Settling In

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When they had split ways; Xur's pace had changed from a trot to a run. His tail streamed out behind him, his ears flat to his head and he enjoyed how the wind ruffled his fur. The adrenaline that pumped through his veins gave him the strength to keep running even when he felt like his lungs were about to burst. Finally, the dark male came to a stop when the mansion peeked through the trees up ahead. Xur wasn't close enough for the pack to have noticed him yet, but the male could spot movement around the structure as light colored wolves reflected with the moon's caress.

Slowly Xur began to walk now, his head up and ears forward to take in the surroundings that lay around the mansion. It would be the most walked upon part of the territory and soon the grass would be gone and all that would remain were paw prints in the dirt. Though the trees were thick and would give excellent cover for those that would patrol the grounds and make sure nothing intruded upon them while everyone else slept. Xur believed it could not seem anymore perfect for his pack and wondered if this was all too good to be true? The dark colored wolf shook its head to try to clear his thoughts away and to simply enjoy the view as he walked back to his pack.

Upon reaching the mansion, a few of the wolves that prowled around gave greetings but otherwise left their Alpha alone as he ventured over towards the door that had been left ajar. Using his nose, the wolf nudged open the door and stood there as he took in what would be his home. Dust covered everything and it seemed to have a gloomy feel to it after being abandoned for so long. But the long sweeping staircase that came down along to his right and the large marble flooring gave the wolf a sense of elegance that would return with the simple care of maintenance.

Stepping away from the entrance, Xur moved further inside the mansion. He could hear the voices of others echoing faintly around him in all parts of the structure but he didn't follow any one in particular. Going over to the stairs, the Alpha climbed them to the very top of the third floor where he walked along, pausing to glance in doorways of bedrooms, bathrooms, studies and entertainment rooms. Every so often, he would spot a pack member inside settling into the room they claimed or simply being nosy and having a look around. But as Xur walked along further down a hallway that held no doors, he came to one large entrance of double doors. The wolf was unable to open them, so the man finally surfaced and took control.

Standing now, the doors did not look so large but they were still much bigger than the others of the mansion except for the front doors. He wondered what might be inside and slowly reached out and took the handle, pulling it open with a puff of dust. It was dark; almost too dark to see what lie inside. The man's eyes flashed the wolfish color, lending him the sight of the beast to see what danger might lurk inside. Nothing; he sensed no dangers and so he stepped inside and began to prowl around. He could make out the shadows of furniture here and there in the large area until finally he came to a window. Fingers taking hold of the drapes, Xur yanked them open and the silvery light of the moon streamed in.

Turning, Xur could see a massive bed with four pillars on each corner that were attached by a rod where more curtains hung. The Alpha liked that, to feel tucked away and secure by the feeling a canopy bed would give. He also noticed a large dresser on the other side of the bed from himself that had a mirror. Too much dust covered the glass for him to see his reflection, but he already knew the glow of the wolf would be in his eyes. Moving away from the window, Xur walked over to the double doors that were on the side of the bed that he was already standing. Pushing them open, a large closet the size of a full bedroom lay before him. Already the bedroom was large; enough for a couch like the two that were in it and the other furniture he had already seen, but he didn't understand such a large closet. Regardless, it was there and slowly he closed the doors back.

Noticing another door; and also the last, Xur went over and opened it. The marble flooring glistened with a dull shine from the light of the moon flooding in and he saw it was a very large bathroom. The vanity was long with two sinks and a solid mirror that went the length of the counter. Then there was bathtub; it was big enough for three of his largest burliest members to fit in together. Xur couldn't help a small smirk that played across his features, his wolf reminding him of the female it wanted to claim as its mate in the river. The man shook his head, trying to clear the thought away before closing the door back.

"Alpha" someone said behind him, the tone deep of a male. Turning his head to glance over his shoulder, Xur saw his Beta standing there with a fold of clothes in his hands. "Quill, I suspect everything has went smoothly?" Xur asked as he walked over to the male who adverted his eyes respectfully while his Alpha took the clothes and put them on. "Yes, everyone has settled in nicely. Most all of the members have selected their rooms and wait till morning to begin cleaning and repairing" The beta reported which earned a grunt from Xur of acknowledgement. Walking back over to the window, Xur peered outside as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Then I will see you in the morning" he dismissed and Quill quietly left the room and his Alpha for the night.

~ + ~ + ~

When morning came, it found Xur sleeping on the bed. He had stripped the sheets away so that he lay on the mattress; his body sprawled as if he had just flung himself on it and passed out which is basically what he had done. Xur had left the drapes pushed back and so the sunlight now filtered across his face, disturbing the Alpha from his sleep to make him grunt curses upon his breath and move his arm to lay across his eyes. But he did not find reprieve enough to sleep any longer as the sounds of the pack stirring woke him to the point of not going back to sleep.

Still grumbling inaudible things, Xur got up from the bed and stretched. He rain his fingers through his hair to lay it down, not wanting it to be sticking up in every direction as he left the bedroom behind to go downstairs. The mansion had came to life since he had walked through the first time and already this early in the day it looked much better. It was mostly females that were working inside, dusting and cleaning away the grim that had collected over time. Xur ventured passed them and outside, pausing to glance around.

He could already see the difference the pack was making on the outside too. They had stripped away any vegetation that was unwanted around their home, leaving just the vines growing up along the walls. The brutes had also begun to remove any broken stone or wood on the outside, cutting down a tree and using the timber to make the repairs.

"Quill" Xur called when he saw his beta walk around the corner of the house, his hands empty as he had finished whatever he was doing. "Yes, Alpha?" Quill answered as he walked over to stand before Xur. "Gather three other wolves, we are going to mark our borders" Xur said. Quill gave a nod and turned away, beckoning three wolves he deemed worthy; Gavin, Crow and Myth. Each held the medium build that would make for faster travel but enough strength in case they found trouble. "Alright, lets go" Xur said and walked off towards the trees. The four wolves followed; though Quill walked more at Xur's side. Silence lingered between them; no one speaking as they took their clothes off and laid them across a tree limb so not to tear them during the shift.

Once each was in their wolf form, Xur set off in a fast trot and again Quill fell in step beside him while the others traveled behind. At first the wolf fought for control, wanting to seek out its mate that was too far away and to gather her into the protection of the pack. The human side pushed the beast down and reigned in control, demanding he stay on course and mark the borders. The terrain was easy enough travel in the direction he picked with only gentle slopes and a few small streams to cross; Xur even crossed a large open meadow once where the grass was taller than his back. When he finally deemed he had gone far enough, Xur placed the first marker.

The day went by quickly and without incident. The only thing that troubled the alpha somewhat was the scent of a bear; but it was stale and at least a week old. When the patrol finally returned home the sun was beginning to set; having fallen passed the trees there was only a faint glow of its presence left. Xur paused some distance away from the mansion; his eyes studying it a moment before he glanced to Quill. The Alpha gave a low growl, demanding he be left alone before he turned away and took off along the scent trail he had left last night.

Despite all of the traveling he had done that day, the wolf still found the energy to return to his mate. The human side finally released its hold, letting the wolf take over since it was only the beast that wanted the creature that posed a threat. The wolf happily took hold and once he reached outside of the territory where they had split off, Xur raised his muzzle and let out a beckoning howl.

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