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Theres' not to make reply,
Theres' not to reason why,
Theres' but to do and die.


He was really enthusiastic that day. His leave was accepted. He was packing his baggage and planning to do all those things that he was missing.

He looked at the picture in his hand and said,' Hey Vani and Arush! I'm finally coming back to you.

His face was illuminating and he was content. His baggages were already packed. All he had to do was to meet his Battalion's Lieutenant Colonel to bid goodbye.

When he reached the cabin, he saw Major Veerendra and Lieutenant Colonel Saurabh in a deep discussion, with a grim face.

He asked Major Veerendra about the matter.

Major told him that Border country's military Forces have occupied our military posts which were vacated in winters and our chief and political leaders have decided to launch a number of patrols to recapture the posts.

Abhi took out his leave and kept it on the table. He told his Seniors to cancel his leave.

Major Veerendra saw his gesture and said,' Subedar Abhi, you have some urgent family call to fulfill and it almost took you six months to get this leave sanctioned. Why are you refusing to go?'

Abhi smiled patiently and replied,'We soldiers get thousands of chances to fulfill our family duties but lucky are those who get a chance to serve their nation. I don't want to loose this chance Major, so please cancel my leave.'


So his leave was canceled. He called his wife and son and they appreciated his decision.

The next day, he was ready with his battalion to move forward and to recapture the infiltered area.

It took almost two months to the army and air force to finally recapture the infiltered posts.

Lots of distruction and casualties.

Almost five hundred soldiers paid the ultimate sacrifice to make the 'Operation Vijay' successful.

Back up soldiers were send to collect the bodies of the great martyrs.

A soldier's body was found lying in the pool of blood. When the soldiers lifted it to keep on the stretcher, their heart sank for what they saw.

A family photograph peeping from his uniform pocket and in his hand, was a flag...... His nation's flag.


In the memory of all, who have fallen in war.
At going down of the sun...
And in the morning....
We will remember them.

Hey Amazing Pals!
I hope you like the update.
Sorry if any of the detail or army rank is inappropriate. I don't have army background but its the most sensitive topic that makes me emotional.

Respect to our Soldiers who defends the honour of his motherland with his life and blood.

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