Wings of the Republic: Notable Allied Conferences

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A/N: As this is part of the worldbuilding for this series, expect spoilers!


The term "Allied Forces" and "Coalition" and "United Nations Coalition" were interchangeable.

Manila Conference (January 3rd, 2042)

Aimed to create a mechanism of coordination between NATO/PPDU and the Vladivostok Pact along with plan for Indian Ocean Campaign, and the first to mention the name of the joint forces, the United Nations Coalition. 


Washington Conference

A secret discussion military strategy for the continuation of Mediterranean campaign, with both NATO and Russia, with observers from PPDU and China agreed to prioritize resources for the Mediterranean theater (Europe, North Africa, Turkey, and the Levant). Nonetheless the conference also further emphasized the UNSC resolutions condemning the formation of the UCC, economic and military sanctions against it, and demand for a self-determination vote for it's constituent members, and especially authorization of military action, in particular the Resolution 8809, which endorsed the formation of the PPDU as one of the Allied forces along with NATO. 

Other notable decision include an invasion of North Africa in 2042.  


Bandung Conference (NATO, PPDU, VP; November 1st, 2042)

Planning the second phase of the Indian Ocean Campaign; an offensive into Iran and part of Iraq, and further affirmed support to friendly local forces such as the Somali Liberation Force, Kurdish peshmerga, pro-Allied Afghan tribal fighters, Iranian Liberation Force, and Free Arab Legion.

Post-war plan agreed in this conference is a referendum of Jerusalem, and the occupation of the Holy Mosque by a joint administration of Indonesia and Malaysia, subject to further changes. Furthermore, all three alliances agreed Saudi Arabia are to be divided and UN trusteeship system will be reactivated to oversee the vast majority of former UCC member states and other failed states especially, in Africa, that collapsed or failed prior to the beginning of the war.


United Nations Coordination Conference or Athens Conference (January 2043)

Main points from the massive UN Coalition conference:

- Final strategy of the Invasion of the Arabian Peninsula, which will be held in 2044.

- Unconditional surrender of the United Caliphate Confederation, both the central government and its constituent members.

- A joint Strategic Cyber Defense Coalition was officially established in mutual support against increasing cyber attack and espionage by the Caliphate and other "extremist groups" detrimental to the war effort.

- Support of the restoration of the Shah in Iran (Russia were the least enthusiastic along with China, as Shah Davoud was deemed by some to be, in the language of the Eurasianists, as "Atlanticist" which is the synonym of being pro-West)

- Demilitarization and de-jihad-ization of all of the former UCC member states.

- Reparations will be partly paid by oil and oil products, and partly by forced labor. A reparation council will be set in Shenzhen, China.

- UCC war criminals are to be hunted down and put on trial in the territories where their crimes had been committed; high-ranking leaders were to be executed.

-  Democracies would be established, all liberated European and former members of the UCC would hold free elections or self-determination referendums and that order would be restored.


Warsaw Conference (July 2044)

Considered to be the "new Bretton Woods conference" this particular conference was focused on the post-war financial order, which to the chagrin of many, despite incorporated the reality of new technologies (like AI, advanced robotics) and a need of a more sustainable agriculture practice which are more local in nature that had become a significant force since the dawn of the century; it marked the wider political division between the Western NATO (including the more independent-minded Eastern Europe which mostly distrusted Russia for historical reasons, like Poland) and western friendly countries like most PPDU members; and the second camp that demanded a more multipolar financial system lead by Russia and the CIS, and the PRC.


Geneva Conference (September 2044), United Nations General Assembly Special Sessions.

The reformation of the UN is the main point of this conference which also a UN General Assembly Special Sessions, with agreement of the expansion of the Security Council permanent members into ten; in which after an intense lobbies; admitted Japan, Germany, India, Brazil, and Korea. Indonesia was offered the seat but rejected it, and so the conference agreed to have Korea in its place.

Speaking of the General Assembly; during the hard decades of 2020s and 2030s the assembly was convened as an emergency special sessions by the UNSC thrice; the first, in 2027, addressing the civil war in Europe; in 2029, Middle East World War, also known as GCC-Iranian war; and in 2039, the formation of the United Caliphate. 

Furthermore the UNHCR role in dealing with millions of displaced person in primarily South-Eastern Europe, North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia was further strengthened. 


Prague Conference (February 2045)

Often called "the Potsdam Conference of World War III" the main point include:

- Occupation of the Gulf and North Africa and the trusteeship of UCC-occupied states in Africa and the Levant, including Iraq, subjected to further plebiscites.

- An agreement about the halt of space militarization (i.e. combat satellites)

- An immediate referendum about the fate of Jerusalem.

- Disposal and division of UCC Navy and its merchant marine.

- Disposal and recycling of surplus weaponry from both Allied (NATO/PPDU, VP) forces and the UCC. All chemical and biological weapons are to be destroyed immediately.

- An immediate convocation of a council of foreign ministers to prepare a peace conference, planned to be in Budapest, and a separate peace treaty with UCC territories surrendering earlier to the Allied forces; Yemen and Iraq.

- Istanbul is to be made an International City under the UNSC (akin to Trieste; 1947-1954)

- A separate conference of Arab Unity will be convened.

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