The Shift

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Xur's POV

Disappointment was far from the beast's mind. His predatory gaze watched her as if she was some sort of sheep ready to be pounced. Slowly he prowled closer to the water, stopping along the edge. He wasn't sure if she was some sort of siren of if this was the moment; the true moment when his life was no longer his own. It felt a lot like the elders had told him about and at this realization a deep growl rumbled from his chest; a mixture of anger and excitement.

Both man and beast had different ideas on what was now supposed to happen. The wolf wanted to wade the rest of the way into the water and claim what was rightfully his but the man wanted to reject; to take control back over his life. There were too many things at stake for this to be happening. *but its the perfect time. An alpha female secures our hold* the wolf argued. Suddenly the man pushed forward and shifted into his own human form. He was tall with tan skin and raven black hair. His eyes were a greyish blue and he stood well over six foot. He was built at a medium between lean and bulky; carrying enough muscle in his broad shoulders for power but not too heavy to slow him down.

"Who are you?" he growled out in a deep powerful voice.

"I should ask you the same question since your pack and yourself are trespassing on my territory!" she snarled at me. Turning around facing me ready for a fight.

She dared to push back; her tone speaking bravery against such an alpha as he. The wolf was happy at such quality knowing it would make for a worthy mate and Luna but the human thought different; thinking she would question against his every move within the pack which would make his new found leadership even harder. Xur would not have that, but the wolf stopped the man from doing anything irrational with his anger. And it was supposed to be the beast who was thoughtless and just an animal.

"I shall not be intimidated" he said, his lip twitching in a wolfish way as if he wanted to bare fangs. After a shift his mind still had a hard time telling which body it was in; should he not be experienced then he most likely would have bared his white blunt human teeth. Xur's words were also a two edged sword. They were meant exactly as he said them; but it also meant he wasn't going anywhere.Her territory or not, the pack had liked the mansion as their home and would fight for it. Xur would not fail at giving them the home they wanted.

"I'm not trying to intimidate you. Just merely trying to defend my territory which I have held for 85 million years. I was a push over once and it landed me alone and packless as now my kind lay extinct. I have every right to defend what belongs to me." she explained to me. Her stance softened as she stood there. Her next words shocked me, "Go ahead and take it I'm too tired to fight anymore."

Her submission, her words; take it. It caused a growl to rumble in his chest but with a whole new meaning. He was sure she wouldn't be able to tell the difference since she was not wolf but slowly he prowled forward. Xur stepped into the water but his gaze never left hers, the unshed tears showing just how broken she truly was. The wolf didnt like that; he would fix that. Anger still swirled in his eyes but as he reached her, Xur didn't attack her. Not in the sense that she thought he would.

Reaching forward, Xur wrapped one powerful arm around her lower back and tugged her to be flush with his body. He let another growl rumble low in his chest as his other hand wound its fingers around the back of her neck and up into the hair on the back of her head. Lowering his head to her, Xur pressed a kiss to her lips. It wasn't meant to be tender and held dominance just as his every movement did.

He felt her submission as she kissed him in return which pleased him further. It wasn't that he wanted her weak; she needed to stand strong if she were to lead a pack. But Xur didn't want her to rival his leadership in any way and would feel threatened should she not be submissive to him. Complicated as that was, Xur felt an overwhelming urge to claim as he held her close. The beast demanded that she be his; no matter what beast lay beneath her beautiful skin. It had never caught a scent like hers before and it was curious to the creature she houses within.

The human was able to hold off from claiming her; deciding he would wait to see her shift first. But that didn't mean he couldn't claim her in other ways. Removing his hand from her hair, he let it travel down along her side; calloused fingers enjoying the feeling of the soft feminine flesh until he found her thigh. Cupping her leg, he pulled her up so that she could wrap her legs around his waste while his other arm remained around her back.

She whispered her name in a soft gasp of pleasure, "Kaida."

Kaida; the beast enjoyed the sound of her name. In fact, it seemed to be enjoying every bit of this. It caused a growl of excitement to escape him as she pulled at his hair and her hand wandered the flesh of his back. He captured her lips with his own once more; her taste filling his senses to the point of near overload. He only pulled away enough for his lips to work their way down along her neck to her shoulder. Against his will his teeth lengthed slightly as that would be his claiming spot.

"Xur" he said; his voice sounding more lupine than human as his hot breath feathered across her flesh. He was determined not to claim her in that way just yet but it was proving more difficult than he thought.

It was clear to Xur that he would have no problem in doing either to the willing woman. He would have to be brain dead to miss all the cues she was giving him. Turning, he carried her to the bank of the river and gently laid her back on the ground. For a moment he just stayed over her; taking in every bit of her and burning the memory to his brain for life. Even if he didn't accept her; even if she didn't accept him, Xur knew he would never feel this way again in his life. He would enjoy it; at least for tonight.

Lowering himself down, her parted her legs with his knee while he used one hand to hold himself off of her and the other to grasp at her breast. He massaged the flesh before lowering his head to her other breast and licking the nipple. He flicked it a few more times with his tongue before taking the whole nibble in his mouth and sucking on it as his sharpened teeth grazed the delicate flesh.

Her next words stopped him cold. "Albino Achillobator Raptor," she moaned out in pleasure. Her heart beat raced as she waited for my response.

A what? He pulled away from her breast so that he could look down at her face. *she is a freak; a threat* the human side thought while the wolf growled fiercely. *our mate is not a freak* it defended angrily. *she is a treasure; our other half. She will only make us stronger!* The wolf wanted to claim her anyways; to chase away Kaida's fears of rejection and please her in everyway he physically could. The human side wanted to lock her up and sell her to the highest bidder. The money would do the pack good; settle them in well and establish them.

All the while this raced through his mind; Xur just stared down at her. The war within his mind only lasted a few heart beats but he swore that it was a life time. Suddenly, his eyes flashed the amber of his wolf before he closed them, a groan escaping him as the wolf pushed forward. Moving away from her, the man became beast within moments. The wolf had not liked the man's way of thinking and had fully taken over. The beast was not scared of his mate and he would prove to the man that he was right. Xur looked over to Kaida as he waited for her to do the same and shift to her raptor.

The wolf had taken a step closer as he wanted to comfort his mate; to ease her sense of rejection that caused her so much pain. But before he could, she shifted and he pinned his ears at her continued cries of pain. His amber eyes watched as she took off, not bothering to try and stop her since it was obvious he couldn't. *threat* the human thought but the wolf met that with a nasty snarl.

With the scent so fresh he was able to track her with ease. The wolf made no effort to hide himself as he ran through the trees; ears and eyes trained forward. After some time his breath became heavy, his tongue lolling out as he panted for breath but the beast did not stop or slow until he finally found the raptor. Her white skin looked so pale beneath the light of the moon; like a goddess from an old story the elders use to share. The human had fallen quiet in the beasts mind now, waiting to see if the wolf was right or not as he approached the raptor.

The wolf walked a few circles around her, taking in every detail that he could with her laying down. Finally upon the third circle, he walked up to her from her right shoulder. Softly he brushed his cheek against her shoulder, his pink tongue giving a few tender licks to her odd feeling flesh. Turning, he pressed his side against her as he reached forward and licked a few tears away. He did not mind the claws that could have easily shredded him or her teeth that he supposed could snap him in half. The wolf had blind faith in her; not seeing their differences but only seeing her as mate.

The man inside was still quiet; almost nonexistent. The wolf had repressed him strongely so all that showed in his amber eyes was love; such a raw emotion that could only really be seen from an animal. The human had also stopped fighting because he was simply watching; seeing if she was a threat or not. At this point he hoped the wolf was right and she didn't kill them from the wolf's mistake.

The wolf watched as she rolled over onto her side, his eyes glancing over the exposed flesh before he moved. Instead of walking around, he hopped over her middle so that he was at her back. Laying down, he pressed his back to hers as he let his gaze look around at the scenery with his ears trained forward intently. The only sound made in the darkness of night was a few crickets, but even they sounded hushed and subdued.

Shifting his body around, the male gave a low whinish growl as he looked towards her face. He wanted to return to his pack but he wasn't sure the reaction the other wolves would have. With no warning and the unease of a new territory; they would see her more of a threat than his human side did. He knew the pack would try to kill her; there was too great of a number to have a different outcome. He didn't want to see his pack hurt nor lose the thing that the wolf had been searching for since maturity. Getting up he paced around some before trotting off a little ways but then pausing to see if she would follow or not.

Kaida's POV

"Who are you?" his deep angry voice cut through the forest like a sharp blade.

Kaida flinched at his powerful angry tone. Her body trembled at his powerful gaze. She didn't understand why he was so angry with her. Yet her hard heart began to surface as so many years of rejection and war had made her. "I need to ask you the same question as your pack and yourself are trespassing on my territory!?" she snarled as she turned to face him her white hair covered her breast but nothing else. She readied herself for a shift if he decided to attack her. She could see that the man didn't want her as it read across his features. His angry gaze seemed to pierce into her soul.

Yet her beast growl at her angrily as she defended herself. The beast wanted to claim him but it didn't like the fact he was angry with her. His body gleamed in the moon light with a light coat of sweat from his travels. He was glorious and powerful and she felt her heart hammering in her chest at the thoughts that came to mind.

"I shall not be intimidated, " he growled with bare fangs.

Violet eyes glistened in the moonlight as she said through gritted sharp teeth. "I'm not trying to intimidate you. Just merely trying to defend my territory which I have held for 85 million years. I was a push over once and it landed me alone and packless as now my kind lay extinct. I have every right to defend what belongs to me." she explained. Her stance soften a bit as loneliness creeped in maybe death would be the answer. The only one she would allow the right to kill her stood before her. Her head moved down as she looked at her feet. Her beast growled at her angrily as she thought of him killing her.

She was tired of being alone and sometimes she even wished for death. But her beast would never allow it. But in turned she feared death of what the unknown held for her afterwards. That's why she never stopped drinking the cave water. She turned back towards him as she glances into his eyes with unshed tears. Her guard was down as she submitted to him. Her cold heart shattered into a million pieces in his presence as the fight left her. "Go ahead and take it I'm too tired to fight anymore." she said.

Kaida looked up just as he was a breath away. Her body tensed as she waited his reaction. His eyes held so much anger. Why? She didn't know. She gave him what he wanted her territory wasnt that enough? She asked herself. Standing in front of her was her whole reason she had not stopped drinking the water and not killed herself. Deep down she had waited for him when she thought he didn't want her she gave up. What he did next surprised her his touch brought forth fireworks into her body. Her tense body relaxed completely as she felt it his protective arm reach around her back

When he pulled her close flush with his masculine chest she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips. When he kissed her it was demanding and possessive. Submission was what he wanted she realized that now. She returned the kiss letting him take control of it. Her raptor was going crazy in her head as she was finally accepted. We don't know that yet he hasn't seen you. She told her beast.

Kaida let out a pleasurable moan as his rough fingers travels down is her back. She felt as though she was on cloud nine. All the problems the memories of her trouble filled past seemed to melt away. This was worth waiting for she thought. When she felt him lift her up with effortlessly she complied and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her violet eyes glistened with happiness. Would he accept her raptor form? She dreamed of it but she was afraid too. She pulled away for a moment to say, "Kaida," she whispered gently wanting him to know her name. She ran her hand down his back softly as her other hand pulled gently on his raven black hair. The were like yin-yang she was white and he was black they were made for each other. She had never been kissed before he was her first at everything. she loved the sound of his name, Xur.

Kaida moaned with pleasure as his lips worked fire across her neck and shoulder. Instinctively she tilts her head to the side allowing him better access to mark her. Her teeth elongated ready to mark him when he marked her. She kissed and nibbled his shoulder gently returning the sensation.

She wiggled against him as her core begged for attention. She moaned again as she could feel him so close. His rock hard abs were against her lower body. She wanted to slide lower to feel him in her but his firm grasp on her thigh held her in place.

She gasped as the cold ground met her back. As he looked down at her it felt like fire across her bare skin. When he took a breast into his hand a moan escaped her mouth. "Tell him what we are," my beast growled. "He needs to know so he can decide if he wants to claim us." she spoke again. She was right I needed to tell him before this went further. Lust began to cloud my mind when he took my breast into his mouth. My back arched when his teeth grazed my hardened nipple.

"Albino Achillobator raptor," I moaned out. There I told him she thought. Her heart raced as she awaited his response. His reaction would tell all. In her shifted form she weighed 600 pounds more than him. She feared that he would consider her to much of a threat to his position though she would never take over his pack. She just wanted to be wanted needed loved.

Kaida could see the war that passed through his eyes. Yet again she knew the man didn't want her he feared her. She could see the wolf trying to take over as his eyes changing colors. Finally his wolf took over. "He doesn't want me?!" she exclaimed to his wolf. She tried to cover herself as she stood up. "I need to leave." said truly broken as tears slipped down her face. Her beast cried in pain as she felt the rejection. "You might want me but it takes both of you."

Within a couple of seconds she shifted her beast let out a rejected cry before they took off into the forest. Without the cave water she would start aging as she was always meant too. It would be for the best. Her whole reason for living this long didn't want her. She no longer had a reason to live.

She had ran a fair distance away from her home the territory that now belonged to her mate. She laid down in the meadow. She cried the last of her tears she looked up at the stars and moon that still hung high in the sky. The sound of running water was close by. It soothed her aching heart as she laid her head down on her clawed hands. His scent was all over her body she could smell him on her. It made her heart ache more a bath is what she needed. Before she could stand up she heard a rustling noise behind her along with heavy breathing. She knew it was him. His wolf had followed her. She knew if the man side of him didn't accept her the relationship would never work out.

As he approached her she stayed down so not to be taller than him even though it was her natural stature. She kept her eyes down so not to challenge him. She wiped away a tear that slide down her face closing her violet eyes. She moved her head back to face forward again. She laid it back down on her clawed hands. Her tail wrapped around her body she let him observe her. She knew not his intentions nor did she care. She figured he came to make the rejection final but she hoped not.

Kaida watched as the wolf prowls around her observing her. She felt that the wolf was in full control of him at this point. When he licked her shoulder she closed her eyes as it was were her mark was to be. She began to relax enjoying the affection while it lasted when he cleaned her face of the dried tears. Her tongue darts out kissing him on the cheek. She could see the love the wolf had for her. "If only the man felt the same." she thought. She smiled lovingly at the wolf and left out a happy rumble. She laid down on her side exposing her belly towards him.

She looks at him admiringly as she rumbled contently. She stretched out and closed her eyes. She was content and relaxed in his wolf presence. She wanted to communicate with him but that would only happen once they mated and marked each other. She looks back at him she wanted to shift so she could talk but she wasn't ready to face his human form again.

The Kaida watched as he moved around her. When he jumped over her body and laid down at her back she felt comfortable. Had the man made peace with his beast? She was still unsure yet. They lay there in comfortable silence enjoying each others company. Then he stood giving a heart felt whine. She knew he needed to return home to his pack as they had been left unsupervised this whole time in a new place. Nodding her head she stood following her mate. She wouldn't go home with him yet. She would return to her cliffside home and wait until he was ready for her.

That is if the man had truly accepted her as his mate. They walked in a comfortable pace as they returned to the territory. She split off from him walking in the direction of the cave. When she arrived at the tree she shifted into human form and climbed it and the rope that took her up the remaining distance. She pulled the rope up into the cave so that none could come up. She shifted back into her raptor form laying down on a soft bed of animal furs.

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