Chapter 8

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The wind gusted forcefully around the small neighbourhood, making trees to become balder by the hour and the few people outside to rush inside their beloved houses. It was a cold afternoon, the dull, miserable sky promising a rainy night.

Hyeri softly sighed, lying lazily on her bed and looking out the window with tired eyes. She was extremely glad to be at home after long, exhausting hours of school, and all she wanted to do was to take a peaceful nap.

Jungkook was on her laptop. She found it very weird and funny to see such a small creature using a laptop, researching god damn fairy pictures by flying above each key. He let out a frustrated groan, which Hyeri thought didn't sound like a groan at all because of the cute voice of his, after a few angry clicks on some websites.

"It is so hard to use a laptop at this state!" He said, exasperated, glaring at the bright screen that stood nice and huge in front of him.

"Just give up. It's useless if you search up fairy stuff, they will give you different information from others and they're fake," she said looking up at the ceiling with half opened eyes, interally fighting with her mental state that wanted sleep.

"But doing something is better than doing nothing," the fairy retorted, not looking at her. "I need to know what this body can do and can't do."

Lazily, Hyeri turned her head sideways, her eyes landing on the minute body flying above the laptop keyboard. She started blinking continuously, still thinking she was stuck in a long dream, desperate to wake up and say that nothing has happened and everything is back to normal.

She felt heavy and confused, still trying to drill the fact of the existence of fictional creatures inside her head. Ironic, how she never wanted to be in the same situation as the main leads in those traumatic dramas and shows, yet she ended up being one herself.

Her eyes lingered on the fairy for a few more seconds before she silently fell asleep.


She opened her eyes and found herself sitting on a chair in the middle of a room. She made attempts to move, but couldn't.

Frozen. Empty. Clueless.

It was dark, the only source of light was a small window at the back of the room.
Her ears picked up a small sound from behind her. Again, she failed after another useless attempt to move. She sat motionless, feeling like a statue, her limp arms layed neatly on her lap.

Her eyes darted around in search for any shadow of the person behind her, finding none.
As if on cue, the person moved again. Stepping closer to her, they still didn't reveal their identity. Tension around them increased as they started blindfolding her. Unable to do anything, she waited.

She heard more shuffling, and a cold whisper next to her left ear.

"I will take that wizard away from you, and I will destroy him for the sake not only of this world, but him, too."


She woke up with a loud gasp, feeling like she had been unconscious for a long time. The moonlight sofly shone her room, as if greeting her, and suddenly she felt very thirsty.

She jumped out of her bed and quietly tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen.
She gulped down the water as if she didn't drink for days, and felt a wave of satisfaction and relaxation after emptying the glass.

She went back upstairs after she was done, thinking about the unpleasant dream she had earlier. Cliché, she had thought, but quite frightening, if she thought harder. The worn out voice she had heard sounded very familiar to her, although she couldn't catch on to who it really belonged to.

A definitely sounded like a woman.

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