Chapter 4

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Hyeri stared down at Jungkook on the table, her fists resting on the cool surface, still waiting for what he had to say. He finished eating his cookie and took his time wiping the crumbs off his mouth and fingers, barely making any noise.

"So...?" Hyeri asked impatiently. She just wanted to know how in the world she ended up talking to a friggin' fairy.

And how do they even exist?

Why does no one know about this?

Or does anyone?

Tired of asking the same questions to herself for over half an hour, she huffed and sat back to her chair, still eyeing the little creature for any response.

The fairy released a small sigh. "I'm actually a wizard."

She blinked twice. Taken aback, she asked: "What? Then are you not a fairy?"

"I am now, I just wonder for how long," he sighed, closing his eyes. She was confused and waited for him to continue.

"I am originally a wizard, and started practicing magic since I was young."

"Then...are you human?" Hyeri asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, I am. It-"

"Are there any more like you out there? If yes, then why does no one know about it?" She blurted out the questions she had been dying to ask.

"It is mainly supposed to be a secret. If the world knows about this, we would be searched in every corner and turn into experiments-"

"Wait, why do fairies or wizards even exist?" She did not let him take breaks; she was extremely curious and started to find the information interesting.

"Hm. To be honest, I don't even know myself, but I can say that our 'race' is rare and it would probably advance in the future." He released a long sigh, looking down at his clasped hands. "I was still learning, until I got kicked out of my family."

She widened her eyes and her lips parted in a silent gasp.

"I was a normal 17 year old human who practiced magic and studied like any other student, but I knew my mother did not like me," his lips were pressed together in a tight line as he recalled his recent memories. "If she was going to have kids, she wanted them to be girls. Of course, she was not happy when she had me.

I have 2 older sisters, they're twins. They have always wanted to talk and spend time with me, I wanted to as well, but we couldn't because of our mother. She had always kept us apart from each other." The atmosphere turned gloomy as Jungkook's sad memories filled the space around them.

"I have decided to run away one day," he resumed after a long silence. "I was not scared, as I knew tricks to help me escape. But my mother is a very strong witch, she caught me in the middle of my journey, and as punishment, she trapped me in an egg and threw me somewhere, anywhere, in the world. And as you now know, trapping me in an egg was not the only punishment," he said looking back at his wings. "I am now a tiny fairy."

Hyeri was speechless. She was thirsty for explanations, but that was too much information to take in. She gulped and tried to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Ah..." She thoughtfully scratched the side of her head, still drinking in the the information from earlier. Jungkook looked up at her, not really expecting her to understand his situation.

"Isn't there...some kind of spell or cure to turn you back into a human?" Hyeri asked. All this reminded her of the fiction books and supernatural shows she had read and watched, always dreaming about them happening in real life, but she never thought they would really happen. And she did not know how to react.

"Spell...I'm not sure if there really is a spell that turns you back from one species to another, there probably is one, but very complicated," he roamed his eyes around the kitchen. "But I don't know about a cure..."

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