122: Centaur Stay

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There wasn't anywhere for you to really go. Severus was so furious, you didn't want to return to the teacher's quarters. Albus was gone to who-knew-where. You couldn't even really talk about it to the other teachers because it was such private information to Severus. So, you retreated to the Centaurs, who were apparently very upset about Firenze's new appointment as a professor. And here you were trying to talk it out with them.

You were having a conversation with the head Centaur Magorian.

"I thought we told you that you were not to bring humans to us anymore." Magorian huffed. "We tolerate you and honestly, I do not know why."

"It is not up to you who comes and goes in this forest. You know how Firenze is... he loves humans. It's not a fault. If anything, it's poetic justice because the new headmaster hates Centaurs."

Magorian growled. "You stopped us from invoking our punishments on Firenze for becoming the servant of the humans at Hogwarts. Even if that woman is as bad as they come... it is within our rights to police our own society.

"Yeah, I stopped you from killing one of your brightest!"

"Our ways are not yours, Esmeralda. And now you want to hide from your own husband here...our patience with you wanes swiftly."

"Well, you'll tolerate me as long as I'm here! All I do is advocate for your society. I teach the children how to respect you." The Centaurs pawed the ground in agitation. "I have no where else to go right now. Please."

"We allow you to stay this time, Esmeralda, because you have served us well. But the next time you enter this forest, it had better be with proper tribute." He huffed and turned to vanish into the undergrowth again.

Ronan, another centaur with red hair, walked up to you. "You are quite beautiful in Centaur form. You should stay as such." He stroked your long mane. "Many a male centaur would be happy."

"Oh, stop! You've known me since I was a foal! I know you're just a softy." You laughed and batted him away. "Magorian is serious, isn't he? I need to bring a tribute next time."

"You've done it before." He shrugged. "Bring the whiny husband."

"Ronan!" You scolded him. "I love him."

The Centaur laughed and then sighed. "Yes, the stars foretold that you would not be a part of our society permanently. And the stars—"

"Never lie." You finished for him. It was your turn to sigh. "Do you think I'll be okay?"

"You will not suffer an early death. I did inquire that long ago." His arm laid over your shoulder.

"But will it be a happy one? Will my failure with my husband destroy all of the work done thus far?"

"Many of those around you care for you, Essie." You leaned on his shoulder. "Myself included."

"Very few people call me Essie." You noted. "Not even my husband. But it sounds right coming from you."

"But alas, I am not meant for you. Stay a few days. Then, consider returning to your own society. I believe you will return to forgiveness."

"The stars say that?"

"No. I say that. Now come, let us eat together. Tonight, you are a Centaur."

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