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(Any and all Pictures, Videos, Songs and GIFs used in this story is not mine, they belong to their original owners and deserve the credit)

Remnant, 25 years in the future

Union city...or what was left

We see a desolate city of Union, where people use to dream of being Heros, saviors of the world and fight the evil of the world. It would be filled with people, bustling with talk, eating and just enjoying life in the big city. Lights shining for miles unend, lighting the way for others to follow and find a new opportunity for themselves and their families

But now it was a wasteland, filled with corpses of the people who use to live there, they covered the streets and filled the buildings. The buildings were hardly standing themselves, some where destroyed beyond recognition and the clouds covered any sun coming in. Some would was a city of the dead, cause that remain was the dead...well mostly

We see a lone figure walking through the streets of Union city, wobbling as they held a katana sheathe in their hands. They wore boots, baggy black cargo pants and they were covered in a ragged worn down clock, covering their body, still marching on as they looked up. There they saw a giant academy, where kids who wanted to be Heros attended, but in fact it was just a place for them to abuse their authority and powers

The lone wanderer looked at the gate as he saw a long line of bodies and skeletons on spikes, strangers and people he knew. They walked up the gates as they landed on the side, coughing a bit as they looked at the front entrance open, welcoming them in. They clicked their tongue and walked ahead, bypassing more and more bodies and skeletons, ignoring the sense of death and dread

They walked in when suddenly two monstrous beasts came out of their hiding spots. They were massive, bulky, and deadly, with black skin and demonic red eyes, skull armor pieces covering their arms, chests, jaws and legs. But the brain was exposed, making it the most obvious weak spot, but their underwhelming strength and speed makes it hard for anyone to hit it


" his here," the Lone Wanderer said, having a heavy and deep raspy voice

Showing it was a male under the hood, being around their late thirties, and he grabbed the hilt of his sword. The Grimou roared and one charged at him, but he moved the side with unbelievable speed and sliced the Grimous head off, as the second came up and tried to hit him. But he spinned to avoid it and then sliced its head in half, killing it.

Then he stopped and quickly sheathed the sword in, slowly as he stopped with an inch left. Then as he pushed in all the way in, the Grimou then fell down dead, not getting back up from the attack the Lone wanderer did to them. He stood up as he coughed up blood, wobbling as he looked at the elevator, seeing it was still in working order

'How the hell does it still work,' he wondered as he walked to it

He walked to the buttons and pushed the call button, waiting for elevator to come down. As he waited, he looked around as he remembered walking these halls, a naive person who thought they could change the world...when really he was Powerless to do anything. Here he was beaten, abused and ignored to favor the Star Students of Union, who bullied him cause he easy target

But he had a lot of good friends, 1-A and 1-B, the Quirk section of Union, they were good people. And Night raid, these were the people who accepted more then anyone else, as they were also powerless, but the best and strongest people he never knew.

He viewed them as family, loving each and everyone of them, and there was one person who he loved and cared for...more then his own live. He closed his eyes as he remembered her red eyes, her midnight black hair and her beautiful face no one can match.

"...Akame," he said, tearing up,"he will pay...for your death...and our unborn son!"

The elevator door opened up, making him break his memory from the past. He hummed as he grabbed a black metal cross with his right hand, stepping in as he looked at the door close and waited in silence. He waited, waited for this day for 25 years, all this time to kill the bastard who took everything from him...All For One

'This is the day...we end the war,' he thought as he held his blade

The doors opened as he walked in the Headmasters office, where they would all meet up for important shit. He looked at the middle of the long half circle desk, where someone was sitting there, with their backs turned to him. The Lone Wanderer frowned as the person in the chair turned around and there he sat...All for One, the bastard who took his friends and family

"All for One," the wanderer said, his voice filled with hatred

"Hello...Dominic," AFO said as he smiled sinisterly,"its so good to see you after so many years, when was the last time? Oh I remember..."

AFO suddenly appeared behind Dominic, who dodged to the side as he slides on the ground, then blasted at him. He slashed his chest, but it regenerated and he jumped back, leaving only a scar there. AFO smiled as he looked at Dominic, whose hood had fallen off showing the lower part of his face, which was pale and cracked badly due to the years of fighting

"It was when I slit the throat of that beautiful girl, hair black as midnight and crimson red eyes," he said,"when her blood seeped into my hands, I felt such warmth from it! Killing her was a delight!"


Dominic didn't speak as he knelt down a bit, grabbing the hilt of his sword, charging his that will end this war

"Oh did I struck a nerve," AFO asked, hoping to rile him up and make a mistake

"No...I'm just getting motivated," he said, then launched off

AFO smiled as he turned his right arm to a giant sword and when Dominic went to slash...they both swinged their blades. Dominic appeared behind AFO, who stood up straight, laughing as he looked at Dominic, whip just sheathed his blade.

"So all of those years and you can't land a single blow before you perish," he mocked him, laughing,"looks like all those years was a waste, a dream that will...never...flourish."

He looked down to see his body was falling apart, piece by piece as he fell down, landing on his back, coughing blood. He was asking himself how did he manage to cut him they much with one slash, why wasn't his regeneration working and why couldn't he feel anything? Also, how did he miss Dominic with his attack, it was like he wasn't even there and just reappeared on the other side

"How...just how," he asked

"Simple...I had more power then you," Dominic said as he stepped into the light

There AFO saw his face, seeing his white hair, crystal blue eyes and the pair of bullhorns on his head, though one was cracked . Dominic looked down as he traced Yamato on his cheek, then scraped his nose, making it bleed. Dominic smiled as he looked at AFOs eyes, smiling as AFOs body split in half, killing him...the war was over

"Each cut and slice...was for each of friends, my family and for them," he said as he looked at the corpse,"and now...its over."

He wobbled out the building as he looked at the ruined building, shaking his head as he walked away. He sighed as he walked to the end of the city limits, coming to a church, where a massive graveyard was. There were no gravestones, but objects showing who died and buried there, as Dominic looked at them with pain, regret and sadness.

Some may have been his tormentors, but at the end, they became his allies and partners. Others he killed cause they were asses, corrupt and selfish bastards who didn't care about the war and just wanted to use it for their own purposes. Much like the rest he killed, but he accepted the consequences and moved on with his life. He sighed as he moved to the inside of the church and sat down

He looked at the graves he made in there, all the people who he considered his family and friends. At the front laid three graves of importance, as they were his reason to keeps fighting and end the war. One was a katana stabbed into the ground and a red bow tie strapped to the handle, a small one with a X-ray of a small baby and a blindfold of a red rose and a horn

"Akame...Nero...Adam," he said as he leaned back on the pew,"its...done...he is...dead."

He looked at the broken cross and glass painting of the church, breathing heavy as he his breathe slows down. His vision was getting blurry and felt something running on his side, which he looked to see a gash on his side, making blood fall. He grunted as he guess with his age and near dying body, he was slower then in his prime.

"Guess I gotten..slower...with my age," he said as he chuckled and breathed heavy,"I'm sorry Akame, Nero and Adam...I won't be able to join you...goodbye."

He closed his eyes as his life passed on to whatever awaits him...expect...someone intervened.

Void, My POV

I looked at Dominics body hanging in space in front of me, as I sighed and walked up to him

"I don't do this much, so I'm taking a leap here," I said and then opened a portal,"I just hope you can find peace here."

I dropped him and soon he will begin his new adventure...I just hope he doesn't kill the others first.

Dominic POV

I opened my eyes as I see I was falling through the air, my coat flapping in the wind and the smell of fresh air. Where did the smell of death and smoke go, huh weird. I turned around as I see...the USJ, but that's impossible, it was destroyed in the war. I frowned as I flew to it and grabbed Yamato, flying straight to the roof top

'Time to see what the hell is going on here,' I thought as I slashed the rooftop

Akame POV

I breathed heavy as I killed another thug and see Mine shoot another's head, Tatsumi slicing another and Lubbock trap another in his wires. I looked around as I see the others fighting the other thugs the League of Darkness brought. I clicked my tongue as I see a member of the Jagers come at me, Kurome, as we locked blades, gritting as I pushed her back

"Hello Big Sister," she said and jumped back,"miss me?"

"No, in fact I'm annoyed your here," I said as I looked at her,"why are you attacking us?"

"Well we want to kill All Might duh! Kill him and we make the people scared, and soon we can attack Union!"

I clicked my tongue as I grabbed Murasme and was about to fight her, but something was telling me to move. I looked up, making her as well, as the ceiling was cut apart and started falling. We ran to the side as the rubble fell from the sky and crashed to where we were standing, making some dust fly

"What the hell was that," Tatsumi asked, coughing

"No idea, but whoever did that has a sharp sword," Bulat said as they ran to us

"Hey you guys okay," Ruby asked us,"you almost got flatten!"

"Yeah we're good, but what or who caused all of that," Mine said, getting up

We looked at rubble as the dust cleared, making us have a good look at who caused it. I flinched as I started to tear up, it couldn't have been him, it just can't! He died months ago, he was dead...or was he? I didn't care, it was him, I could tell from the white hair and bullhorns, but the blue trench coat and katana was new.

He wore black boots, pants and a blue shirt and the trench coat, his eyes carried the look of a veteran warrior. He looked around as he looked at us and his eyes went wide as he saw me, and I swore I saw tears form under his eyes. As he was about to walk to us, Wave attacked in his Grand Chariot Imperial Arms, but Dominic blocked it with his katana sheathe

He looked at Wave, narrowed his eyes and punched his face, making him go flying into the distance. He stood there as he looked at us and smiled, then turned his back to us and looked around, looking at it as if he hasn't seen it before. Then he walked ahead off the ruble and sees the LOD staring at him, with them getting ready to attack

"What form of power is this," he asked, voice sounding more deeper,"this is impossible, it was destroyed in the war."

"War," Yang asked,"also...IS THAT?!?"

"IT IS," Tatsumi said,"but but he died!"

"This is something," Rais said,"but right now we need to handle the villains and cover his back! Issei, you good!?"


"Yeah I'm good, me, Kiba and Koneko got this," he yelled as he used his gauntlet

"Okay, Akame, I know you more excited to see him," Bulat said,"but right now we need to help the others."

"Okay then," I said and got up,"Dominic...please don't die on me."

Dominic POV

I stepped down from the rubble, fighting to keep the tears as I saw Akame again. But I need to make sure it was her, and that this wasn't an illusion or trick by AFO, I wouldn't put it pass him to do something like this. I stopped as I looked to see Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Tyrian and some Jager members, looks like Tobi didn't appear yet.

"Who are you, a secret boss level," Shigaraki asked me

"Dominic Taurus, better remember it," I said as I looked at him,"cause I won't repeat myself."

"Why is that?"

"Cause only fools repeat themselves."

Shigaraki growled as a lone member of the LOD attacked me

"Die ya little shit," he yelled

But as soon he became with in reach, I walked behind him as he chest exploded with blood and he fell down on the floor dead. I looked at the other thugs with gun like Quirks aimed at me, firing as they had a clear shoot. But I easily deflected them with Yamto, and spinned it as I lined the bullets on the floor in line, then I returned them back to the sender

They yelled as the bullets strike them dead center, killing them. I smiled as I felt 25 years younger again, feeling like I can solo them all, but I smirked and then looked at the rest of the thugs attack. I summoned my swords and fired at them, slaughtering them to pieces, making it easy for me to look at the members. I growled, as I remembered killing them all once...and I'm gonna enjoy it a second time

"So fool, what year is it," I asked him

"Don't call me fool asshole," he yelled at me,"also its 2023!"

"I see, well looks like you're not stupid as I thought fool."


"Why when its so obvious Mister Wrinkles?"


I smiled as he came at me, but I dodged him, seems he is so weak since the beginning at my world. I sighed as I kicked him away and dodged his attacks, along with Kurogiri and Kurome, but I was getting bored. So I used Doppelgänger to knock them aside, as a Nomu soon same and I jumped away from it. I sighed as I looked at it, but was glad it was just a normal one

I clicked my tongue as it charged at me, but I used Judgement Cut on it. Slicing it to bits as its brain was scrambled and wasn't coming back anytime soon, as I sighed as I looked at the 5 and they all stood back

"Hmm seems we have new player on the field," Kurome said

"Yeah, and he seems stronger then the students," Tobi said, appearing finally,"I suggest a retreat for now, we won't get anywhere with him here."

"Grrr, fine," Shigaraki said,"Kurogiri, get us home."

"Oi, Wrinkles," I said, getting his attention,"tell AFO that a storm is approaching...and its coming from his head."

They grumbled as they disappeared as I sighed and then slouched a bit, as my body was reeling in. My body has been running on all cylinders for years, so I stepped back and sat down on a bench, breathing heavy as I see people running to me. I leaned on it as I see Akame in front of me, shocked to see me as I smiled, seeing her again made my heart flutter at it

"Dominic," she asked me

" little blade," I said

She teared up and ran at me, tackling me into a hug, crying as she held me hard. I rubbed her head as I see the rest of Night Raid and 1-A, all panting as they saw me, shocked to see me again. I was the same, as it has been years since I saw them, I was even a little happy to see some of the assholes, some even earned my forgiveness

"Dominic, is that really you," Izuku asked me

"Yes Izuku, it's me," I said, hugging Akame,"I am surprised to see you all be here. Your all...dead"

"Wait us," Ruby asked me,"but we're gonna say the same for you."

"Wait do you mean?"

"Dominic,"Akame said, making me look at her,"you..died six months ago."

I flinched as I looked at her and the rest, all nodding their heads, even the assholes. I looked at Akame, as she nodded her head, making me think that...I'm in another universe. It seems that when I died, I was transported here and this worlds Dominic was killed, this is...interesting.

"I see," I said and got up,"oaky then, I see whats going on. For now, where are the headmasters?"

"Right here Mister Taurus," Ozpin said as they walked in,"and might I say, it's a great pleasure to see you again."

"Really? An Ozpin excited to see me? I guess I am in an other universe, cause my Ozpin would have said that differently."

"What do you mean Dominic," Weiss asked me, tiling her head a bit

"I think its best we gather the rest of the students and staff," Nezu said,"cause like Mister Taurus said, only fools repeat themselves?"

"Yes Nezu," I said,"but know this, my story...isn't going to be a good story."

Lets see what this universe has to offer me, see if this world will turn out any different then mine. And I will hunt AFO down.

Watch out AFO...a storm is approaching...and it's coming for you!

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