123: The Mer

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Sunlight pierced the water in vivid shafts of glittering gold; it highlighted the loudly colored coral spires surrounding him and made the sand glitter like dust from crushed pearls. Turtle grass and kelp fronds swayed lazily to and fro in the gentle current rushing by outside; it tugged softly on the strands of your hair as you rested your head on your arms. Watching numerous brightly colored fish and the occasional bat ray drift past while going about their daily business... Relishing the glorious sensation of the sun-warmed water brushing against your cheeks.

Your gills flared gently as you took a deep breath of morning water and smiled to yourself. It would be a good day; you could feel it. Today, you thought about challenging the Mer that you had grown up with to a race. With a smile, you decided there was no way that the skinny fish would actually outswim you.

Smirking to yourself, you swam towards your friend, Cēpa. You remembered many years ago he'd tricked you into attempting to squeeze through a hole which was much too small for you and, after subsequently getting stuck, you had to be rescued to your embarrassment. Few Mers let you forget about that particular embarrassing moment.

"Cēpa!" You called out, causing everyone to turn and look at you.

His mother snickered at you from behind her flowing curtain of ruby hair. "Off to be stuck again?"

Grumbling to yourself and still rather red in the face, you motioned for Cēpa to join you and luckily, the Mer swiftly vacated his home before his mother could poke fun at you for anything else.

If nothing else, you supposed that you could eat him if he offended you. It was a moderately normal occurrence when a Mer went too far with another. Movement from off to your left made you spin around only to relax as soon as you realized its source. Not a shark or other predator but Cēpa's pet Grindylow, its dark eyes regarding you curiously.

"I was going to race you, but suddenly, I feel a desire to resurface." You said suddenly.

"A bit out of your depth are you, Essie?" he hissed, forked tongue just visible between jagged needle teeth. "Lost your way?"

"No. I have enjoyed my time in the lake. I have missed you." You blew bubbles at Cēpa: a form of affection.

"You are a beautiful Mer." He hissed again, "Could stay and have Mer babies."

"I'm married, Cēpa." You reminded him.

"Foolish concept. Waste of your fertile time."

You laughed at the serious being. He was nothing like your type, even for Mer, but you appreciated how he was honest with you. "I miss my mate. If he was Mer he would have eaten me."

"That is a big mistake." Cēpa nodded. "I would not eat you, though."

"Mer are easily pleased, that is true. But perhaps I'll be able to apologize."

"What is this word?"

"Express my regret."


You laughed, sending a flurry of bubbles to the surface. "Never mind! I will surface here. Thank you for your company."

"Come again. Lay eggs." Cēpa gave a sharp toothed smile as you giggled again and ascended.

However, a familiar voice rang out as soon as you broke the surface.


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