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Xur's POV

The screams and growls, the clicks of their teeth and claws were becoming louder. They prowled behind him, unseen but still making their presence known. Again as Kaida brought the water to him it looked crimson and for a second he drew back before realizing that wasn't what she was offering him; it was just water. Closing his eyes so he didn't have to look at it, Xur swallowed it down in a thirsty manner. The cool liquid felt good down his burning throat and along his insides but all too soon there wasn't anymore in the cup and she didn't offer another.

Opening his eyes once more, Xur looked up at her as she drug the wet cloth over his body to fight the sweating; to try to keep his body from over heating. It was hard though as she blurred and the world swayed in his vision. Another scream nearby startled him, making him look over to find the monster prowling closer. Black saliva dripped from its parted jaws and its blood stained claws scraped the stone floor. It lunged forward and his whole body tensed as he tried to jerk away and closed his eyes, but nothing happened. Slowly he opened them again to find nothing there but Kaida and she was mixing a poultice.

When she applied the concoction it burned worse than the poison. Xur gritted his wolf sharpened teeth and let out a low growl but it soon quieted as the burning released its grip and eased the pain instead. Afterwards he found his breathing to be shallow and harsh; a wheeze coming from his chest. This was it, his body was starting to shut down. Looking up at Kaida while she spoke, he tried his best to follow along with what she said and for the most part he did. Sometimes though her form would blur and his eyes would threaten to roll up in his head. But Xur would fight and refocus his attention on her, no longer hearing the sounds of the beasts as she talked to him.

When morning came and the sun started to peak over the horizon, Xur glanced over towards it. The light hurt his eyes, but he welcomed the pain knowing it meant he was still alive. The wheezing, rattling sound had become far worse in his chest though and the rest of his body ached as more organs slowly quit working but still fought too. She had kept him alive much longer than he ever should have been, but it seemed in the end it wouldn't matter.

Looking over to her as she got dressed, Xur realized that she had been telling the truth all along and he was too stupid to realize that until now. Kaida wasn't a threat, not to anyone but maybe herself. Xur opened his mouth, his dry lips peeling apart as he tried to say something but failed. Darkness began to sweep over his vision and he tried to blink it away only to find his eyelids wouldn't open. A dense fog clouded his mind, stopping all thoughts before finally Xur took his last shuttering breath and lay still.

Kaida's POV

Upon hearing his last breath she turned and rushed to his side. Her beast pushed her to the back of her mind as she shifted into her raptor form. Shredded deer skin fell onto the rocky floor bottom as her white raptor appeared. Clawed hand pulled back the the doe skin blanket exposing just his upper body. Her raptor head lowers as teeth flash biting into the soft flesh of his shoulder marking him as her mate. Pain enters the raptors body as she pushes the human back so nothing could be felt by her. The beast pushes past the pain of her mates death and begins pushing her energy into her mates body. Giving him her strength, her energy, her life force if anyone deserved to live it was him. He had a family to protect a pack to lead she had no one but him and without him she was nothing.

She could feel death pushing back onto her and she pushed back slowly pushing it out of her way. Reaching out to Xur trying to pull him back from the depths of darkness. She called out to him trying to reason with him his purpose for living and giving him a reason to fight for life. She was the reason he was dying and she was going to pay that price to bring him back. Even if it meant giving him her life in exchange. She was willing too.

Kaida continues to fight for him as her energy pours into his body. Her teeth never leaving his shoulder as the contact made their bond stronger. Her knees began to shake as her vision blurs yet she remain in contact with him. Her raptor arms hung loosely at her side as she didn't have the strength to hold them erect any longer. Giving every bit of energy she had before releasing her grip and collapsing at his side.

Her breathing came in short gasps her vision threatening to darken as she fought to stay awake. Hoping praying that he would awaken before she let darkness consume her. The sun outside the cave had risen higher and yet the forest was quite. Her head fell from the bed of blankets and unto the caves hard floor and yet the impact remained unfelt. She slowly lost herself into the sea of darkness. Her heart rate slowed tremendously as her breathing shallowed.

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