First Day Of School And Meeting Myself(Rewrite a bit)

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Next Day(Max POV)

I was walking down the hallway until I reach my class.When I open the door,I saw two girls talking to another girl.

Katsumi Bakugou(Female Katsuki Bakugou)

Izumi Midoriya(Female Izuku Midoriya)

Shoka Todoroki(Female Shoto Todoroki)

Izumi:Kacchan I heard that there a new student coming to our class!Are you excited?

Katsumi:Yeah yeah whatever you damn deku.

Shoka:*Notice Max at the door*Hey!Are you lost or something boy?

Max:Oh uh...I'm the new student in this class.

Izumi/Katsumi/Shoka:*Thinking*Our new student is a male?!

???:So our new student is a male.Interesting.

I turn around and see Rias and her peerage and well Issei,Gasper and Kiba are female.

Isami Hyoudou(Female Issei)

Gasper Vladi(Female)(I try to search a female version but can't find it so I gonna use this)

Yuma Kiba(Female Kiba)

Max:*Thinking*Oh god...Issei and Kiba is a girl now?!I wonder if Gasper was a girl too...

Rias:So what your name? name is Max and...I'm 18...

Xenovia:Why did you come to this class?

Max:Because...I don't have a place to stay so I came to ask the headmaster and they say I can stay here and start going to class today so that why I here.

Suddenly the bell rang as every students go back their seats and ready to study.The teacher came in and reveal it Oobleck but a female version.

Belisa Ooblick(Female Oobleck)(Staff of Female Union Academy)

Ooblick:Alright before we start the class,we have a new student.Please introduce yourself.

I got out of his seat and stand near Ooblick as I start introduce myself.

Max:Hello,I'm Max and I'm maybe powerless but I love to help people so be pleasure.*Smiles*

Every Students(Including Ooblick):

Every Students and Ooblick:*Thinking*He too cute!

Max:*Thinking*They nosebleeding...I think they love me.....

Ooblick:*Wipe her nosebleed*Alright...Let start our class.

After Class(3rd POV)

Max is seen walking on the hallway and ready to go back to his dorm when suddnely...


Max knock over a red hair girl and green eyes as she pick up her stuffs.

Maxie(Female Max)(Genderbend OC)

Max:Sorry I didn't mean to knock you over.

Maxie:It okay.Name Maxie and are you the new student that I heard from my friend?

Max:Yeah I'm Max and I'm powerless but I still help people.

Maxie:Max?That sound different from my name.

Max:*Thinking*Wait a minutes...If this sound similar to my name,that mean...! do you any superpower?

Maxie:What do you mean?Of course I have power.

Max:Then uh...can I meet your family?

Maxie:That question is weird but I guess I bring you to meet them.


In Previous Union City

Alex:Are you ready?

Alex talking to a person in the shadow as the person walk out and reveal it Issei Branwen holding his Geed Riser.

Issei Branwen(Alex Friend)

Issei:I'm ready Alex.

Alex:It time to kick some Union butt.

To Be Continued...

Next Chapter:Meeting Max Family And Seeing Maxie Power

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