The necklace with the bottle around his neck caught their eyes.

For you, I'll do anything
Save you I must
Once I do, I'll never leave you again

(This is in Vigenere Cipher, try deciphering it ^^)
+Gravity Falls: Bill's Prison+

"You want me to retrieve the necklace around his neck? May I ask why?" Ford asked the scientist.

The group of scientists exchanged a few short glances.

"Apparently Cipher started mumbling again yesterday. This time he gripped the small glass bottle hanging around his neck. It seems to be some importance to him." One of the scientist told him.

Ford sighed rereading the observation notes he was handed. "Let's go to Bill's cell so I can have a look."

They headed down to the elevator to Bill's cell. The group went through the tough security: eye scanners, finger scans, all that unimportant stuff.

"What has he been doing since?" Ford asked them as they were going through the last door.

"He's been mumbling more things we can't understand. Deciphering the language he's using is really hard without references." Another scientist said to Ford.

The group made it to Bill's cell. Symbols around his cell to keep him from escaping. Inside the cell is a bed, table, and a book. Nothing more.

Bill laid on the bed muttering quietly to himself while the observing scientist took note of his actions. He didn't even acknowledge them coming into the room.

Ford went over to the controls and took a microphone. He turned it on, giving it a few taps to test the sound, then spoke. "Cipher."

Bill didn't respond to him.

Ford rolled his eyes. "Bill, answer me."

Bill complied this time and turned his head to look at Ford. "Dlli ks jdb alca Wtmlv?"

"Bill talk to me in English. I'm not gonna understand you if you talk like that." Ford says in an irritated voice.

The yellow demon sat up on his bed and ran a hand through his blond hair. He gave a sigh and stared at the old man. "What do you want Sixer?" Finally talking to them.

Gasps where hear behind Ford, those were the researcher in the room.

Ford managed to see the small bottle that the scientists were talking about. "Do you mind taking off your possessions such as your jewelry? The scientists wish to inspect them."

The blond took off his bracelets, a triangle earring, and a few necklaces, but left the one with the bottle on.

"Even the one still hanging around your neck Bill." Ford said.

Bill glared at him, his human form changing to a read color. "I'm not taking it off." He growled at them.

"Why not?"

"Its important, if you want it you'll have to fight me for it! Bring it ya stupid meatsacks!" Bill yelled at them ready for a good fight. 'There's no way your taking PineTree's soul away from me.' He thought.

I'll protect you

Ford looked back at the scientist. "Do you really need that necklace?"

The scientists nodded at him.

"Then whose gonna fight him for it?"

They pointed at Ford.

'These people are really tiring.' Ford thought. "Bill just give it to us."

"Never!" Bill exclaimed. "I've had enough of all of this! I'm leaving this place!" The yellow demon ripped a portal to the Mindscape.

"What?!" Everyone shouted at him.

Bill stuck his tongue out at them. "You should've canceled my powers when you had the chance Sixer! See ya whenever!" He stepped into the rip.

"Bill Cipher!!!"

But it was too late to stop him now. Bill disappeared in a flash.

Not to return until 2 years later.

Main Goal: Stop Bill and Close The Rift <Complete>
Mission: ...
Quest: ...
Question: ...
Goals: Find Bill_

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