121: A Betrayal

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"Another charity case, Lily?"

"What has he done to you?"

"Nothing. It's more the fact that he exists, you see..." The impediment curse wore off and Severus grabbed his wand and turned. James whirled around.

"Semper—" Severus attempted his own hex, but was beat by James.

"Levicorpus!" Severus was lifted into the ail and dangled by an ankle. He struggled madly, his robe hung from his arms and over his head.

"Leave him alone, Potter!" James turns and smiles at her.

"I will if you go out with me."

"I wouldn't go out with you if it were a choice between you and the giant squid! Now let him down." James shrugged and gestured with his wand. Severus fell to the ground. He tried to go for his wand again, but Sirius hexed him with Locomotor mortis.

Lily drew her wand in defense.

"I said, leave him alone!" James slowly turned to regard her. The playful expression on his face has vanished.

"Don't make me hex you, Lily."

"Then let him go!"

"Fine!" He muttered the counter−curse and Severus struggled to his feet again.

"See? My mother... she's defending him! She is a kind person." Harry turned to you to explain.

"But where did she end up, Harry? As his wife. And it's true, it is not all her fault. It's next."

"You're lucky Lily was here, Snivellus!" James scoffed.

"I don't need help from a mud−blood like her!" Tears burned Severus' eyes. But James eyes were blazing with anger. He pointed his wand, which was shaking in his hand from his rage, at Severus.

"Apologize to her! Now!" He demanded.

"Don't make him apologize. Honestly, you're as bad as he is!" James whirled on her.

"I would never call you that." She shook her head.

"You make me sick, Potter." She turned and walked away.

"Lily! Hey Lily!"

Harry watched her go, more confused than before. Suddenly, the adult Severus grabbed your and Harry's arm roughly. Harry turned to him, horrified as Severus yanked on the arm and the memory dissolved around them.

There was a blast of light, and Severus, you and Harry returned to Severus' office. He was absolutely livid with rage; pale, his lips thin and shaking. He pulled Harry close with trembling fingers, glaring daggers at him. "Having fun with my wife, Potter?" Harry shook his head, but Severus shook him roughly, fury etched in his every feature. In all honesty, you were terrified of him as much as Harry must have been. "Been enjoying yourselves?"

"No!" Harry protested.

"No." Your voice was calm but nervous.

"Amusing man, your father..." His lips were shaking, his teeth bared. He shook Harry again, absolutely seething.

"I-I'm sorry!" Harry squeaked. Severus picked Harry up off the floor and flung him away from him. Harry slammed into a potions cabinet and fell to the ground as glass beakers and bottles shattered around him.

"Severus!" You yelled and grabbed his arm. Severus pointed a shaking finger at Harry.

"You will repeat what you saw to no one!" He screamed but Harry was already shaking his head.

"No, of course not, sir!" Severus picks up a jar of some fluid and hurtled it across his office. It shattered into the wall. He grabbed Harry by the robe and hauled him to his feet, shoving him against the wall. "You had better not, Potter, or you will experience a pain so horrible you will wish you had never been born!"

"Stop!" You yelled.

He pushed Harry away from him. "Now get out of my sight! Do not set foot in this office ever again!" Harry turned and ran. "And you." He was seething. "You disgust me right now. That's all I have to say."

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