Chapter Twenty-One

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It's so dark in the room that I cannot see anything at all. It's like someone has placed a plain black sheet of paper in front of my eyes. I am engulfed by darkness.

When two minutes ago I told myself not to panic, I am now, freaking out. What are the odds of the lights just shutting down right at this very moment?

I am too afraid to take a step forward, so I try to reach for my phone to turn on the flash but as soon as I put my hand to my back pocket, I feel something on the side of my neck. A breath. A breath so cold it prickles my skin.

I move my hand and cover the patch of skin, but the icy breath is now on my hand.

A wash of warm panic consumes me. My heart is beating out of my chest making it hurt. My legs shaky and fingers trembling.

What the fuck!

I take a big lungful of air and slowly turn around. If I can imagine the room, I should be now facing the sink and mirror. I reach out my hands, dangling in the darkness to look for it. Once I find it, I grasp onto it and hold on for dear life.

I want to scream for help. I want to find Lucifer and have him take me out of this situation, but would he be back yet?

I want to say a prayer. I am not that religious, but I was baptised, and my mum and dad always told me to pray when something bad happens. That is exactly what I want to do. Pray to God, ask for forgiveness and help. But he wouldn't give it to me. It's pointless praying to him when I am carrying the Devils child inside me.

I feel the same breath on the back of my neck again. I shiver in fear. Then I feel a freezing cold imprint on my shoulder. I gasp and violently turn around only for the lights to flicker just for a second. Just long enough for me to notice a strange being standing in the corner of the room.

Knee length greasy raven coloured hair and a torn old rag on her body. The hair is what gives it away for me.

"Nina?" I say out loud. "Nina is that you?"

"You don't have to do whatever you plan to do, we can just talk...please."

I take a few empty steps forward but almost immediately I am swooped off my feet and tackled right down to the ground. The back of my head bashes against the tiled floors sending what feels like a sharp headache all over my scalp.

I feel her lifeless body against me. Her long sharp nails scratching my arms as I try to push her off of me. But she stronger despite her petite body. She crushes my wrists to the side of my face.

Her breath is right in my ear when she finally speaks.

"You know you are not worth him, I only hoped he would get bored of you but instead he chose to fall in love with you."

What in the world? Not worth him? Bored? Love? It all makes sense now! She herself is in love with Lucifer. Retaliating against me to get to him.

"What are you talking about!" I scream out only for her nails to dig into my flesh harsher.

"Lucifer! You desperate lousy little human!"

"He's not in love with me, you've got it all wrong!" I lie in despondency for her to let me go. At this point I would say anything to have her leave me alone. As long as I didn't cause harm to him.

"A human like you is only brining him down," she says, her voice horse in my ear. She lets go of one of my wrists and grazes her long sharp nail against my throat.

"I wonder what he would do if I let you bleed to death on this floor, he isn't here to save you, I might as well take this opportunity."

With one of her fingers she tilts my head up allowing herself better access to my throat. The nail digging into my oesophagus ever harder now.

"You've no chance you crazy bitch!" I yell out as my free hand moves to pull on her hair. The lights begin to flicker enough for me to see her head pull back causing her to move her hands away from me.

I shove her off me by the shoulder pushing her back onto the hard tiles. Her whole upper body smashes against the bathroom stall but I don't dare look for long.

Quickly, and clumsily I get up to my feet and bolt for the door but as soon as my hand is about to touch the handle, her insensitive touch grasps my ankle and tugs violently. I crash hard onto the floor, hands and knees bruised in purple.

"Get off me!" I scream but it causes her to laugh as she tugs on my leg. I search the almost empty room for anything to use in my defence but the only thing I can see is a small metal bin in the corner.

I try kicking myself free crawling on the floor to get to it, but she yanks my hair. Pulling it free from my bun and slapping me back handed across the face, causing me to twist my head 180 degrees like an owl.

Despite the throbbing pain on the side of my face I now have the chance. I grab the surprisingly heavy metal tin and with all my force slam it across her head.

Her entire corpse falls to the ground and without looking at her twice I drop the metal from my hand and run out the door.

I run with my head down, staring at my shaky feet almost falling to the ground. I'm so weak. So dizzy. I can barely hold my own body weight up anymore, until I clash into someone.

He gruff and I hear a stern but delicate voice as they grasp onto my upper arms.

"Miss, are you okay?"

I look up my eyes wide with terror to see it's just a security man. Dressed in black and a badge on the side of his chest.

He is staring at me intently as if I just have a psychotic breakdown. To Hell, I might as well just have. I just have an encounter with a demon that is trying to kill me. And all because she believes it should be her standing in my place.

His eyes dart to my cheek, no doubt pinkish from Nina's imprint. My hand dart over to cover it up and quickly I think of an excuse to get him off my back. I just want to find Lucifer.

"There is water on the bathroom stall, and I slipped and hit my face on the sink," I say feeling a little embarrassed. The guards hand on me loosen and drop to be by his side once more.

"Anna!" I hear his voice.

I move my head to the side, passed the security guy and notice Lucifer standing just a few feet away from us with his arms opened for me.

Immediately, I turn towards them. As soon as I feel his touch against me, my body convulses in a seizure.

"Your shaking like crazy, what happened?" he asks squeezing me tighter to him, rubbing his hand up and down my spine, soothing me into his embrace.

"Baby? What happened to your face?" he asks again trying to retain any forcefulness within himself.

"N-Nina, it is Nina," I tell him.


I quiver in fear as he shouts down the hospital corridor. I can tell anyone near us is staring as he ushers us to sit on the seat against the wall.

He cups my face and kisses my forehead then my nose, all over my cheeks and back again, everywhere but my lips.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, please tell me."

"In the bathroom, she just...appeared out of nowhere, she tried to attack me, but I managed to get out," I say all in one breath causing me to almost choke.

My breathing deepens as my heart continues to jump out of my ribcage.

"She said...she said I'm not worth your time and that you shouldn't be wasting it with a human like me."

I nearly feel myself about to sob when he presses me into his chest again.

"You are worth all the time in the world Annabelle, I love you, remember that."

We share a short moment of silence before he sighs and I can't tell if it's from tiredness, annoyance or what? I look up at him and his eyes are filled with sudden fury.

"Let me check the bathroom, she may still be there."

Before I can protest, he stands and walks through the door. I want to tell him to be safe, but he is just too quick for me. I am still in so much shock it feels like his actions are fast and fuzzy in my mind.

My head begins to ache. I rub my hand at the back where I hit it off the floors. I need some strong painkillers to get rid of this pain.

I try not to think about everything that Nina has said to me, but her words are echoing in my mind making it throb in pain even more. I close my eyes and immediately shoot them open. Images of her face in the flashing lights pop into my head. The memory of her voice makes my entire body quake.

How can she be so cruel? I get that she may love the Devil herself and I suppose it is to be assumed that there will be many demons that might be jealous of my relationship with Lucifer but to go to such extreme lengths? It feels uncalled for. It feels violating.

I run my fingers over my neck. The skin she almost scratched with her nails. She wants me dead. A part of me doesn't blame her. I completely understand the fascination with him. He is perfect in every way. Well, apart from his temper and urges.

There is a small part within me that feels sorry for her. She is a demon that is all alone and is doing everything in her power to get to us. To break us apart. I doubt it will work. I already said too many times that I will never leave his side. I won't be backing down now just because things are getting a little tough.

But do I still want him to torture her for all eternity? I don't think so. She wants me dead, but I is able to protect myself from her. With or without faith. With or without the Devil by my side.

I can do this. I can do this.

But what is this? I am by the Devils side and have to find the strength to fight off all sorts of demons that oppose our relationship. This is not a life a human should live. It's more about survival.

But he makes me feel alive.

He loves me.

And I love him.

I hear Lucifer bash out of the bathroom cursing under his breath. The wrathfulness has not disappeared from his anger filled body. His lips are pursed in a thin line trying not to show too many emotions, the furious type.

Running his hands through his hair he kneels down in front of me.

"She's gone, isn't she?" I ask not feeling surprised if she will be.

He nods trying to give me a reassuring smile but does not succeed. Instead, his hand caresses my sore cheek.

"Fuck Anna," he sounds upset almost like he might regret saying the next words. "If I know you'd be this hurt I'd stay away from you."

"I'm glad you didn't actually," I pledge to him, pressing my palm against his. I wince a little in pain, but I can't stop watching the little twinkle in his eyes when he hears my words.

"Let's get the doctor have a last look at you before we go home," he says clasping his fingers with mines and starts guiding us back to my hospital room.

"Actually, my dad gets out of prison today, I want to go pick him up."

"You should stay home and rest, I can go get him for you."

"No," I voice so demandingly it makes my head hurt. "I want to go, please."

He sighs loudly but gives into my demands.

After we are seen by the doctor and arrive in my apartment, I immediately take the prescription painkillers he gave me. Gulping them down with water.

Salem is at my legs rubbing his face against my ankles, I smile and pick him up only for him to cradle himself in my arms.

"I think he missed you," says Lucifer as he walks around my kitchen.

He is insisted on making me eat a whole meal before we leave to pick up my dad. He makes a few calls in my name meaning we should be there by 4pm. My heart flutters with warmth with the thought that I will finally be able to have dinner with my dad.

"I was actually thinking, can we go out for dinner tonight? I want to make his first night back special."

"As you wish, I can give five sails a call to reserve our seats."

"Sounds perfect."

I end up showering with some simmering water and changing into some fresh clothes. We sit on the couch with my feet in Lucifer's lap as we talked about my excitement for my dad's return home and sipping on some soup.

I mock him and his lack of showing off his cooking talents when it came to making soup. But it is just enough for me. Nothing too heavy to give my stomach any reason to upset me.

Once it come close to 3pm we scattered ourselves to grab our stuff and Lucifer begins the hour-long drive to the federal place. A place that always looked so cold. But most importantly a place that I won't have to see again.

I sit in the front seat of the car next to Lucifer. Sudden nerves are jerking me in all the wrong places. I squeeze my knees together and run my sweating palms along my thighs.

I am finally going to see my dad. This moment is finally here. Sure, I was able to see him in prison during visiting days, but this is different. I will finally be able to hug him for as long as we want, without getting told off. I will finally be able to hold his hand without jerking it away when a guard gives us the glare. I will finally have him around more often.

Jeez, I should be more excited about this than nervous. I sigh heavily trying to calm my frantic breathing. After all the intense moments of the last two days, this is the most amazing.

Lucifer's hand darts over to my hand and brings it to his mouth. Kissing the inside of my palm. His warmth warming up their iciness. Briefly, he looks at me, his eyes wide with worry but full of love.

He presses another kiss on my palm and I smile, mollifying into this delicate moment between us.

He takes my index finger and playfully bites down on it with little strength. Then he kisses it and squeezes my hand in his as he lets it set back down on my thigh.

"Don't worry about whatever you are thinking, he will be more delighted than you can imagine seeing you."

I exhale in relief slouching down in my seat as his thumb strokes my thigh. He is right. Everything will be fine. 

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