Xur's Sickness Continued

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Xur's POV

When she grabbed him the few pack members that had been following that hadn't went to kill the bipedal froze; looking among themselves unsure of what to do. She hadn't hurt him or more blood would have been scented and the Alpha's command had been to accept. They decided just to follow but even that path became too treacherous and they were forced to turn back and hope that the raptor did not kill their leader.

Xur did not fight her grasp as she picked him up and hung like a limp pup from her jaws. His eyes closed, not caring where she took him and didn't bother to see the path she followed. Fire was starting to burn through his body and he felt nausea start to twist his gut. A foamy froth began to fleck his muzzle and drip from his maw as if he were rabid and when she laid him down in the soft bed, Xur finally opened his eyes.

Monsters surrounded him; their pointed razor sharp teeth bared to shred his flesh. Their growls and wicked screams filled his ears, the beat of their bat like wings as they swooped down towards him and their talon hands grasp for him. Xur's eyes widened in panick and he tried to get up to get away but his body was weak, burning with fever and poison that was now eating at his mind. A ferocious growl escaped him as he tried to warn off the beasts but they only mocked the sound and their growls echoed back, more gruesome sounding than he had ever heard before.

Something touch him and he glanced over to see a contorted monster at his side, a cup of crimson that she poured on his side. Was she seasoning him with another's blood before consuming him? Xur tried to make his paws work and his claws scrapped at the bed but his efforts were hopeless. He could not get away no matter how hard he tried. Xur hadn't even realized that she had put the liquid into his muzzle before she ever touched his side.

But that voice, it reached him even in the darkness of terror and pain. Looking back up, his eyes had started to be rimmed in white with a wild look of panic about them. But a flash of recognition came to them now. It was Kaida not a monster at his side; the poison had contorted her into something she wasn't and it was water she put on him not blood. What did she think water could do against wolfs bane? It was a valiant effort but a hopeless one. But the alpha also didn't know just what those waters contained. And her offer; to become full mates and to wear each others mark so that she could give him stretch. Another valiant effort the alpha thought wouldn't work. She would only suffer from his pain and fear while flashes of these creatures would fill her head. At least she would only get glimpses and not see them as he did.

A whine escaped Xur, the sound of claws scraping against stone making him look away as a creature prowled closer. The wolf snarled at the beast that did not exist and it only snickered a hiss in taunting. Looking back up to Kaida, Xur shifted. It was hard and it took up more strength than he had thought leaving him even more weak and balancing on a thin line that could easily topple over into unconsciousness. On his shoulder where the arrow had struck the skin was so dark purple it looked black; it spread into a large circle and from there veins that ran up his neck, down his arm and across his chest had darkened to the purple from the poison that crawled through him. Sweat covered him and rolled off of his burning flesh but his eyes again managed to find her despite the torment of everything else that surrounded him. "You'll suffer this" he warned, his voice hoarse and threatening to not work altogether. But his teeth were still sharp and the wolf flashed in his eyes as he held onto some of his qualities.

Kaida's POV

"No I won't Xur I'm only to mark you so that you will gain my strength. When you make it through this you can mark me if you wish. It is up to you though. The water seems to be helping already as you've recognized me through the illusions. " she spoke with great hope. She stood and walked over to the trickling water filling the cup with the water again. Bringing it to him and placing it to his mouth for him to drink.

Once she finished giving him the water she dampened the cloth bathing his body. She observed the injury and needed to come up with something to draw the poison from it. She stood and gathered some of her herbs from her medicine bag. Crushing them under a stone and adding some of the water to it. Grinding them into a paste she applied it generously onto it. She sat down beside him as she waited for things to change for him.

She knew she had to keep him awake though so she thought about telling him her beginning story. Her mind drifted as she went through so many memories. "When I was born I was thrown from the nest by my mother. She snarled viciously at me causing me to cower away in fear." she said as she continues to bath his body with the damp cloth. "I barely survived as I hid away from everyone cowering away and hiding in very small dens eating insects and small fish. It took awhile but I grew getting faster, smarter taking down larger prey." she explained looking down at him making sure he stayed awake.

"When I turned 20 is when I found this cave and discovered its secrets. Had to run off a few of the flying dinosaurs though before I could claim it. It didn't take long as they were stupid animals unlike me being a shifter. Though when I discovered that I could shift I never did it because it was so dangerous. I soon realized that no matter how long I lived I never seemed to grow any older. I watched so many dinosaurs hatch grow old and die."

"Then it happened the asteroid that struck the earth and destroyed every living thing in its path. A fire unlike any other burned the land. I hid deep within my cave when I felt the ground shake so violently. Everything that was under ground and didn't drown when the tidlewave came across the planets surface survived. Only to endure the harshest longest winter ever. I survived only because of this water." she explained as she watched the sun begin to rise. The harsh sweating had began to leave his body. Gently she covered him in a soft Doe skin blanket.

"If I ever quit drinking it I will slowly begin to age as I was always meant too. My best estimate I'm 67 million years old living in a body that is 21. I have never been in love or lived with anyone else because of my differences. I never understood the reason why I never made myself quit drinking the water and join my fellow dinosaurs. But now I know I was meant to meet you and live the life I was always meant to have. If you don't make it I no longer have a reason for staying alive." she said. She placed a soft kiss on his temple before pulling the blanket over his shoulder. She stood up and stretched her stiff muscles before walking over and pulling a dress over her head. She didn't care about modesty but the cool morning air that had begun to fill the cave with it breath.

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