Chapter Twenty-Two

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We arrive just in time to watch my dad walk out the building. Without a second thought I hastily unbuckle my seatbelt, open the car door and run towards him.

He notices me immediately, looking up at me with the brightest smile on his creased face. He opens his arms out for me and I run straight into them.

I clash myself into my dad so hard I nearly tip him over to the ground. He wraps his arms around me. Holding me just like he did when I was a little girl looking for her father's protective hand. That hand is still here. Surrounding me. Safeguarding me.

"Dad!" I sob out.

"It's okay I'm here now," he reassures me in a downhearted tone.

"Dad?" I ask for his attention, pulling away.

Why isn't he feeling as happy as he should be? He has just been released from years upon years in prison for a crime he has not committed. To protect me. He has sacrificed years of his life just so that I can have one. That is a debt I will never be able to repay him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetheart, there are just a few things I want to talk to you about."

He holds me at arms-length, admiring my facial features. Scanning my face like he is trying to catch up on all the missed time that we didn't get to have.

He rubs his thumbs on my arms, pressing just enough pressure so that I can feel it through my jacket. But his touch is something else. Before, when I visited him in prison it was a touch of need and misery. Now, it's a touch which conveys something else. It feels different. I can't tell exactly what. It feels almost...apologetic. Like just the way he held me before we said goodbye.

His eyes bear sorrow behind the masked depression accumulated over the years and I can't help but want to hug him again. Tell him that the worst storm has now passed. Instead, he gives me a small smile, restoring his dimples to life.

His eyes dart past me. I assume he is staring at Lucifer. And when I turn around my assumptions are only correct. He is strutting towards us. Confidently. Standing straight. Chin up, shoulders back. His leather jacket fitting him perfectly.

He smiles our way. A genuine smirk when our eyes briefly meet. Grey to blue mixing into an ombre. I almost forget everything that has happened. The pregnancy, the incident with Nina. One look at his face right now is enough to have my insides melting. But alas, we aren't alone.

"Damien, it's good to see you my boy," says my dad to him. Clasping his hand and pulling him into a short-lived hug. His hand darts over to the leather covered shoulder and squeezes.

"Trust you have been taking care of my baby girl here, yeah?"

Lucifer's body tenses and I can see guilt springing into his face. He always felt he have a responsibility to look after me, even before he met my dad, in prison. You can say it went better than one would expect given the circumstances.

"I always try my best," he replies giving my dad a tooth showing smile.

My dad beams and all of the sadness from his face is gone, but his eyes do not deceive me. That little something, he wants to talk about is not good news.

I try to usher the two most important men in my life towards the car. When I get to the passenger door I watch as they are slowly lagging behind. Walking side by side. I wonder what they are talking about. One minute they look serious the next they are laughing.

"Are you guys just gonna hang about or what?" I shout after them.

Immediately, they turn their heads towards me and are by my side within seconds.

The entire hour, driving back to my apartment I listen intently to my dad and Lucifer talking. They seem to have more to talk about than I can have imaged. Occasionally, I would pop my head forward between the two men at the front of the car making a comment but only to have the top of my hair playfully ruffled by my dear father.

It looks like his mood has lifted dramatically the past hour. I am happy that it did and only wish the moment will last way into our dinner later tonight. I want this night to go smoothly. No drama. No pregnancy announcements. I want to forget about everything that has happened and enjoy myself.

Their continued interaction throughout the car ride makes me wonder if my dad sees Lucifer as a son to himself. They appear to be getting along so well but then again, Lucifer has his charms, he knows what makes people tick, what makes them fall for him, and he has his powers.

Once we arrive, my dad plants himself on the sofa outlooking the construction work just finishing up from the 5th floor of my apartment.

His body slouches into the plush seat and he flips his head back closing his eyes.

"Dad, do you want anything before we leave for dinner, that is your still up for it?"

"Some tea would be nice," he replies trying to get up. I walk up behind him and grab his shoulder to stop his movements.

"It's okay dad, I'll go make it for you," I say gently, pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

"You're too good to me Anna."

My dad reaches his hand out to touch mines, still resting on his shoulder. He pats it and kisses my fingers the way he did when I is a little girl. The way he did that night.

Once I make my way to the kitchen Lucifer is already making some tea for my dad, heating up the kettle and putting the tea bag in the cup.

"You should have some too," he says taking out another cup.

"What about you?"

"I'm okay, I'll leave soon to get changed and then we can go and get dinner."

I watch as he makes the tea. Filling up the cups with hot water all the way to the brim.

"Are you sure you're okay after everything today?"

I look up at Lucifer only to see his face crinkled in concern.

I sigh wondering if there will ever be a time where nothing bad happens where he'd be forced to ask this question.

"Yeah, I just want to forget about everything tonight, I just got my dad back, I want to enjoy these moments with him."

I step closer towards him, pressing my cheek against his. My hands wrap around to his back, slowly and gently the fingers trail down his spine.


I playfully spank his ass brining him closer to me. He groans in surprise but smirks down at me.

"You owe me an orgasm."

Lightly I nibble on his earlobe, pressing a kiss on his neck and pull away pretending like nothing just happened.

Yes, this is what will happen tonight. I am going to pretend like all the crap that happened the past 48 hours disappeared. 

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