Meeting Maxie Family and Friends

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3rd POV

Max is walking down the street with Maxie as he notice every people on the street are female and they staring at him as some of them are blushing.

Max(Mind):I really really feel uncomfortable right now....Every female is staring at me...

They keep walking until he reach Maxie house as it still the same as his previous house.Maxie knock on the door and the door open as it reveal Lina.

Lina(Max Mother)

Max(Mind):Oh god...Not her again but...I don't know in this universe she is still the same or not?

Lina:Oh hello my little daughter!*Notice Max*Maxie is that your friend?

Maxie:We just met in heroes school.

Lina:Oh I see.Well your friend is here waiting for you at the living room.Also,*Point at Max*is he a male!?


Lina:That mean you have a boyfriend?!


Lina:*Chuckle*Sorry lovely daughter.Come inside.

Max(Mind):Guess she isn't the same as my mother in my universe.

They went inside the living room and saw everybody is talking each other inside but Max eyes widen because his father,brother and his real friends have become female in this universe.

Elena(Female Max Father)

Zarah(Female Max Brother)

Ashley(Female Max Real Friend)(Genderbend Ask)

Alexa(Female Max Real Friend 2)(Genderbend Alex)

Jamie(Female Max Friend 3)(Genderbend James)


Elena:Eh?You back Maxie?Your friend is waiting for you so long.

Maxie:Sorry.I just met a classmate in heroes school.

Layla:Then who is the classmate that you met?

Maxie:Him!*Point at Max*

Everyone(Expect Lina and Maxie):A boy?!

Max:*Smiles*Hi.I'm Max!Nice to meet you girls.

Ashley:Interesting.How did you got in the heroes school?

Max:...Well guess I have to tell you girls something...

(After the explained)(I'm not writing it)

Layla:I didn't know what to say right now...

Maxie:You got abused and neglected by my family in your universe....

Elena:I'm sorry if I beaten you very hard in your universe...

Max:It okay cause right now I can live a new life in this universe.

Alexa:I will go there and kill someone that hurt Max!

Max:You don't need to cause my friends is going to deal with it.

Jamie:I can't wait to meet your friend.

(Ask:Trust me.I don't know what will happen if my Ocs meet their genderbend in this universe)

Max:They will come when they finish my universe.But first,I'm curious about Maxie power.

Maxie:Oh.My power is shockwave.I can fire either big or small energy ball at opponent.

Ashley:Well I and Jamie use our weapon to defeat enemy.

Alexa:Mine is special!Come to the yard!

They head to the yard as Alexa drop her bag and pick up her item as it reveal it her Z Riser and her Ultra Medals.

Max(Mind):Wait?!That the same Z Riser that Alex had!

Alexa press the trigger button on Z Riser as she put her Access Card in her Riser.

Z Riser Announcer:Alexa!Access Granted!

Alexa put 3 Ultra Medals in Z Riser and slide the blade.

Z Riser Announcer:Zero!Seven!Leo!

She press the trigger again as she transform into her Alpha Edge form.

Alexa:See!I call it Ultragirl Z Alp...

Max:Alpha Edge.

Alexa:*Shocked*Eh!How did you know the form name?!

Max:One of my friend have this power but he call it Ultraman Z Alpha Edge.

Ashley:Wow!I didn't know your friend also have this power too!

Alexa:Really?!I really wanna met your friend and learn about his power!

Max:Maybe when he done.

Alexa:Ok but the really good thing is that I have this!

Alexa raise her hands up and summon her item as it reveal is Beliarok but.........different.

Alexa:I call this one Bailey!


Max(Mind):I prefer the name Beliarok better.This name is kinda.....

Bailey:What is it!Do we got something to kill?

Alexa:No but I want you to meet him.His name is Max.

Bailey:*Look at Max*Is he a male?


Bailey:So do we get to kill him?

Max:*Eye Widen*WHAT?!

Alexa:No!I summon you to meet him.

Bailey:Then it lame.I'm out!

She disappear into dark cloud and left the scene.

Alexa:Sorry.She just wanna to kill enemy.

Max:It fine...


At the alleyway,a dark portal open and jump out a person as it reveal is......................................................ADAM!

Adam:So this is the place where he live.Good.

He look at his hands as he is holding 6 Kaiju Medals.It reveal is Maga-Orochi,Destrudos,Virgo,Thunderbolt,Crocosaurus and Techno Medals.

Adam:*Smirk*Good thing I analyse their DNA and got these Medals that can give me good power.I coming for you...Max!

To Be Continued...

Ask:Finally this chapter is done.Also Virgo,Thunderbolt,Crocosaurus and Techno is from @KaijuMaster20.Make sure to check out his story.Hope you guys love it and I see you in Next Chapter.Goodluck and Ask Out!

Next:Destroying Union

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