Chapter 17: Ascencion

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(Heavy containment area of the SHIELD/MTF Base)

A tall and gruff soldier was going through files as he looked at messages from his friends of the threat they were facing. He was busily checking the holographic computer and then the file cabinets which he spent hours in finding.

" That god...It seems it can counter anything, " he muttered.

An Ethiopian SHIELD Agent in his early thirties appeared to him while entering the room. He was wearing a black leather jacket which he put his hands on his pockets.

" The Sub-Director asked me to check you. Is there something wrong? " he asked.

The soldier looked at the agent. "I'm just shifting through our files to figure out counter to the god your director is fighting. "

" Right, it must be very tough time for them. " he nodded. Kamal Abdul searched for files as he helped the MTF Soldier.

" Got a name before I call you agent for forty times? " the soldier asked.

" Call me, Kamal, " the Ethiopian replied. " I mean, Agent Abdul, but you can call me in both names, either first or last. "

" Then call me Buck Henderson, " Buck said and searched through more files.

" Wait, I know you, " Kamal nodded.

" Of course, you do know me. Everyone pretty much knows me on the two agencies. "

" Well, I see. I memorize every password for this one. Director Montmartre and Sub-Director Efpistons may not know I can access."

Kamal used his keypad to hack the computer as he accessed the files. Buck looked at him as he got curious.

" Hey, that's our private property. You better be careful with those! "

" Don't worry, you can trust me. You need to find answers about the man who destroyed universes. "

The Ethiopian SHIELD Agent flashed the files on the screen. Buck looked at the agent in unamusement.

" Fine, whatever. It's not like SHIELD gas taken total control over this facility anyway. "

He shifted through the paper files of the cabinet while looking. Kamal sighed and ignored Buck as he kept looking. Seconds later, he found a virtual copy of that file.

" I think I found one. "

" Read it out loud for me, I'm still looking one on my own, " Buck said as he minded his own business.

" Gueritaru: Destroyer of Worlds. A Cosmic God who killed several populations in his neutral energy powers. He burns several universes. "

" Was that transferred from the other universe? " Buck moved aside classified files and turned his attention to Kamal.

" I just got surprised to see this file stored here. Perhaps, the Director wrote this before he left. "

" That's impossible. No one couldn't write a full documentation on something this current. He left a couple weeks ago. You're telling me he has it all now? "

" He predicted and wrote it before him and the others left. "

" I don't understand, but how?! "

" Well, that's one of the Kree Eternal's powers which you boys got surprised and baffled to hear from him. Now, he and his allies are experiencing that turmoil, my dear, " a low female voice appeared to be a Cat Faunus who entered the room. Kamal and Buck turned to her as she smiled.

" Oh, Davida, what are you doing here? " Buck approached his wife and kissed her cheeks.

" I'm checking on you both. To be honest, I've been summoning some spells of seeing the other universes, " Davida answered and held her husband's left hand. " That being is a very delicate one. You can't easily deal with him. "

" Explain? "

" I'll show you, boys, " she replied and summoned an imagery spell which it appeared to be a man who destroyed Asgard and the other Earth several days ago. The two men surprisingly watched how Gueritaru ruthlessly defeated the twelve in another Manila.

" So that's the guy, huh? " Buck curiously raised his voice.

" Yes. "

" We could not defeat him, " Kamal anxiously gasped. " He is too dangerous for us! "

" Only the Infinty Dogs could have chance with him, " Buck sighed.

" Well, yes. " his sorceress wife seriously replied. " I'm thinking to aid them in their training. Therefore, I'm ready to go to another dimension, even it's risky. "

" But Mrs. Henderson, you might get killed by him, " the Ethiopian SHIELD Agent commented. " He might get you elsewhere. Your husband will be anxious for your safety going there. "

" He's not just any threat like Firo, Metalix, the Skrulls, or anyone else. They need help. " Davida replied. " No matter how risky it is, I'm going to do it. "

Buck remained silent and heard his wife's words. He felt anxious and tightly embraced her. Davida was surprised to see his action as she blushed.

" Buck, what's wrong? " she asked. " Why are you doing this? "

" Davida...please..." he replied.

" Honey, I can take care of myself. I'm an experienced sorceress from another galaxy and you have known that before we got married. I can go anywhere else, " she hugged her husband back and sincerely looked at him while touching his face. " It's just I don't want him to enter our universe and kill everyone. This is the only way to prevent any further trouble that could possibly happen. "

"...Davida, it's my loving duty to ensure our protection with each other. I can't risk you going into a battle where you stand no chance. I'm sorry to say, but you'll be in the way. Someone will be wasting their energy on you, if you were caught in the middle of a crisis. "

Davida sighed as she looked at her husband. The cat faunus sorceress wanted to continue her exploit, however the phrase, 'til death to us part became integral to their marriage like every couple. As a spouse, Buck would take care of his wife, not only as a responsibility, but a lifetime commitment which he would definitely do. The two remained silent as he waited for her to answer.

" Well, if you say so, " she replied, still touching his face and hugging him as she felt the concern from her husband. " I'll just stay with you. "

Buck nodded as he gently smiled, "Good..."

The rough soldier and his sorceress wife parted as he looked at more files. Davida thought of helping him and started to open the file cabinet. She found one and gave it to her husband. Buck smiled at her and turned to the SHIELD Agent

" Hey Kamal, do me a favor and look for this item here, " Buck said as he handed the Ethiopian a stack of files that was labeled #714.

" Okay, I'll try my best, " Kamal replied and received it. " Thank you. "

" It should be down in the light containment area, down in B1 floor. But whatever you do, do not go down further. It's highly prohibited. "

" Just be careful down there, " Davida added with a concern.

" I will. "

The Ethiopian SHIELD Agent nodded as he followed the instructions. He headed himself into the destination and checked the rooms.Buck sighed gently as he reached out an old device and dialed a number.

" This might save one of you guys...I'm not sure who..." he thought.

(Meanwhile, in Universe O, Infinity Dogs' apartment, Paris, France)

Kai remained alone on the winning table as he toyed with different magnets of different force strength. His mind raced with different thoughts about himself and his powers. He spent inside the room in hours. Just then, Amelia watched him as she changed into a civilian casual clothes. She decided to blend in with the Parisian people.

" I think he's getting set for himself, " she thought.

" It doesn't make sense... " Kai thought to himself as he picked up a slightly weaker magnet. " Ever since that fight with Gueri, the new soul stone has acted unnaturally to me. I can't get even a fraction of its power. I kept thinking or saying " It must be the Chaos energy within me that is rejecting the power" but its has to be something else, but what? "'

" Are you okay? " her alto voice asked and called his attention.

Kai looked over to his grand niece and smiled back, " Oh hey, Amy...You read my mind, didn't you? "

" Yeah, you seemed baffled, granduncle," she chuckled, replied, and sat beside him.

" You're right, " Kai replied as he looked at his niece.

" So, it had something to do with your powers then? "

" It is...Ever since that fight. That one fight, and with the retrieval of the new soul stone, My body seems to refuse and accept the power of the stone. "

" Well, partly accepting and rejecting, " she clasped her hands and thought of it.

" Explain? " Kai asked.

" You said earlier that your body partly refuses and accepts the energy. Perhaps, I can help you with that. "

" You may be right, but it's mostly a refusal of the energy. Think of like a invading virus and the white blood cells are fighting back the virus. "

" Well, I tried that once when I was a teenager, " she said and recalled. " Months after my father passed away, I sneaked at my grandfather's things which I saw the Space Stone hidden in his box. At first, I got overwhelmed and then fainted. My grandparents and my mom found me unconscious. I felt the same thing as yours. "

"...A great power rejected by your own bodies moral values, " Kai muttered.

" Somehow, it took days for me to regain consciousness, " she replied. " Then, they scolded me afterwards. I explained them that I wanted to avenge my father. But something in me was forming and the other was rejecting since my human side was struggling to adjust. At first, I ignored this, but I had no choice but to discover and learn from it. "

" Then what? "

" Well, I focused on finding and accepting this energy, " she answered. " That's the only way I could get it. "

" Could you go a bit more in detail? "

" Okay, I want you to close your eyes and medidate, " she said.

Kai nodded as he closed his eyes and began breathing slowly. The half-Kree woman joined with him as she held her granduncle's hands.Kai continued breathing slowly as his mind slowly became clear and empty of thought.

" Now, start concentrating. "

Kai still breathed slowly as he fell into a deep mental state of concentration. His body was heating up slowly.

" You're getting there. "

" SShh...." he shushed and tried to contrate, but appeared to be bother by something.

" Sorry...."

Kai concentrated harder before starting to get frustrated as he accidently gripped on Amelia's hands tightly. She sensed her granduncle's energy and the Soul Stone had fused together. He became hotter than ever.

" D-Damn it..." a surge of chaos energy erupted from Kai's body and hurted Amelia and defused the energy fusion.

" Okay, you have unleashed it, " she nervously smiled. " But not that in full blast. You need to control it. If you face more difficult enemies, you have to use it wisely. "

" I can't Amelia. The Chaos energy is forcibly removing the fusion. "

" Okay... concentrate, " she gently touched his forehead.

" Without your assistance, Amelia, " Kai said monotonously.

" Then do it. "

" Then let go..." he started to let go of her hand and concentrated on his own.

" Go on. " she calmly spoke and let his hands go. " You can do it. "

" Then let go..." Kai said but seemed to be talking to himself. " Let go of your values and morals for this one instance....and let the great energy control me-"

A surge of chaos energy released out of his body again, but much more calmly. Kai felt tremendous pain from the energy but kept concentrating. Amelia also sensed the Soul Stone glowing aside from the chaos energy and watched him concentrating.

" You're getting there, " she thought and smiled. " Just keep doing it. "

Kai kept concentrating, almost straining himself as he finally opened his eyes and sighed in disgust, " I can't...I guess it's some counter measure that my step-grandfather might have placed to keep my heritage of what they are..."

Without his knowledge, he saw a bright orange sky which he ended in the Soul world. Amelia was not beside him as he kept turning around to find her. He called out her name, but no one answered. It was a long silence as he got curious. The pyromancer noticed some people who lost their lives from Gueritaru's acts. Kai was surprised to see the people crying. They were a crowd of mixed races and ages who surrounded him. They had all come from different universes and timelines. They were wailing and weeping around him.

" Plese help us! " a child's voice cried and sobbed.

" We're just victims of that despicable one's universal exploits! " the other added.

" That "thing" destroyed my universe into ashes! " a man exclaimed. " We lost our homes because of him! Please save your world from that megalomaniac! "

Then, he heard another voice which found it very familiar. An older woman stood in front of him. Kai was astonished to meet her when she approached him.

" Dad, please save your people. You and your comrades can do it. " she called him and wept. " Amy has set-off to find the rest of you. She had a hard time fighting the madman after I died! "

Kai widened his eyes in shock as he looked down and said, " I'm trying! I'm always trying but I can't reach to the targeted level! My heritage, my bloodline, they are resisting the infinite power I'm trying to reach! "

His daughter hugged and comforted him. The other souls vanished as Kai and Lux remained on their spot.

" I'm calling you out from here. I can see what's happening, " she answered. " Your Chaos Energy has called our attention. "

Kai looked down at his daughter and gently embraced her, though weakly, " Why?...I...I don't want any more promises to break. And now, here I am, being asked to destroy Gueri with little chance of success. "

" Same here, Dad..." Lux wept and rubbed her eyes. " Same here...I tried everything. But you have a way. "

" And let me guess....I have to find that way by breaking a mold or value of some kind, " Kai assumed towards his daughter.

" You have such different power sets, " she replied. " Now, you have entered into the Soul world using the conflicting Soul Stone with the help of your Chaos Energy. You made it here. Dad, there is something I want to show you. I learned this from you in my time. "

" Present it, daughter..."

Lux took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The aura of the Soul world and her pyrokinetic energy accumulated her body. Just like Kai did, she took some time to concentrate as the fused energy was forming. Her father curiously watched to see how she did it.

" POWER OF WITHIN! " she exclaimed her flames become more intense and hotter than ever. Kai was in awe to see his daughter's ability had improved over the years.

"...You've definitely improved, Lux. You've definitely have...but that is just a simple spell, remember? Plus, it isn't that viable in most situations, considering it's damaging side effects. But anyway, why did you want me to show me this outdated form? You already have your ascension form of the CinderSoul."

" It's because we are connected through the powers we have. Your Soul Stone is the key that we reunite each other. And I'm here to help you, " she spoke. " I want you to have this when you fight the madman. "

" What is it? "

" My energy and the Soul World's aura, " Lux answered. " I'm going to share this with you to become more empowered and you can control your other powers. "

She touched her father's hands as she transferred her energy through him. It flowed through the pyromancer as the amalgated Cindersoul and Soul Stone energy. Finally, with Lux's help, the two energies had accepted into his system as Kai's body glew in bright orange. He widened his eyes in shock as his daughter was pleased to see her father had ascended just like her.

" W-Wait...Lux, you don't have to..." he paused and reverted back.

" It's okay...." she smiled and hugged him. " I wished to share this to Sammy and my kids, but you'll be the first one to have it. You can do it. I'll be watching you from the Soul Stone. "

Kai saw himself being pulled away from Lux before his body slowly disappeared from the Soul World. "...I guess....This is how I will go, but thanks Lux...."


Skoúro was locked in combat as she sleeked her way through shadow puppets she had created of the infinity dogs and manipulated the darkness around them to summon tendrils to impale a whole platoon of them.

" What I've noticed with me and everyone, we tend to stick together whenever we are fighting. Yet, when I'm alone, I feel more alive and not cautious. Perhaps, it's because I'm saving my energy in case someone gets in danger, " she thought and then thrusted her sword into the last three puppets as she sighed and wiped the sweat off of her head.

" Phew....All done, " Skouro looked at her stop watch and timed it. " Almost a whole hour with 10,000 shadow puppets....ugh...I'm also exhausted...."

Carol and Amnon watched her from the window as they saw her work. They had come from their combat training as the two were done from battling the LMDs in the other training room.

" Not bad for a power angel! " she smiled.

" She has been like that in my universe, mother, " he answered.

" That is very evident, kid! "

Skoúro used a little bit of what remaining energy she could use to summon more puppets, " I can do this! I just need to push myself. "

" Hmmmm, " the blonde half-Kree woman smiled. " I'm proud of her sheer determination. "

" Mom, your older-self and I did something before I got married. Then, she joined us. "

" So, it had something to do with your flight training days? Am I right? "

" Yes, she enjoyed flying with us way back. She wanted to go elsewhere every weekend. Yet, she never got tired of it, " he answered and shrugged. " Now, she's doing it again combating those Shadow puppets. "

" Oh, I see. "

Skoúro tired her way through the puppets as she was hit and slashed by then a couple of times, leaving some nasty wounds. But she refused to regenerate and continued pushing herself passed the limit. Skoúro then held out her right hand and blasted a couple of puppet platoons away.

" I guess her ultraviolet photon blasts are very effective, " Carol said.

" Yet, it is mom, " the Kree Eternal smiled.

Skoùro glared over to the final puppet as she sliced it up with Oblivion. She sighed, fell backwards and panted heavily. The Kree Eternal and his mother were still watching her.

" My, Skoúro! " he cried.

" Kid, calm down! " she exclaimed in reply. " You exactly sound just like your granddaughter when you get anxious! "

" But she needs help! "

" Okay, okay, let's see what we can do. "

Skoùro looked up at the ceiling as she pushed herself to get up and looked at her own wounds.

" I guess this is what it feels like to not waste energy to regenerate constantly. Regeneration is like a crutch. I could use that same energy to do more damage on my enemies..." she clenched her right hand into a fist and smiled. " If you just forget the pain is there... it'll never bother you...Or, that's what Kai would always say. "

" Woah, I think she gets it! "Carol laughed.

" Finally, " Amnon sighed in relief and smiled.

Skoúro went over to a 10 gallon water tank as she grabbed a cup and filled up the cup with water. She drank it and sighed in relief. " My durability is getting much better. I can stand up to Bro's powerful attacks and still stand, if that ever happens though. " She sat down on a bench and slouched. " I'll watch and see if any other dogs are coming. "

" So, are we getting in? " the Kree Eternal asked.

" Sure. " his mother said and nodded.

The two entered as they saw and sat in between her. Skouro was delighted to see them.

" O-Oh! Hey guys, " she greeted.

" We've just been watching you from the window, " the blonde woman smiled. " Mr. Marvel has just told me some of his throwback stories with you, him, and my older self in your universe. "

" True, " he answered.

" Is that so? " Skoúro said as she smiled. "...W-Well, what did you tell her, Bro? "

" Remember, the first time I flew with her? " Amnon asked. " You just joined us every weekends as we went around the air. In my first attempt, I was really nervous in joining you two, but you persuaded me to fly up. "

" He said that you tirelessly flew around the whole day roaming everywhere. " Carol added. " That also reminded me of my US Air Force pilot days. "

" Well of course. I wanted to improve my overall speed. Even if its already crazy fast. "

" That's why my older self reminded you two to get higher, further, and faster, " Carol grinned.

" And even you...albeit a bit more, well, forceful. "

" Well? " she turned to her son.

" Yep, you were. And somehow, you do, " he instantly answered.

" Right, my experience turned me like this. "

" I think it became a habit more than from experience, " Skouro said. " It kind of worries me, but hey, different universes, different Carols. "

" Yeah, the wonders of multiverses. I wonder if I could see another Amnon in my universe. "

" Possible, " the Kree Eternal nodded and asked. " Have you ever thought of that, mom? "

" Raising a little boy in the future, " she smiled. " Yeah, when this fiasco is over, perhaps you'll see your younger alternate self running and jumping around my house when you visit here! Well, I'm looking forward to be a parent soon. "

" Oh, " he laughed and smiled back. " I can see that. "

" Did she seriously forget what he originally was? Oh well, let's see how she goes after this ordeal, " she thought and asked. " So uh...on a different Topic, that's not headache endusing, Do you guys think the our roles as Infinity Dogs is necessary? "

" Well, I'm willing to do whatever it takes, Skoúro. " Carol smiled. " Why did you ask? "

" Well...I kind of feel as though just having a role or named as a infinity dog is an exaggeration. It's not like I hate being one, it's just I feel as though someone knowing our true identity will strike the biggest fear into their hearts. Having a name for a group of people with these sets of powers are sort of...bland." Skoúro glanced to the two kree as she shrugged.

" It's not just being bland and exaggerative, Skoúro, but I do feel this greater responsibility and pressure of protecting multiverse which I carry more weight than being a father and my career in our universe. Sometimes, I wonder myself if we could successfully defeat Gueri, " Amnon explained. " But I'm looking at the brighter side of it. "

" Right...Right..." Skoúro said as she put her arms behind her head and understood her brother.

" Well? " Carol said. " If only, we could still have our normal lives afterwards. I mean once we defeat this madman. By the way, I met someone here on the streets of Paris. I found him at the café. "

Amnon and Skoúro got interested as they noticed her face turned red. Carol became more embarrassed as she looked at the two.

Skoúro looked over to Amnon and whispered, " You thinking of who she's referring to? "

" My father in this universe, " he smiled.

" I...I... don't know if it's the right timing to say..." Carol nervously smiled and continued. " But he's...too charming, funny, and intelligent. He looks like Amnon, but he's more matured. I met him four months after the Thanos Invasion and the HYDRA problem. We've been dating a lot."

Skoúro chuckled slightly as she gently shouldered her brother, " More mature...gotta work on keeping that binary form in check~"

" Tell me, mother. What's the lucky guy's name? " Amnon smirked.

" Jean Meir Montmartre. " she spoke and blushed.

" His Kree name, not his French name. "

" Methu-Selah...he just revealed his true identity to me when he declared his love for me."

Amnon and Skoúro exchanged glances as they smiled. Carol was more blushing than ever.

" Well now, isn't that a coincidence? " the Dark Angel chuckled.

" Yeah, still the wonders of the multiverse tell all. " the Kree Eternal replied and turned to Carol. " Did you love him? "

" Well...." the half-Kree woman anxiously paused and got conscious.

" Say it. "

" Amnon...She's still technically your mother, she can ground you in a second flat if your pressure her, " Skoúro teasingly said.

" Kid, one question and..." Carol sternly spoke and sighed. Then she confidently spoke. " Yes, I love him! "

The angel and the Kree Eternal both smiled as they understood. Skoúro smirked as she leaned over to Carol and poked her cheek. Amnon recalled that night he was drunk when he met his father in New York. Somehow, he felt embarrassed to disclose it, but he kept smiling at this moment, ignoring his depressive and alcoholic moments.

" How about we freak him out of his technical future son and...well...what do I classify as in reality? " Skouro asked.

" Well, Meir... I mean...Methie and I have just met these days when we got here, " Carol replied. " After the training, I secretly leave the SHIELD Headquarters to Champs Elysees. "

" That explains why you leave so quickly. Then, you feel inspired in our combat training these days and you return around 11 pm, " Amnon smiled and kissed his mother's cheeks. " Am I right, mother? "

" Yeah...Kid! "

Skoúro got up as she stretched her body and wings, " Anyway, I'm feeling all back to normal again. " Then, she turned around to face the Kree mother and son . "How about a nice round or two?"

" Well, Kid. Your cupid senses are done? " Carol chuckled as her son nodded and then turned to her." I'm ready for that. "

" Come on you two, I'm not the only one whose struggling to grow stronger! Let's push it! "

" Allons-nous, mère? (Shall we, mother?) " Amnon smiled and held Carol's hands as she stood up.

" Oui, monsieur! " she smiled back and turned to Skoúro. " Okay, we're in! "

" Good! Let's do it!" Skouro said confidently. 

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