Chapter 1

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Dominic POV

I was sitting in the Headmasters office, which looked a lot nicer then the old one. I sighed as drank some Monster Energy, enjoying the taste after almost 20 years of not having one, cause all the major product seller factories and businesses were destroyed. I sighed as sat there, with Akame at my side, holding my hand as I was still shaking a bit

Then I noticed the other students walked in and sat down in some random seats and the headmasters with the staff sat around the table. I eyed the ones I despise them, even though some earned my forgiveness, I still had to keep my guard up. I don't know if these people are like my world or are completely different, so for now I have to play it safe

"Well then Mister Taurus," Ozpin said as he sat in his chair,"its very good to see you again, even though you are not the one we know."

"Yes," I said, then stayed quiet, making them uncomfortable

"Okay then," Tsunade said as she crossed her arms,"so do you mind telling us how you came here or why?"

"...For how is still in question, its still a strange mystery as to that I am even here. And for why...well I did die in my own universe, so maybe thats why."

" died," Akame asked me, almost to the point of crying

"Yes...died killing AFO...I made him pay for everything he did to me and my friends and family."

"I see," Hiruzen said,"so I take it there was a war in your universe?"

"Yes," I said and took a sip,"a war that killed the entire population, with the first few years, around 40% died from the first engagement. Mostly surprise attacks all over the world, LOD, the Empire and Paranormal Liberation Army."

"The PLA," Nezu said with a worried face,"seems they are making a comeback like we speculated."

"Indeed, and the Empire is no surprise there," Njenda said, smoking as usually,"the LOD probably promised them land and slaves if they supported their attacks."

"Hmm," Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee,"and what about us? Did we respond to the threat?"

"...Do you want the honest answer or a made up colorful answer to ease your ego," I asked him

"So blunt," the others said, sweatdropping at my bluntness

"Honest please," Ozpin said as he sighed, knowing he will not like it

"Fine," I said and took a deep breathe,"you did....jackshit."

"....Why am I not surprised," Ozpin asked as he rubbed his head,"I take it that my other self was to egotistical and arrogant of the situation and thought they would win like nothing was wrong with the world?"

"That and he forced Ruby to use her silver eyes to the point she almost went blind from overusing them. Then there were the other ones...what a shitshow."

"I am to scared to ask," Sirzechs said as he leaned in his chair

"Union spilt up into factions at the climax of the war, battling the enemy with barbarism and half assed strategies. Heros, Huntsmen, Shinobi, Assassin and Devils and Angels, all fighting against and with each other, and what made it worse was the LOD made it easy for Union to fight each other then the enemy."

"Hmm," Qrow said as he crossed his arms,"and what about you? What was your role in the war?"

I sat there as I rubbed my arms as the beatings by the assholes of Union. But I looked at Akame and saw her eyes, her red crimson made me feel so at ease. I looked at the others as I told them my origins.

"At first I was a random no one trying to make a difference," I said,"powerless, with all I have was a katana and experience. But it didn't mean I was seen as an equal, for months I was beaten, abused and neglected by some of the headmasters and staff for the...elites."

"Oum," Glynda said as she heard it,"was...was I..."

"You were...mild, you made it difficult to fight my battles and you all, besides the Hero staff, gave me more homework then others and they let them beat me to the point I almost died."

"Grrrr," Akame growled as she heard it

"Something tells me my version was a complete douchebag," Issie said

"Same here," Cardin said

"Why do I feel like punching my version," Ino asked

"Cause all of you were my main tormentors," I said,"you all beat me, bedsides the Hero faction and Night raid. You all practically made it your mission to make my life a living hell."

"Jesus," Bulat said, rubbing his head,"but the abilities you used at the USJ?"

"....*Sighs*, During the war, I was a scout trying to find food and medicines," I said as I gripped Yamato tightly,"but that was the day...I LOST EVERYTHING!!"

I blasted my demonic energy into the air, making the glass shatter and makes everyone fallout of their chairs and take cover. I was about to enter my Devil Trigger when suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my cheeks. I opened my eyes to see Akame standing in front of me as I almost cried to death. I stopped the energy and then hugged her, crying as I remembered that day

After they all calmly got up and fixed the glass, I sighed as I held her close. Then Ozpin looked at me as I looked at him

"I apologize for that," I said, tugging my collar,"that day is...a day I wish to wipe from my memories."

"You don't have to tell us," Ironwood said

"No, its fine. As I was returning to base, one the Heros and Night Raid shared, and I found it under attack by the LOD. I killed the stranglers and ran in and saw....I saw all my friends and family dead. of them, 1-A, B, Night Raid and....Adam and Akame, all dead. But what really stung more...."

I looked at Akame and placed a hand on her stomach and suddenly they all knew what I meant. Akame blushed madly but also cried as she understood, then all the others all cried and growled in anger as they heard what I went through.

"I am...I am so sorry," Mine said as she held on to Tatsumi

"Thats why you declared war on AFO," AM said

"Yes, he killed my bother, my wife and unborn child," I said, grinding my teeth,"I saw him slit her throat and laugh in pleasure as he did it! I tired to fight him, but I was to weak, so I lost to him...I laid by my wife as the darkness came...until he showed up."

"Who," Akame asked

"...The Legendary Black Knight Sparda...a demon."

This made all the Devils and Angles freeze, feeling their clod turn to ice as the name carried a heavy power. The others were surprised by the revelation, and no doubt I meet a demon with that much power. I sighed as I remembered meeting him, feeling the aura of coldness and death, he carried so much power I could barely breathe in his presence.

"So I um, he visited you," Micheal asked me, sweating a bit

"Yes he did, and he...gave me an offer I wasn't gonna refuse," I said,"in exchange for power...I had to give up my humanity."

"No," some said

"Bro," Kirshima said

"Dom," Naruto said

"Dominic," Ruby said, crying a bit

"So when he gave the offer, I accepted it," I said,"when I accepted the power, I was no longer human. I was a Demon, and after that, I trained for years to prefect my abilities and powers."

"No doubt it was painful," Leorne said

"You would not believe, nearly ripped me apart, atom by atom. So after I had gained a good understanding of my powers...I went hunting. I started fighting the villains, then the mercanaries and lastly...Heros."

"Heros," Izuku asked me

"Yes, Heros who have strayed from the path of righteousness. They abused their powers, taken over the other settlements and forced their rule over the others. They even killed and...raped innocents for fun, making them all fear the ones who was suppose to protect them."

"...For fucks sake," Sona said

"No shit," Bakugo said as he seethed a lot,"assholes are suppose to be protectors, not monsters!"

"Yes they were suppose to," I said,"but they were all ego brats who needed a reality check. But the years went by, I fought and fought for years until I and AFO were the last remaining people on the planet. That's when I danced my last dance with death...and I succumbed to my wounds and died."

"But came here," Chelsea said

"Yes, this is still unknown to me, all I can remember is that is my second chance at life and who ever did this...I am thankful for it, now I have a chance to stop the war and..."

I looked at Akame and rubbed her cheek, making her blush as she knew what I was talking about.

"To restart my family," I said and smiled

"Very well then," Ozpin said,"we'll stop here for now. I believe Mister Taurus here deserves a well needed rest, food and time with friends! Now, Akame would you mind taking him to your room for the night?"

'...Ozpin you devil,' I thought, as Akame blushed red

"Y-Yes Headmaster," she said and grabbed my hand

We walked to her room, which thankfully wasn't far from the office. We entered and I smiled as I saw her room looked exactly like my Akame, with the same posters and shit. She had some of my clothes, cause apparently he slept here sometimes with her...don't know if it was the normal sleep or they fucked like animals like me and Akame did...I didn't ask

She allowed me to use the bathroom to change, so I went in to take off my boots, pants and shirt, which were all repaired and cleaned. I huffed as I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my body and flesh, scared by a million blades, guns and magic, so much I questioned myself on how I was alive for all this time. I sighed as I turned the water on, full heat

I stepped in as I felt the warm water on my skin after so long, since showers were like goldmines back then. I used some random shop products she had and cleaned my hair and skin, rubbing my horns glad to see the cracked on was fixed. I sighed as showered and heard the door open

"Sorry, have to grab my gown," Akame said

"Its okay," I said as I finished,"I'm almost done here."

"Alright...Dom...are you okay?"

"...Yeah, I'm just getting use it this new world. Hey did your Dominic die?"

"...He died...protecting me."

I stopped as I looked through the door as she was sad, looking down as she sniffed a bit.

"What happened," I asked as I turned the water off

"...I was suppose to help a disaster that happened a block from us," she said as she got dressed,"you-he followed me to help, he always wanted to do something with his life. Sadly it was a group of Imperial soldiers that were radical, so I took care of it...but one got pass me."


"He got in front of the bullets, ripping him apart as he charged at the solider and stabbed him with his knife. He slowly died as he looked at me and smiled, he smiled as he died...he said that he loved me...dumb dumb idiot."

I got out as she turned around, letting me dry and get dressed. Once I was done, I walked to her and hugged her from behind, hugging her as she cried for her Dominic. Soon she went limp as I carried her away to the bed and laid her down, making me smile at her. I chuckled as I was happy to be here again, seeing her in her little gown and her hair

I sighed as I laid beside her, then she automatically latched onto me, hugging my torso closely with a death grip. I smiled as I hugged her and feeling her warm body against my as I remembered my Akame and I doing this at Union and the camp. I smiled, a real smile, as I cuddled with her. I will protect her this time, I'll kill anyone who gets in my way and I will gain more power to do so

I am Dominic Taurus, the Darkslayer of Union and if you get in my way...I'll cut them down.

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