RAY and skylar

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A/N: may yall enjoy this new chapter. I'm giving it to yall in honor of Labor Day and for a lot of yall a 3 day weekend! Enjoy!

Abel... I have an idea, here help me make some crystal jewelry... I was thinking we could start a little store... you know we're at the motel but it's temporary I was hoping we could tell rein and nick about investing into a house with a pool etc. we would have enough to money for the original purchases but definitely not the payments are you up for it? I mean I know you're kind of shy but I promise you'll feel comfortable with them"
"Yeah sure I'll help you make those bracelets... I think they'll look pretty great"
"Really!? Thanks so much l Abel! you won't regret it... oh hey check this out!" I said handing him a photo. He took it and studied it, before nodding in agreement. I showed him a few designs, I had done a lot of research about crystal jewelry and I knew that it looked cool. I handed him a couple more photos, before showing him a piece of art. "Look it's perfect" I said excitedly.
He admired it, before he grabbed my hand. "Skylar.." he said looking directly into my eyes. "This would absolutely be something that I could buy." He stated. I felt my heart melt and blush. Before I realized it I pulled him close and gave him a quick kiss... He smiled slightly and gently touched my face "I love you Skylar... I'll always choose you."

thank you Abel. but I'm not looking for any sort of relationship right now... sorry... anyways let's continue making the jewelry tomorrow will be our big sale day.
I got dressed, brushed my teeth and put on some makeup. After about five minutes, there was a knock on the door, and a muffled voice: "come in." The door opened and rein entered holding two trays of coffee cups and a plate with a slice of cheesecake. "here" he said putting the tray in front of me and Abel... "oh thank you rein" I said with a smile.
"You seem happier today, are you okay?" "yes I just haven't slept in days... thanks though" he nodded and walked away, he returned with a bottle of water... and three plates "you need anything else?" he said sitting across from us... "no thank you... I think that's about everything." he nodded, "goodnight." Abel stood up from his place at the table and grabbed his wallet... "thanks for inviting me I enjoyed it" I said standing up and hugging him quickly, he embraced me "I did too, I'm glad you came... and please call me if you need anything" I smiled as I watched him walk towards the door. "wait, stay with me. you can sleep in the other room"
in that moment i heard a knock... it was RAY... he stood in the doorway looking extremely worried and embarrassed "hello" I said, "hi" "I uh... I know you said not to worry but um I'm a cop, and... I'm actually here about a noise complaint ..." I froze "please come in"
I motioned them towards the couch... "are you sure? It' s probably nothing..." he said anxiously. "...it's ok. Come on, it can't be that bad..." I followed them into the living room "here have a seat"
the officer sighed in relief and began to speak, "we found an intruder sneaking around outside. It sounds like he was trying to sneak in through the front gate...

"wow" I said in shock... "how did you find out?" I felt... nervous since Ray was a highschool crush of mine and we had a lot of unfinished business together.

"A girl who works at the office told us, and once we spoke to the owner... well we got permission to search the property and investigate... I'm so sorry... I just wanted to give you the warning, we found nothing so we didn't want to disturb you and Abel... if we had just waited..." he paused "it' s probably no big deal, but I thought it'd be good for you if you knew"
"Thank you, thank you so much" I said feeling relieved... I turned towards Abel and he seemed upset, "is everything alright, are you ok?" "yeah" he said looking at me "sorry... I guess it's just my fault, I shouldn'a brought you along on such a wild goose chase... you must be exhausted." I smiled reassuringly at him, "it's fine. You didn't hurt me or anything like that"
After awhile of talking with them we finally left. I said goodbye to Abel and walked to my car and climbed in, as soon as I closed the passenger's side door.

RAY stayed with me looking very handsome in his police outfit.
meanwhile Ethan knocked on the door "Ethan?" "what are you doing here... I'm not ready to talk" I said surprised I shut the door but Ethan held it open. "Skylar I just want to apologize for my behavior earlier, I understand how hard it is being a celebrity and how scary it can get and I just wanna make things better between us" I hesitated "alright. Let's just go inside."
he unlocked the door and stepped inside... we stood in the hallway, as we looked around. After about fifteen minutes we decided to sit down on the couch. Ethan sat down beside me.
"So.... what happened... I mean before this morning..." he asked still looking straight forward but I could see him shivering. I reached for his hands and squeezed them softly.

but I knew deep down in my heart i loved him. I saw Ray about to walk out... I quickly got up and went with Ray. "hey I wanna come with you."
"why" said Ray.
"because I just.... I need more time to think before I'm around Ethan"
we both walked down to rays car, Ethan ran behind us and yelled "wait"
"wait Skylar"
"I'm sorry. I just can't right now" I said. Ray pulled out the parking lot and drove to a restaurant.

during the car ride I got a call from Grayson...
"Reina" he whispered into the phone "what? are you drunk?"

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