Battle Against Neo Decadus

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3rd POV

We see Max eating his breakfast with his female friends that yesterday he met as female people look at him but he just ignored it.After that,he paid the bills and leave with his female friends as they walk on an alleyway.

Ashley:So you're saying that your friend Alex like to travel every universe to save the people from villains?!

Max:Yeah.He have a friend named Issei Branwen and he also like to help Alex when he in danger.

Jamie:I really curious what power did he have?

Max:Trust me.He....

Before he finish his words,a portal open in front of them as a person ride a motorcycle came out and the portal close as the person got off his motorcycle and look at them as it reveal is...............a Decade Raptor!

Max:Eh?!What the hell are you?!

Neo Decadus:Huh.My name is Neo Decadus and I want to challenge you with your friend to be my opponent to see who is the true hero in Union Academy.

Max:What?!Look my friend are busy and I don't know when the f*ck are they gonna come back.

Neo Decadus:Hmm,well you can call your girls to team up with you to fight me.

Max looked at them and they nodded their head asking him they want to join the fight.

(Ask:I gonna tell you something..........they going to die :/)

Max:Alright then.Challenge accepted.

Neo Decadus smirk and pulled out a card of Golzan as he put his card inside of his DecadeDriver Wrist and he twisted it and transformed into Golzan.

Announcer:DaiKaiju Form Rider. Golzan.

Max pulled out his Orb Calibur and he spin the wheel and press the trigger and transformed into Omega Orb while Alexa pulled her Z Riser and transformed into Ultragirl Z Gamma Future.

(Ignore The Beta Smash Behind.Just Only Gamma Future.)

Neo Decadus in Golzan Form start charged at Max as Max fire his energy wave at him but he dodge it and fire his Flame Burst at him as he use his calibur and block it but cause a lot of heat inside his body.

Max:Ugh!I can't bare the heat!

He ready to attack Max but suddenly...

Alexa:Hey!If you trying to get him,you have to get through us first!

Neo Decadus looked at them and smirks.

Neo Decadus/Golzan:Alright then.

As Jamie and Ashley charged at him with their swords but he kick Jamie sword away and punch her as she is unconscious.


She slash him with her sword but deal no damage to him as he used his finisher card.

Announcer:Final DaiKaiju Attack Ride.G-G-Golzan.

He first knock Ashley weapon out and punch her using his Fire Blast Punch as she crash over a trash bin.

Neo Decadus/Golzan:Who next?

Alexa(Z Gamma Future):Guess I have no choice!

She create an energy spheres and fire at Golzan as it deal a lot damage to him.

Alexa(Z Gamma Future):You know what?Screw it!I'm gonna use my powerful form to defeat you!

She summon her Z Riser and transformed into her powerful form,Ultragirl Z Delta Rise Claw.

Neo Decadus/Golzan:*Smirk*I see.Then let me change again.

He pulled out other card and reveal is Virgo as he put it inside DecadeDriver Wrist and transfromed into Virgo

Announcer:DaiKaiju Form Rider. Virgo.

Neo Decadus/Virgo:Ready for Round 2 huh.

Alexa said noting as she summon Bailey into the battle.

Bailey:Hmm.Another enemy?Now I can finally slice him up!

She charged at him and start using Bailey to slash him as it deal more damage to him as he back away.

Neo Decadus/Virgo:I see.You got a weird sword that help you defeat the enemy right?

Alexa(Z Delta Rise Claw):Yeah.Bailey let do this!


Before Alexa use Bailey for the finisher,he fire a V boomerang at Alexa as it hit Bailey and stab on the ground.

Alexa(Z Delta Rise Claw):Bailey!

She tried to pick it up but he use his tail and attack her away as she crash over a wall and her colour timer start blinking.

Alexa(Z Delta Rise Claw):Damn it...

She tried to get up but he slash her using his Draconian V Slash and made her revert back to human.

Neo Decadus/Virgo:Guess it only you and me Max.

Neo Decadus/Virgo:Well time to finish this!

He used his finisher card.

Announcer:Final DaiKaiju Attack Ride.V-V-Virgo.

He fire his blast at Max as the same time Max fire his Origium Beam at each other and they start screaming.



Their beam blasted as they got pushed away by strong wind as they got revert back to normal.Max got up and stare at Neo Decadus as he also stare at him until he said.

Neo Decadus:Well that was a.............Draw.Never knew your girls just tried to defeat me but in the end,they got defeated.

As he chuckled and Max just smiled at him.

Max:Yeah.Anyways,so who is the true hero of Union Academy?

Neo Decadus:Well that will you can save this Union City by those evils people,I sure you can do it.


Neo Decadus:Anyways I have to go and challenge people to be my opponent to see if he strong enough to defeat me.

Max:Well goodluck then.

He got on his motorcycle and open up the portal as he ride inside and the portal closes as Max thinking how do he clean up these mess and unknown to him,Adam is watching from a distance while he keep flipping Virgo Medal.

Adam:*Smirk*I see.A Kaiju Rider just came and challenge Max to be his opponent.Well shame that it a draw.

As he look at the Virgo Medal.

Adam:Those DaiKaiju Warriors are just a bunch of bullsh*t.Ironwood have a plan to use it to create a virus that gonna made them go berserk.

As he pulled out the files and a name appear on the screen as it read.................................................."Operation:Dark Enchant"

To Be Continued...

Neo Decadus,Golzan and Virgo is owned by KaijuMaster20

Ask:Also sorry for the long wait.I was focusing on something on my life.Well hope you enjoy this chapter and I see yo........


Ask turn around and saw his girlfriend Olivia standing there and holding an axe.

Olivia:*Sinister Smile*Why haven't you been around me for a long time Ask.

Ask:Oh shit...


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