Chapter Six

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Back in my apartment, I feel lonely as Salem jumps out of my arms. I don't really feel like doing anything never mind talking with anyone as I make my way to change my clothes. Dark blue jeans and a grey sweater should do it for me today.

Its only twelve in the afternoon, what could I possibly be doing with myself today? I'm not working today since it's a Sunday, and my list of traitorous activities wouldn't help much to keep my mind off of Damien. Then I decide to make my way to the supermarket. I don't have much food in the kitchen, and I have to go buy some cat food for Salem anyway.

As I grab the keys to my car, my phone rings. It was my mum. I answer it almost immediately.

"Hi mama," I say trying to sound as enthusiastic as I can manage.

"Hi sweetie, what's wrong? You don't sound your usual cheerful self," she says to me. I can never truly hide my real emotions from my mother. She always had a sixth sense that was able to tell in a single tone of my voice or facial expression that something was wrong.

"Oh mama, I'm just feeling very overwhelmed," I say trying my hardest not to give too much away.

"Is it something to do with your job?" she tests.

"No, work is fine."

"Damien?" she questions, and I can feel the tears in my eyes again.

"Oh Annabelle."

"I'm okay mama, I was just about to leave for the supermarket," I say trying to distract her from the real issue.

"I'm just about to go to the market myself sweetie, why don't I pick you up and we can go together."

And with that our conversation ceases and I am forced to wait 15 minutes until my mum honks her car prompting me to shoot up to my feet whipping the tears away. I didn't bring my jacket, although I probably should have since as soon as I walk out into the crispy cold autumn air my body convulses from it. I slide into my mum's car and as soon as she sees me, she wraps her arms around me. Her embrace was just what I needed. I missed the smell of her perfume, just like fresh roses.

"Oh Annabelle, have you been crying?"

"I'm okay, let's just drive to the market please."

MY MUM AND I are scrolling the alleyways of the supermarket with our trolleys making small talk, and I like this. This is the normal that I need after all the craziness that has happened the past day. I frown thinking about it all. It's so much to process. Could I really see myself dating the king of hell? I don't think the forces of the universe would allow for it. And can I really handle his true nature?

I head straight into the alleyway that holds animal food and try to find the best alternatives that Salem might want to eat. My mother follows me with a strictly confused facial expression coated on her face.

"Since when do you need pet food?"

"Oh- well, I kinda have a cat now, Salem," I reply as I pick out a pack of food for him. This should be okay for him. I put it in my trolley and look at my mum.

"Since when do you have a cat?"

"Since yesterday."

"Did you get it? or did Damien get it for you?"

"Damien," I reply quickly and quietly.

"How is he? He is making you happy Annabelle, isn't he?" she asks as we start strolling side by side. I can feel her hand gently touch my back for a brief moment.

"Of-course he is, it's just a little complicated that's all" I gently say as I feel my chin shaking like I am about to start crying again.

"But he loves you, doesn't he? He is such a handsome gentleman, I'm sure whatever it is you two will talk and figure it out."

"Thank you, mama," I whisper and give my mum a quick hug.

"Let's go get some ice cream, that always makes you feel better."

We wander off to the freezers containing a numerous amount of flavours, but I go for the award-winning vanilla flavour by the ever so famous Ben and Jerry's. My mum goes for her favourite caramel flavour and in that moment, it shows me just how different we are. I take after my father in so many ways, looks and behaviour wise in certain matters, but my father was behind bars, and for a crime he didn't commit. 

Once we finished and my mum dropped me off at my apartment, she kept pestering me to let her go inside so we could talk some more and cook dinner together.

"No mama, I need some time alone" I repeat to her for the tenth time.

"Ahh, you and your alone time, but okay be sure to call me anytime or just drop by, goodbye sweetie," she says hugging me goodbye and once again I am left all alone pondering over the fact that there is this huge part of me that wants to stay with Damien, but will I be able to withstand a heartbreak if it doesn't work out?

I REALLY WASN'T UP for any food, but I knew I shouldn't be fasting for the whole day, so I take out yesterday's soup from the fridge and start reheating it on the stove.

Whilst the soup is getting itself ready, I walk over to my room to change into my white jersey robe after stripping myself of my clothes and taking a quick shower.

I walk back into the kitchen with a big stack of paper wrapped in an elastic band and a pen. I thought it would be a good idea to get some work done before I go to sleep. I sit on the barstool at the kitchen island with some hot soup trying to edit and correct all the spelling and grammar mistakes of a new author my publishing company will be releasing.

I sip on my soup allowing it to warm up my cold body whilst I make notes on the book. The storyline was quite ironic. A book about witches cast out of their coven because they worshipped the devil. That word brings back all of my thoughts again, but I attempt to dismiss them.

Just then my phone rings. I go fetch it from the other side of the kitchen island and notice that's its Hardy. I answer it without a second hesitation.

"Hi," I squeak over the phone.

"Hey, what happened to calling us when you get home?" he asks.

"Oh, sorry I forgot, Damien took me home and then my mum called, and we went to the supermarket," I explain to him.

"What happened last night?" I hear lily scream over the phone. They must be together again.

"We got lost a little and with the rain getting heavier we tried to find our way back but instead we found this cottage and decided to wait out until the morning," I explain in as much detail that was acceptable to voice to them as possible. I press the phone to my shoulder with my cheek to allow my free hands to reach up for my empty soup bowl and bring it over to the sink, turning on the faucet to wash it clean.

"Don't tell me you fucked in an abounded cottage," I hear Lily interrogate and I flush. Fuck what do I say to this.

"Of course not, it was too gross over there," I reply thoughtlessly. I put the dishes on the dish dryer and pat my hands dry with a towel before grabbing the phone with my hand again.

"Are you guys still together?" I ask trying to distract them from my problems.

"Yeah..." starts Hardy when Salem starts purring loudly.

"Is that a cat?" he asks.

"Emm, yeah" I say as Salem jumps onto the kitchen island in front of me. I pet it under its chin.

"Since when do you have a cat?" he asks, and the rest of our conversations revolves around me explaining my cat situation. 

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