Future Ghost Rider VS Ultra Darkness

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3rd POV

We see Team RWBY was heading to an abandoned factory to investigate cause Nezumi got a report of some villains hiding there.

Weiss:This suck.Why do we have to investigate this abandoned factory!

Blake:Well Nezumi heard that there some villains hiding there so we gonna go there and find it.

Yang:We here.

They arrive at the abandoned factory and got in as they tried to find where the villains but there no sight of them.

Blake:*Confused*Strange...there no sight of them.

Ruby:Could it be they hiding?

Yang:Wait maybe this is a....


Suddenly a dark electric ball fire from behind as Yang turn around and notice it and push Ruby out as she and Weiss got hit and crash over a wall and they got passed out.


They turn around and saw Adam who just now fire a dark electric ball at Yang and Weiss.

Blake:*Shocked*Another boy?!!

Ruby:You!You hurt my sister!

Adam:*Smirk*So what?My plan is to kill you girls easily so I can go to the next plan.

Adam pull out his Dark Z Riser and transform into Ultraman Z Original Darkness.

Dark Z Riser Announcer:Ultraman Z Original Darkness!

Ruby and Blake are surpised to see him transform into a ultra darkness as Blake start charge at him but he fire his small purple energy bolt at Blake as she got hit by it and got down.


Ruby use her Crescent Rose and charge at him as she start attack him using her weapon and deal a bit damage to his body as Adam grab her Crescent Rose and throw away.

Ruby:My weapon!

He then create a red sphere of energy and fire at Ruby as she got hit and Blake got her.

Blake:You okay Ruby?!!


Adam(Z Darkness Original):Well it time I take you two girls lives!

???:Not so fast!

They look behind Adam and saw a mysterious person with a black hoodie walking towards them.

???:You gonna have to deal with me before you taking their lives.

Adam(Z Darkness Original):You..who are you anyways?!

???:Me?I'm just a traveler rider trying to save the people that needed.

The mysterious person took out his hoodie as it reveal is Lubbock.

(Replace Green Jacket To Black Jacket)

Ruby:*Shocked*Third boy?!!

Adam(Z Darkness Original):Well well well it Lubbock that tried to save the girls.I kill you myself!

Lubbock:Well you can kill me but it will be difficult.

Lubbock summon his Ghost Driver.

Adam(Z Darkness Original):No NO!HOW DID YOU GOT THAT?!!

Lubbock:Let just say I'm from the future and we see.

He pull out his Ore Ghost eyecon and press the button on the side and put it in the open belt as he close it.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!

Suddenly his Ore Parka Ghost come out and floating around him.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Bacchiri Minaa!Bacchiri Minaa!


He pull and push the lever on his Ghost Driver.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Ore!

He transform into a kamen rider as it called Kamen Rider Ghost.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Let's Go!Kakugo!Go-go-go-Ghost!Go Go Go Go!

Ruby and Blake are surpised to see him transform into a kamen rider.

Blake:Who...who even is he?

Adam(Z Original Darkness):I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DIE HERE!

Adam charge at Lubbock but he summon his Gan Gun Saber and slash him as he got push away.Lubbock then switch it to Gun Mode and fire at Adam as he use a red energy barrier to block the bullet and then he fire his red projectiles at Lubbock as it make him drop his Gan Gun Saber.

Lubbock(Ghost):Ah sh*t.

Lubbock then start to float and attack Adam while he struggle to attack Lubbock but no use as he float up and disappear.

Adam(Z Original Darkness):Where he go?!!

Lubbock(Ghost):Behind you.

Adam turn around and see Lubbock behind him as he kick Adam and crash over the wall as he try to get up but Lubbock is ready to use his finisher.

Lubbock(Ghost):Time to finish this!

Lubbock pull and push the lever again on his Ghost Driver as he make some symbol with his hands.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Dai Kaigan!Ore Omega Drive!

Then the symbol become an energy and collected the energy to his leg as Lubbock jump high and kick through Adam.

Adam(Z Original Darkness):AAARRRRGGHHHH!!

Adam scream in pain and got exploded as he turn into a purple mist and start to float away.


Lubbock try to catch up the purple mist but failed as the purple mist got away.He then took out the eyecon out and turn himself back to normal.

Lubbock:Damn it!He got away!

Suddenly he receive a call from his phone as he pick it up and press the call button.

Lubbock:Hey......Yes..........Okay I on my way.

He use his phone and saw a message as he press it and show a blue hair boy in the picture.

Lubbock:Hmm.His name is Damien Burke and he have the powers of shadow?!Interesting but he need a bit help.Right I'm on my way!

Lubbock summon his Machine Ghostriker and open up a portal as he got in his motorcycle and ride inside as the portal closed.

To Be Continued...

(KaijuMaster20 Lubbock is coming to help him)

Ask:Also this Lubbock is from the future version so don't be confused or something.

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