Chapter 7

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Hyeri swiftly turned around, expecting the worst.

And it turned out to be the worst, indeed.

Her eyes met the neutral looking ones of a middle aged woman, the school's headmistress, miss Myo. Fear was painted all over Hyeri's face, but it was slowly fading away as she looked closely at the teacher's face, who did not look scared at all. Rather, she looked annoyed.

"What are you doing here, Hyeri?" Her dark hair was pulled up in a neat bun, a chunk of dark hair falling at the front, caressing her cheekbone. She wore a black shirt along with a dark pencil skirt, and the insanely bright red heels framing her feet made Hyeri want to make a disgusted face. Other than that, her clothing was enough to tell the world about her organized choices.

"Hyeri?" The wrinkles on her forehead deepened, warning Hyeri that she would not like it if she gets angered.

"Ah...uhm...I was looking for my art book," Hyeri looked away, trying her best not to make the lie sound obvious.

"Really? Who were you talking to a while ago?" The headmistress pressed, not highly convinced by the light blush appearing on Hyeri's cheeks.

"Oh...I was talking to my mum on the phone, I asked her to check if I left the book at home since I can't find it here," she felt her heart sink deeper in her stomach as she continued lying.

" know you're not allowed to use phones at school, but I'll let you off this time," with the annoyed expression still plastered on her face, she added: "Now please leave, I need to lock this room before going off to my meeting."

Did she not see Jungkook?

Hyeri grabbed her schoolbag and jogged out of the classroom, her feet taking her to the empty washroom. Her heart was beating really fast and she wiped a sweat off her left cheek. Jungkook poked through her blazer pocket and popped out of it, facing her with a serious expression. Then it turned into a cheeky smile.

"I would love coming to school with you everyday!"

"Shut up, I don't want to get in trouble often because of you," she tried to grab him, but he dodged and started flying nonchalantly around the washroom, smiling at his reflection on the mirrors.

"Ohh...who's that cute little creature?" He pointed at the mirrors, grinning at her. "Doesn't he look extremely adorable?"

"Shhh!! Hide in the pocket before anyone sees you!" She motioned him in her pocket, looking back at the doorway.

"I'm too cute for you to leave me~," he teased, not even thinking about hiding.

"Yes, you are, now come back here!" She admitted and frantically pushed him inside her pocket, hearing footsteps coming closer.

"Oh Hyeri, hello," Lisa appeared on the doorway, smiling as she sees her. "I've heard you talking just now...isn't anyone here?" She looked around for a presence.

"Nah, you must have imagined it," Hyeri fakely assured her as she went to the basin to wash her hands. She then realized that she'd have to lie many times from then on, for their and Jungkook's sake. And her sake.

"Do I look OK? I wonder what Mingyu thinks of me..." Lisa started muttering about the boy again. "You know, I've started talking to him more, though I stutter a lot..." She awkwardly laughed at the words. Hyeri smiled and just listened, not knowing what to say in the first place.

Hyeri liked staying quiet; she didn't have many friends, which she didn't mind; having Lisa with her was more than enough. Now that a little wizard-fairy broke into her peaceful life, wanting none other than turning back to human, what was she going to do?

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