11: Garnering Favor

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"Do you have any advice for my first day of teaching?" You spoke as you set down the tea.

He glanced up momentarily, rubbing at the deep crease between his brows. "No."

With a loud bang, the door flew open, and Professor Quirrell bounded in with all the enthusiasm of a first year student riding their broom for the first time.

"The first-t-t day!" he excitedly blurted. "Are y-you excited?!"

"Are you completely bereft of all common sense and manners?" Severus inquired icily, rising to his feet in a ripple of black, wand in hand, as if waiting for an attack. "Or were you never taught to knock before entering a room?"

Quirrell— who had no idea of his mistake—paled visibly and swallowed. "But, s-sir... It's s-such a s-special day..."

"Joyous as you doubtless find the occasion, it does not, in fact, constitute an emergency requiring you violate the sanctity of this classroom. Turn around and leave this room. You will shut the door behind you—quietly, mind— and count to ten. Once you have done so, you may knock—again, quietly—and wait until you are granted entry. Then, and only then, may you try to deliver your message. Preferably with a whiff of decorum as benefits your position."

The professor's mouth opened and shut several times, reminding you of a helpless guppy.

"Is there anything not clear in my instructions? Need I sketch a diagram, perhaps?"

Shaking his head, Quirrell backed away and shut the door extremely carefully.

Turning to Severus, you shot him an arched eyebrow. "'Violate the sanctity of this classroom? That's a bit much, don't you think? After all, you only insulted my parents after I barged in."

He gave a disgusted snort. "Not at all. Someone needs to train the 'man' if you will, so that he shan't bother me in the future."

Amused at the presumption that you garnered more favor than the other new professor, you smiled. "Given your performance, I doubt you should worry about that in the slightest. At the least, he is quivering outside the door."

"And if he is, he doesn't belong here." He shrugged, ebony wand returning to its sheath. "There are far scarier things than I roaming about in Hogwarts."

The knock at the door was a welcome interruption to the fear that turned your skin white briefly.

"He is braver than we believed, eh?" You giggled at the thought of the defense against the dark arts teacher being afraid of a simple professor.

"Enter!" Severus bellowed, foul mood increasing by the second.

"And with that, I shall take my leave. Please, let me know if there's any advice you think of. And if the tea is to your liking," With another smile, you left, being sure to close the door quietly. Today was, after all, a special day indeed. And you needed to prepare your mind, body and soul for it.

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