Chapter Five

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WHEN I WAKE UP its already light. I sit up in bed and notice that Damien is not back. I also realise that I have been stripped of my clothes back down to my panties. Well, that explains why I slept more comfortably. Sleeping with a pair of jeans on is never a good idea. In this very moment, I also realise that I have small bruises on my wrists. This must be from Damien's grasp on them last night. He was a lot more rough than normal, our gentle love making seemed to have went out the door, but I didn't mind that so much. I quite enjoyed it and since the bruises are so faint, I don't seem to mind them either. Salem is calmly sleeping at the edge of the bed and without waking him up, I ramble out of bed. I desperately need to use the bathroom; I am in need of a long simmering shower.

I grab my clothes and go searching the cottage for the bathroom. When I find it, I'm surprised. No shower, only a bathtub. Without a second thought I turn on the faucet and let warm water fill up the tub while I strip myself off of my panties.

WHEN I AM DONE bathing, I finish getting ready, and fully dressed from last night's clothing I walk into the living room. I start admiring the books on the books shelf, it contains a mixture of gothic horror like Frankenstein and Dracula, all first editions too!There is a collection of what looks like dusty old grimoires, I don't touch them. Although my mind does wonder what they are used for.

Just then I feel a gust of wind behind me and when I turn around, I see Damien, an all devilish figure in some kind of white embroidered renascence shirt. The top is opened allowing me to take a sneak peek at some of his chest hair. His hair is all messy like he just rolled out of bed. I get tingles all over my body.

"What are you looking at?" he asks.

"Books, you have interesting tastes in literature, do you use Frankenstein as inspiration for your torture of people?" I ask playfully, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, but I prefer to be much more creative" he says with a grin on his face.

His answer prompts me to think of endless possibilities of him torturing people and souls in the depths of his kingdom. Verbally degrading them, hanging them, slicing their throats, burning or boiling them alive. The thoughts are unsettling, and I frown.

"What's wrong?" he asks his hand wondering to my face.

"Nothing, why did you need to speak with Lilith?" I ask brushing his hand away from me and walking a few steps away. I stare into the fire that's completely died by now. It causes me to look up at the old clock, 9:40 am, damn I slept quite the time. I turn around to face him and he is regarding me.

"It's nothing that should concern you."

"Who is she exactly to you? ... did you sleep with her?" the words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. He is stunned by my interrogation.

"No Annabelle, I didn't sleep with her and to answer your first question, she's the Mother of demons, but her title is very superficial" he answers me.

"Come you must be hungry, let's have some breakfast." he tries grabbing a hold of my arm, but I resist. I'm not sure why, but I am being filled with a sudden anger.

"No, I'd like for you to take me home" I say and turn around to put on my coat and walk out the door.

I am out, back into the forest and crisp chilly weather, strutting down quickly with Salem by my side when I hear the cottage doors open and close. He is following me. He will have no choice but to take me home.

We walk through the forest in silence. Occasionally, like young teenagers in love, taking a cheeky little peak at each other. I was still mad at him and I don't understand why I had a sudden surge of jealously with Lilith. He said he loves me, and he doesn't appear to want me to leave, so why was I acting out? Maybe it's the overwhelming feelings of everything that has happened the last 18 or so hours, or maybe I just need to hear him actually say the words. And then it hits me! I completely forgot about Lily and Hardy! I dramatically stop walking causing Salem to purr loudly at me. I take out my phone from the pocket of my jacket. No service!

"Fuck!" I say under my breath.

"What is it now Annabelle?" I hear Damien ask me.

"There's no service!" I say panicked.

I turn around to face him, holding my phone in my hand up in the air. I feel so staggered. I squeeze the hopeless technology in my hand wanting to throw it away.

"You'll be able to call once we get back to the car" he says and grabs my free hand and starts walking, pulling me after him and walking faster than my small feet can catch up to.

ONCE WE ARE BACK in his car, the only one parked outside the ghostly forest, I reach out for my phone. Instantly as the service is now back my phone begins to fleetingly buzz like crazy. 7 missed calls, 2 voicemails and 12 missed texts. All from Lily and Hardy. I don't bother reading the texts as I quickly dial Lily and she picks up after the second ring. I can hear Hardy talking to her in the background. They must have spent the night together.

"Anna thank goodness what happened we've been trying to reach you for hours! We were about to bring up a search and rescue" she screams over the phone causing me to back it away my ear. Briefly, I become aware that Damien is watching me.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry I lost all service in the forest" I try explaining trying not to give too much away.

The rest of the conversation is brief. I was pushing it to end, telling them I'll call and explain later when I arrive home. I end the call and shove the phone back into my jacket. I exhale a big sigh of relief as I slouch down in my seat. I know they will be asking questions; they will want to know every detail possible like they always do, but what is acceptable to tell them? I cannot exactly show up at their place and tell them my boyfriend is actually the big king of hell.

"Why are you frowning?" asks Damien as he turns on the engine and starts driving away back into the city of Vancouver.

"What do you expect me to say to my friends?" I ask saddened looking straight ahead onto the road.

"Just tell them we found an abandoned cottage in the forest as we got lost and decided to stay there to wait out the rain" he gives me an explanation, but I don't want to lie to my friends. I remain silent.

"Annabelle, you know you cannot tell them about what happened...about us" he says softly and with concern. I can feel his warm gaze looking at me for a brief moment.

"I know" I simply say but my voice sounds brittle. My anger and jealousy are gone, and I become overcome with melancholy as I realise, I will need some time to myself, away from the big Devil, to really deliberate this situation with my inner thoughts.

"What's on your mind?" he unexpectedly asks me.

What's on my mind? A lot is on my mind, perhaps how you told me you are the Devil, King of Hell and how I just spent the night with you, or how you allowed me to meet the devil of apathy in my underwear!

"Was it Aba that was chasing me in the forest?" I chose to ask instead.


The tone of his voice has suddenly changed, tight and unwelcoming. His hands grip onto the steering wheel harder. His knuckles protruding some whiteness.

"Do you know who it was?" I ask, although I regret asking in the first place. This topic doesn't seem to be something he wishes to think about.

"A demon that is stepping out of line. Abaddon is on the lookout for him, even though he is supposed to me under Lilith's watch"

"Is that why you needed to talk to Lilith?"

"Yes" he replies, and I sink into the car seat with relief. I no longer have to worry or overthink about Lilith.

I wanted to ask him if he knew why that demon was chasing me, but I was afraid to keep pushing this conversation forward in fear that he would get mad at me, and if he's mad, who knows what will happen. I wasn't ready to look at him and his strikingly black eyes just yet.

WHEN WE FINALLY PULL up outside my apartment, we both take a few moments to sit there in silence. I could hear our breathing, almost matched to the same rhythm. I bite my lip in anticipation, truly I wanted him to stay, but I knew I wouldn't be able to think clearly when he was around.

"I need a few days to think about all of this" I finally say breaking the silence. "I don't want you calling me, it'll just cloud my judgment."

"Of course, if that's what you want, but you should at least keep Salem with you, it'll give me a piece of mind that you're not completely alone in that murky apartment."

I look down onto my lap and see the black cat peacefully resting on my legs. I smile down at it. I couldn't say no to this. He is so calming to me, and so soft, it eases my ever-growing anxiety.

"Okay" I whisper and without looking at Damien I open the car door. Wrapping Salem into my arm. I begin to climb out, but I feel his hand darting to my leg, squeezing.

"Before you go, remember that I love you and whenever you are finally ready, let me know, I don't think I have the ability to stay away from you for long periods of time, and please for hellish sake eat something" he says to me. His crystal blue eyes glaring into my soul. His words soothe me, he said he loves me, and tears begin to pull in my eyes.

"Please I need you to go now" I choke out, but really, I wanted to scream I love you too.

He nods and tries to give me a reassuring smile. Before I know it, I am standing outside my apartment with Salem in my arms watching him drive away. 

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