Chapter 18: Meet the Nova Prime

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(Former Aztec temple, Mexico, 9:00 AM)

Gueri stood in front of one of the former temples built by the ancient tribe called the Aztecs. He stepped on the walkway, entering the place. He was interested to see some ancient objects inside.

" Ah....a civilization that once understood the wrath gods bring if not kept in check. I might as well soared their land from this destruction of they were still around, " he thought and evilly grinned.

One of the MIB Agents guarded around the place as he saw the man at the temple. Gueri seemed to be in awe, admiring the temple before entering it. A British MIB agent named T followed him as he hid on the corners. Gueri glanced behind him to see of anyone was following him.

"....Odd, why do I have a feeling that someone is following me...yet I sense 3 highly powerful energy deep within this tomb..."

The mad man enhanced the tip of his index finger into a powerful light source as he could see more clearly as he delved deeper into the temple. Agent T widened his eyes in shock as he controlled himself to remain silent in what he saw. Gueri plunged deeper into the temple as he eventually reach to what seems to be yhe bottom. After a walk down to the hallway, he stepped foot into what seems to be an alter with a decorated wall at the back and seemed to hold three men of different tribes.

"....So...these are who what I think they are, " Gueri said as he walked forward.T followed the man's footsteps as he was still hiding.

" Yet, I wonder what is he going to do? " he deeply thought.Gueri grinned slightly as he stared at the wall.

"...It will be foolish of me to release them. They could kill everyone and even me in a instant....However...." he then summoned the Time stop into his hand and forced his energy into the stone to be able to use it. He then pressed his right hand against the wall and the wall started to glow green. "It'd bee nice to accelerate their eventual awakening..."

" Blimey! " T widened his eyes in shock and loudly exclaimed.

Gueri heard the horror of T's voice as he turned around and saw him. He intently grinned at the agent as he teleported the time stone out of his own hand.

" I knew you were here all along, lone agent. "

The British MIB began to sweat in fear and took his carbonizer gun. He peeked at the man.

" That disastrous wretched madman! " he mumbled.

T felt a tap on his shoudler. He turned, and sees Gueri to be by his side with a grey energy sphere.

" Found you..."

Gueri pressed the energy sphere into the agent and killed him upon the sphere exploding. Agent T found himself bleeding as he was in the brink of his demise.

" Not this time... No..." he mumbled.

" Go ahead...bleed more and more, I'll be watching! " Gueri said as he stepped back and watched the MIB Agent suffer and die.

" YOU BLOODY HELL, NOT THIS TIME!! " T yelled as a group of MIBs surrounded him.

Gueri looked around him and at the other agents as he grinned, "Is that the plan? Using yourself as bait to get me cornered? I say it was a bold plan, partially clever even."

" Heh, we are who we are mate, " T grinned.The MIBs pointed their carbonizers at Gueri.

" Although...There is one fault to your plan, " Gueri pointed towards Agent T as he put his right hand into his pocket.

" Really?! You're planning to bring out the supernatural and destructive things. We are here to prevent them. "

" Heh...And yet when you have everything calculated, " He pulled out the Reality Stone as it summoned a energy sphere similar to that of Skoúro's. " Reality erases the sucess of such calculation. " Then, Gueri warped out as the energy sphere exploded with one megatons of force, killing anything within its range. Gueri soon reappeared to the destructed waste land the energy sphere caused as he chuckled, " They really did fell for it. "

" Blimey! " T cried. " Run! "

Some of the surviving MIBs took T away as the others got trapped and died. The British MIB and his American partner immediately left the place.

" Yo ese, " his Mexican-American partner spoke. " We'll report this incident right away. "

" Thanks, mate, " T replied.

" I had enough with my research...that structures lower levels should be still intact, or at least the wall should be, " Gueri sighed and used the Reality stone to teleport away from the area he was in.

(Meanwhile, back at Paris, France)

Shade was in a highly durable training area as he tanked his own big attacks. He still stood even after 500 Soul's end blasts of his own, including a few conversion blasts. He panted and sighed as he wondered, " Even if the Infinty Dogs are the ones supposedly to challenge anything of great evil, that doesn't mean those who are as strong or stronger gets to be involved. " He held up his hand for another attack. " I'm already surpassed my bodies limits and improved my attacks speed and wind ups. They need the best of all their abilities to improve, as all I need to do is tank more hits and cast faster..."

Amelia watched the Abyss Watcher's acts from the window after helping out her Granduncle and the others.

" If only I could ask my subordinates to help them, "
she thought." But the NOVA Corps in this universe are too extremely far away. "

Shade fired another powerful blast upwards as he commanded the blasts to hit him. He tanked the hits as he trembled slightly. " D-Dammit..." Shade growled as he dusted himself off and regenerates his physical body. " I've marked my limit, " he sighed. " Now, I guess I could call out someone to fight me...but who even wanted to break against me? It's because of my damn ego..."

" Hey, it seems your friends do a lot of effort, " a brunette man smiled and also saw Shade's work. " Blue Blazes! What the heck is that?! "

Amelia recognized the man as she saw his memorial statue back in Xandar from her timeline. She saluted him and understood who he was. In her timeline, he was the deceased Nova Prime from Earth. The half-Kree woman was surprised to see him alive and younger.

" Great Commander Richard Rider, sir! " the Kree-hybrid woman greeted. " I'm Amelia Jane Montmartre-Dalton aka Captain Amiah-Selah, same division as yours in my home dimension and timeline. "

" Wow, a half-Kree lady followed my footsteps! " Rider smiled and saluted her back. " Nice to meet you. "

Rider and Amelia watched Shade's work from the window. The Nova Prime got curious of what the Abyss Watcher did earlier. Amelia saw him sitting and turned to her superior as they decided to enter the training room.

" He seems to have a hard time. "

" Yes, sir. "

Shade sit down as he rubbed his head, " Even if he is defeated, more headaches will come. It's a never ending process Amnon had forced me into. If I haven't gone all nice towards him and his father, I'll never be here..."

" Sir, by the way this is Shade the Abyss Watcher, " she introduced. " The dark soul bearer, my grandfather's friend. "

" I see, " Rider nodded.

Shade turned to the stands and noticed the two as he sighed and asked, " So you two have been watching me? "

" Yeah, my successor told me about you, " the NOVA Corpsman replied. " The name's Richard Rider by the way. "

" Of course she would. And I believe she also told you my history? "

" Not really, but we saw what you're doing lately. "

" Not surprising..." Shade said as he looked at the two.

" Well, you've been challenging yourself as usual, " Amelia shrugged.

" Why wouldn't I be? There's no one stronger than yourself. "

" Well, suit yourself, " she smiled.

" Anyway, I believe there's an entity who destroys every universes, " the brunette man explained. " Definitely, that's a big problem you've got there. Xandar in this universe has been in ashes after the incident here on Earth. "

" I'm fully aware. I've grown slightly stronger after I sensed such event. Gueri is everything wrong, but he's in a way morally right."

The two exchanged glances as Rider raised his eyebrows in doubt and confusion. Amelia understood as she had no reaction and crossed her arms. His ego annoyed her as she rolled her eyes and sighed.

" So, what's your plan then? " he turned to Shade and asked.

" If the dogs can't handle him again, then I'll go challenge him alone...still have to train my son though. Even though he is much more stronger, he can only stand 10% of that being's power. "

" Well, Gale is ready to fight, " she answered. " I trained with him few hours ago. If you may want to check him. "

" If it's training coming from you, I don't think it's enough. "

Amelia sternly glared at the Abyss Watcher as she still crossed her arms. She became
more annoyed at him than before. The Nova Corpsman noticed her grimm expression and gently patted her shoulders. For him, he was trying to pacify the half-Kree woman's mood.

" Well, you just try, " Rider suggested and noticed a younger man coming into the room as Amelia assisted him. Gale was uncomfortable of a newly suited battlesuit Amelia provided to him.

" This his son, by the way, " she introduced. " This is Gale Rains. "

" Oh, I see. "

" Is the costume necessary? " Gale asked.

" Gladius just gave you the dark X-Men battlesuit, " she smiled. " That suits you. Oh, by the way, the Asgardian princess will be glad to see you again if she's here. "

Gale looked at Amelia surprised as well as confused, " R-Really? That's an honor. Where is she anyway? "

" Yeah, " she nodded. " I just saw her with Detente few days ago. She's watching you from that window. "

" So, you're a matchmaker then, Cap? " Rider grinned and asked.

" I just inherited Mr. Marvel's cupid senses, " she chuckled.

Gale saw Frigga smiling and waving from the window. Then, he looked at Asgardian Feline princess and waved back while gently punching Amelia's shoulder. The half-Kree woman laughed gently slapped him in the back in return.

" God dammit, Amelia..."

" Come on, let's just have some moral support and inspiration, here! " the half-Kree NOVA Corps-woman grinned. " This is your only chance! "

" Blue Blazes, you are a lady cupid! " Rider laughed.

" Exactly! "

" And yet you don't have to make me at gun point and confess to Frigga. It's too forceful and wrong....and a lot of peer pressure, " he whispered at her and turned to his father, as he looks down. "Anyway, Dad! Do you wanna fight?! "

Shade lit up in interest before smirking, " If you insist, but I warn you...I won't hold a single punch back."

The two NOVA Centurions left the room as they observed. Frigga noticed Amelia smiling. The Asgardian-Faunus hybrid was curious of the half-Kree woman's love life.

" So, you have a loved one back in your timeline? " the princess curiously asked.

" Well... Your Highness. I do have, " she answered. " He's my childhood best friend. "

" Hmmm, once you're in Paris, love is in the air! " Rider joked and shrugged. " Cap, you could have brought your childhood sweetheart here! "

" Sir?! " Amelia blushed and laughed.

" Just kidding, let's watch then. "

The three watched from the window as the two prepared for their match. Gale eventually reached to the bottom to the area as he walked to his end of the arena. He looked at his father with confidence. Shade admired the look and waited for him to start.

" I'm both proud and surprised. If you have that enough resolve to challenge me, you'll have enough to face Gueri head on, " he said. " But do your raw powers and tactics come up with such resolve? "

" I don't know, Dad, " Gale said as he smirked.

" Why don't you try and come forth? "

" Oh, now you are playing off me. Bold, but respectable."

" You can do it, Gale! " Frigga happily thought. " I know you can do better! "

" It seems he's ready for this. " Rider muttered and observed.

Gale looked serious and stopped in place as he looked at his father who's now beginning to circle around him. Amelia calculated in her mind which how the Shadow-Mutant hybrid could manage to fight his father as she trained him.

"..Now begs the question. Do you strike first?...or should I? " Shade questioned Gale before slowly pulling out his jagged dagger. Gale looked at his father before smirking.

" I guess it will be you. "

" Great eye there, Gale, " he warped behind his son in blink of an eye as he slashed his son's cheeks.

" This is tougher than it seems, Sir. " Amelia replied.

" Yeah, your NOVA Corps training can relate you on this one, " her superior replied.

" Lord Richard and Lady Amelia, " Frigga called them. " I want to fight as well for Asgard in my universe. "

" Your Highness, are you sure? " the half-Kree woman asked.

" Yes. "

Gale backed off from Shade as he summoned dark sprites and commanded them towards his father. Shade blocked and then redirected the spurted back towards Gale, which he dodged them.

" Not bad, " Rider commented and nodded.

" Yeah, " Amelia smiled

" That is why I want to join him and all of you, " Frigga explained. " If you can help me. "

Richard Rider remained silent as his future successor gave him a convincing look. He scratched his chin and waited for her to speak-up and cared enough to listen.

" Commander Rider, I saw her Asgardian abilities along with her Faunus instincts. Maybe, we should help her train and fight along with Gale and the others. " Amelia suggested.

" So, she's an aspiring fighter, " he understood and warned. " Okay, she can but you must remind her that enemy is tough as nails. "

" I saw him. That's why I decided to help you and my mission to avenge the entire Kingdom of Asgard. " the princess replied.

" Well, you're in, princess. "

" Thank you. "

The three continued to watch Shade and Gale from the window. Multiple dark Sprites collided with the window before the window shows signs of cracking.

" Blue Blazes! " Rider widened his eyes and exclaimed. " We can't afford to pay for that crack! Sheesh! SHIELD's gonna ground us for good! "

" Oh dear..." Amelia facepalmed.

" You can do it, Gale! " Frigga cheered and ignored the window crack.

Gale continued swatting away from the sprites, causing more damage, before he charged forward toward his father. Shade slid along the ground before he kicked Gale upward and vanished behind him as he plunged his dagger into his son.

" What even did Amelia train you on? Just to show off? "

" Gale, don't let yourself down! " the Asgardian princess exclaimed. " You can do it! "

Gale heard the princess as he smiled, " R-Right..."

Before he did anything else, Shade kicked into Gale's throat, making him choke a bit before he elbowed his son away from him, " Right..."

Shade said before looking at Amelia, "Is this a joke? "

Amelia ignored and secretly read the Abyss Watcher's mind as she remained emotionless. Gale however tried to retaliate as he was still the princess cheering up for him. Shade looked over to his son in disappointment

"...So that's what they have done to you....what a waste of knowledge. "

Shade then grabbed Gale's head and kicked him with his knee. He repeatedly did
it as the Abyss Watcher cracked and slightly carved the skull of Gale. The Shadow-Mutant
grabbed his father's hands and flipped him down. He released the Dark Sprites as he could.Then, it created more window cracks than ever. Shade looked at Gale directly as he kicked away the spirtes. Gale kept dodging and throwing more. Shade kept pressuring Gale and thought to break the stalemate. Gale tried to deflect the sprites from his father and never gave up in targeting as Rider, Amelia, and Frigga watched them.

" Such fighting spirit he has, " the NOVA corpsman commented.

" Yes ,sir. " Amelia nodded. " He failed on his first try. "

Gale held his hands together as he formed a ball of darkness, " Take this! Duo Soul spears! "

He summoned two spears of darkness from each if his hand as he three the two. The spears had split into multiple smaller spears as now Shade was on the defense. Shade enhanced his hands with darkness and tried to deflect all of them, but was hit with a few spears. Gale was still on the same fighting spirit as Frigga smiled at him.

" Go ahead, Gale! " she cheered. " You can do it! "

" Well I guess it's now to test my new move, " Shade thought in what appeared to be in an instant. Then, he was behind Gale as his son became frightened of the sudden movement.

" Wh-What the!? When did you-" Gale was then cut off as he was hit punched by his father as he soon crumpled.

" Oh no! " Frigga widened her eyes in shock.

" Whoa, Blue Blazes! " Richard exclaimed.

" He needs to get up, " Amelia added.

Gale slowly stood up as he never gave up. He panted as he glared at his father. Shade stood menacingly as he looked at his son.

" You've definitely have improved, but not have improved in much in the variety department. "

" Not quite, Dad, not quite, " Gale determinedly spoke.

" So you admit it, then. "

" But still, I'm not giving up like you expect me to do, " he said.

Commander Rider, Princess Frigga, and Amelia were surprised by Gale's determination which it seemed to be promising as a fighter.

"...Are you right in the head boy?"

" Yeah, I just learned my lesson in the first try..."

" Well here's another lesson. Come and fight me if want to learn"

" Heck, yeah, " Gale grinned. " I still have the energy. "

" Alright, then come closer, " Shade said as he slowly steps forward. Gale nodded as he was still focusing and preparing himself.

"...Come closer..." Shade said, but a bit more menacingly.

Gale understood of his father's tricks as he was coming closer. Soon, the very shadow of Gale had summoned tendrils of darkness and they wrapped him and pinned him to the ground. One of the tendrils choked him. Gale was surprised to see himself in that trap. He couldn't break free of his father's tricks as he spent seconds dying. Gale was losing hope from this situation. Until he remembered something from his mutant great-grandmother, not to give up. From his hands, he released his dark sprites breaking one of the tendrils. The three people from the window watched Gale's attacks against the tendrils.

The now severed tendril quickly grew back into two more strands and impaled Gale. The tendrils then sent a quick, but painful, shock inside of the of him, leaving him paralyzed. Gale was lying down, but his great grandmother's words were still lingering in his mind. Frigga the Cat-Asgardian princess was shocked to see it.

" Your highness? " Amelia turned to her with a concern. " Are you all right? "

" No, this is unfair! " she cried. " He could have done something better! He should never give up! "

" Wait..." Richard Rider called the two. " He's standing up! "

Shade then walked towards his son and then kneeling down to him. Gale smiled as he was satisfied on the outcome of what they had done.

" Good game....We're done here, " he commented.

" Yeah, thanks for the help, Dad..." he grinned and slowly standing up.

Shade turned towards the stands and looked at everyone else. Frigga sighed in relief and smiled at Gale. The two NOVA Centurions exchanged glances and smiled.

" Good work for training him, Cap. " Rider gently patted the Kree-Hybrid woman.

" It was nothing, sir. " she replied and saluted. " Thanks. "

Gale wiped a bit of blood that was on him and followed his father, " Father-"

" I know what you're going to say...Yes. and that is all, " he looked back to his son and smiled lightly. Gale smiled lightly and nodded.
" Well, not bad for a Father and son session, " the brunette man commented.

" They're used to do that, " Amelia chuckled.

" Now why not run back to your friends, They are dying to talk to you..." Shade teased to his son.

" Right. I'll go up! " Gale dashed ahead of Shade and made his way up to the others.

" Good job, there! " the blonde Kree-Hybrid smiled.

" That was splendid! " the Asgardian princess beamed.

" You are a boy with a high tolerance and endurance! " Commander Rider added.

" Well, since my dad is technically Kai, I can thank him for having his endurance. "

Richard Rider nervously gulped and widened his eyes in shock. He couldn't speak a word and believe at the same time. He turned to Amelia and gave her "explain this to me" look. She intently smiled and softly chuckled at the same time.

" Wait...what?! " he loudly exclaimed.

" It's a long story, sir..." she replied.

" Yeah, what Amelia said...I'll tell you about it later, sir. But right now, I just need to rest, " Gale added.

" Well, good luck there, kid! "

" Thanks..." he nodded and watched the two NOVA Centurion talking and walking on the hallway. Then, he sighed deeply as he was out of breathe. He then tried to shrug off the tiredness and sat down on a bench, looking at Frigga. " Well, what did you think? "

" You could have tried fighting a frost giant and Surtur if you want to! " the princess joked.

" My father is probably the strongest ally we have...I can't get stronger from just a mindless icy giant."

" Oh, right! " she chuckled.

Gale chuckled as well, " Hey, how about we spar some time. You can't sit on the sidelines without contributing the defeat of Gueri. "

" Captain Dalton is training me for it. I think I can do it with her help as well as yours. "

" Then, it sounds like a hangout tomorrow. "

" I would love to! "

He nodded before giving Frigga a pat on her shoulder. "I'll be there early, you can arrive there early to if you want to soar with me privately. "

" Of course! "

" Anyways...I'll be off now, see you guys around, " he walked back to the ground floor and slowly made his way outside.

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