Wings of the Republic: List of air-to-air missiles in 2040s

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a. United States

- AIM-120G AMRAAM active radar guided beyond visual range AAM

- AIM-122 Buzzard semi-active/active-radar guided BVR 

- AIM-9X4/5 Sidewinder infra-red short-range AAM

- AIM-10 Diamondback infra-red short-range AAM (license-produced in South Korea and Indonesia)

- AIM/FIM-94 Scorpion infra-red MANPADS   

b. European Community (a looser form of EU) and Britain

- MBDA Meteor and Meteor-II BVRAAM

- MBDA MICA and MICA 2 infra-red and radar-guided missile

- Diehl BGT IRIS-T Mark III infra-red AAM 

- ASRAAM Mk. 3 and Mk. 4 infra-red AAM

c. India

- DRDO Astra Mk. 3 beyond visual range AAM

- DRDO Maitri air-launched version, IR-guided

- Novator/DRDO KS-172 very long range AAM

d. Israel

- Rafael Python 6/7 IR-guided 

- Rafael Derby-ER/-LR BVRAAM (LR have ramjet to further extend the range)

e. United Korean Republic

- Cheolmae BVRAAM (developed from KM-SAM)

f. Japan

- AAM-5 IR guided

- AAM-4 active-radar guided (-E is the latest variant comparable to AIM-120G/122)

- AAM-6 heavy active radar/semi-active radar guided (over 100 nm capable akin to the old AIM-54 Phoenix). 

2. Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese

a. Russia

- Vympel R-75 IR-guided (AA-14 'Asp')

- Vympel R-37BM very long range AAM (AA-13 'Arrow')

- Vympel K-77 (izdeliye 180/190) ramjet medium range active radar guided (AA-12 'Adder')

- Vympel K-74M3 (AA-11 'Archer)

b. Ukraine

- Orel missile family, a development from R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo') with technology from 'Dnipro' SAM. Foreign partners were involved, most notably MBDA.

c. China

- Infrared guidance; PL-13E-III and PL-9E-III (export only), PL-10C-III, claimed to have the same capability as some variant of the AIM-9X, IRIS-T, and the Python; TY-100 light anti-helicopter missile (development from the TY-90)

- BVR (active-radar guided); PL-21, nicknamed 'Sino-Meteor', PL-12, nicknamed 'Sino-AMRAAM', 

3. United Caliphate Confederation

Note: this list virtually consists of foreign copies/reverse engineering.

- Infrared guidance; IRIS-T, A-Darter, AIM-9 (including it's earlier Iranian copy from the Islamic Republic era, the Fatter), Python 5 (reverse engineered from a downed Israeli aircraft),  PL-9/10 (for Chinese/Russian originated aircraft). R-73 (for Chinese/Russian originated aircraft)

- Radar-guided/BVR: R-Darter, SD-10 (export version of PL-12), earlier marks of the AIM-120 AMRAAM, earlier variant of the R-77 (for Russian/Chinese originated aircraft)

- Special mention: Fakour-25, based on the Fakour-90, itself based on the retired AIM-54 and technologies illicitly acquired from advanced version of the MIM-23 Hawk, the Hawk XXI. 

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