Reinas on stage

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shorty after Grayson hung up... "that was weird..."
Ray said: " Reina huh? isn't that your best friend from when you worked at Wendy's.

"hey Skylar. I love the way you dressed. how about if we go to the club today. I wanna show you something"

"umm sure I guess? what for? you know I hate surprises"
"ugh. just come with me and be surprised"

"i hate surprises"

"i promise. you'll enjoy it I'll be inviting you"

"fine i guess" i said rolling my eyes. I watched the way she did everything with so much confidence. we clocked off of work after finishing our shift and went to a local club... immediately i saw a big stage. "wait here and put everything on my tab"
"wai-" before i could finish speaking she went off... i felt lonely... insecure and I just kept looking around unsure of what to do or what to say.

as I was about to leave I saw Reina get up on the stage in an all white outfit with white boots a white wig, she looked like a goddess of pure light.

I couldn't look away... she moved her fingers gracefully over the microphone. She sang beautifully, and every now and then she would look down to wink at someone and flash them a smile...
her beauty blinded me. She made everyone envious, I wanted to be a part of her life. she made me feel special, and beautiful... she made me believe in myself. but I wondered always how she was so confident.

Reina kept dancing. I took a shot as I drifted off into my thoughts... i remembered how lonely my childhood was growing up around people that weren't like me or that, were around me but always... never truly liked me or felt happy for me because they thought I had ulterior motives simply because of my identity and how I presented.

It wasn't fair. She was so gorgeous and I envied her so much, yet she didn't see the true nature of my world. Even though my mom and stepdad hated me she never stopped believing that she was loved. Reina never understood that I was alone and lonely... I never understood that she cared me despite who I was.

"hey... what did you think Skylar?"
"I loved it.i admire you so much... your so strong..."

"thank you. but what i do requires bravery... strength sure. but you know there's things that even if you went through the exact things i went through we all have individual experiences and sentiments... you know my parents never accepted me for who i was. they made all types of comments and would laugh amonnest eachother I never let it affect me I kept moving on and eventually i decided to embrace myself even tho it took me so long. but i moved at 17 and started my life separately. went to work early in the morning and worked overtime. I had to be brave before I could be strong. I know you'll do the same.

you'll move on and discover who you really are without them. I know you will" she placed her hand on top of mine and smiled at me. "thanks Reina... I feel lighter"

we both sat down to have a couple more drinks.

out of the corner of my eye I saw this man approach... Arculio: "hello my name is Arculio would you like to dance with me?"

"sure I'll be back..." I said nervously to Reina "go enjoy yourself I'll be waiting here"

she replied... I nodded and walked toward him, I put my arms around his neck and we swayed slowly to the music together. After a while Arculio spoke up "so Skylar... you know who my brother is right?"
I looked at him confused "uh... yeah, I know Ray... why?"
"so you guys..."
"we what?"
I laughed nervously.. I didn't know where he was going with this.
"you know... what happened..." I looked down avoiding his gaze. I tried avoiding him because I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself if I ever saw him again.. I took a shot and looked at him and his jawline he was hot. but I remained poised and relaxed... "so continue... we what?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"so.." he looked at me and leaned into me... I was starting to blush he was so close. you remember how much you and Ray were in love no? you two would bang every night"
I gasped and backed away slightly shocked by his statement "how do you know about that?" I said taking another drink.
"well don't worry... I won't tell anyone. I only heard rumors at work"
I nodded. We stood in awkward silence for a couple moments, I didn't say much. I quickly got up and walked away "here's my number and wait because I have a surprise"

he brought his hands forward then handed me a diamond necklace "oh my gosh thank you" I said so happy. "of course"

he was so charming and always bought me expensive gifts... my heart fluttered . I looked him in the eye and I kissed him lightly. he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He gently caressed my face "you know.. you look stunning tonight Skylar..." I blushed and pulled away
"thank you... you look handsome as well" I added looking at his lips. He bit his lip softly. Then he stared directly into my eyes. "do you want to talk later... or stay over at my house maybe?"
my mind blanked... I couldn't form words 'I don't wanna go...' I opened my mouth and closed it several times.
"sorry to interrupt. we have a shopping spree to go on"
said Reina pulling me away "bye" I said waving at him.

i entered the store seeing a handsome man with crystals around his neck... it was Basil... "hey hot stuff" he said flirting with me "Heyy..."
"so... here let's go shopping it's all in me" said Reina...
I felt... happy and odd since I heard long n standing rumors that they were both fucking awhile when I was with Basil...
I noticed Reina was nervous but I didn't pay much attention "so where have you been? I haven't seen you in a couple years Basil"
"traveling... I ended up going to Dubai... for a massive deal. overall I've been busy... running earrings figuring out deals" he said walking toward some fancy pants and looking around at perfumes .

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