Chapter 19: The Old Kree man

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Kai was preoccupied by himself in the house of Infinty Dogs as he was organizing the clean plates. He remembered how Lux had helped him empowered back in the Soul World as, he wondered, "...To unlock that full strength, I need to unlock a obstacle...Is my views of fighting an obstacle? It could be."

" Hmmm, " Gladius approached him and pointed at his fellow. " Perhaps, you need help with the Reality Stone Bearer. He's giving you some tricks to fight that obstacle. "

" What?! " Detente raised his voice. " Why me?! "

" You can bend and control reality, right? "

" Oh, yeah! " the scarlet haired cosmic being laughed. " I guess, Kai needs more help from us! Why would I forget about that? "

" Yeah, then another help with the Commander here, " Gladius suggested.

" Well, Zavala is busy in planning some tactics in fighting Gueri. So, yeah. He might do that. "

" 3 versus 1 would be better, though. But let's see if he comes. "

Kai thought to himself more. " They never seem to keep their minds out of their mouths do they? I'm surprised this hasn't been leaked yet. " He put away the remaining dishes and leaned back to the counter and suggested, "Maybe instead of just fighting and fighting, maybe a mental exercise will do. "

" Well, good idea. " Gladius nodded.

" It can work," Detente shrugged.

Kai looked at the other two Infinty Dogs and turned over to a desk area. " Perhaps, I could just sketch out how I'm feeling."

The two joined him as they grabbed some pieces of paper and some pencils. The three started sketching. The red haired cosmic being's face turned more serious. Detente sketched the paper with whole blackness. Kai noticed the intensity aura coming off of Detente.

" It's not like it needs to be perfect, what's with the seriousness? "

" Are you okay? " Gladius asked.

The tears flowed on his face as the pyromancer and the mutant saw the picture from him. The scarlet haired cosmic being broke down and made his pencil broken.

" Lord Order... Master Chaos...My siblings...." he loudly wailed.

" Did he kill them too? " Kai questioned.

" Y-Yes..."

" This is terrible, " Gladius said. " Why didn't you tell us? When did it happen? "

" Two days ago..."

" It was during our training, too. He's probably taken the opportunity to just do more destruction to cause us more grief and sorrow, " Kai said and angrily sketched. " But in reality, All he's doing is fueling the raging fire even more. Eventually, that fire will be out not control and burn his damn pride!" He sketched harder before his pencil snapped.

" That same thing goes with anyone else here, guys." Gladius replied and sadly sighed as he finished his sketch. Kai closely looked at it. The picture was a beautiful scenery of the world with balance and order. " But that doesn't mean we give up. "

Kai nodded before looking at his picture, a scenery of internal conflicts within the people of a calming city which was loomed over a shadowy figure. " Yeah..."

" I guess I know how bleak it is, but we still have hope. "

Detente sadly nodded and looked at the window which the streets of Paris seemed to be normal to anyone. The cosmic being rubbed his eyes with a handkerchief to wipe his tears on his face.

"...It'll be a never ending cycle, but we are built from the ground up to be chosen and take on anything, even if it costs our lives, " the pyromancer said.

" Whatever it takes..." the red haired cosmic being gloomily spoke and turned to the two.

"...I still have more on my mind, " Kai replied and got up from his chair to find a pencil sharpener.

" Yeah, go ahead. " Gladius nodded.

Kai found the sharpener and tried to sharpen his pencil. He sharpened it too far as it snapped inside of sharpener and he became agitated. He tried it again and snapped again. He tried a couple of more tries and sighed and snapped one last time as the pencil was reduced down to its eraser.

" That seems tougher than you have done, " the mutant noticed and looked at him with a concern.

" Well, whenever I see Gueri again, he'll never best me again. No second wins for him or his plans. " Kai said with a hint of flare.

" That's why I need to avenge my people, " Detente replied.

" Yeah, right, " the long haired mutant nodded and looked from the window at the people walking around.

"...Maybe I have things still to be learned. I'll ask Carol after all this situation is resolved." Kai said as he looks for a new pencil.

" Well, she's here, " the mutant replied. " She just brought her boyfriend from a date. "

Kai took a minute too think before speaking in surprise, " Methu-Selah is here? "

" Yeah, he's using an alias named Dr. Jean Meir Montmartre. "

" It might well be a crime to disrupt a date with lessons meant for the future, " Kai said looking at Detente.

" If he's willing to help us, I'm sure he is giving us some answers. "

" Maybe..." he said while nodding about something in his mind.

" Yeah, Amnon's dad in my universe is a scientist, " Gladius replied. " I met him some years ago. "

" In my universe, I never know what he truly was. The things I can really remember is to help him fulfill the prophecy that was Amnon. I never really got to know him deeper then that."

" Well, you have a chance to meet his father, this time. "

" I could, but later, sounds fine with me, " Kai found a new pencil.

" Oh that's the last pencil, Kai. "

" Last Pencil is the only shred of hope we all have then, " the pyromancer said as he made his way back.

" Well, you can do it, " Gladius reminded. " Just focus on what you want to think of. "

" I don't have a memory span like Dory, so I'll be alright. "

" Finding Nemo, eh? " the mutant grinned. " You can do it! "

" It's not about just me, it's about us as a collective group" Kai reminded. "We have equally important problems to overcome. "

" Well, you know. I have a strange feeling that some of my fellow mutants and my family will have a hard time to encounter that monster. "

" Heh, that's the understatement of the century, " Kai said.

" Xavier and the rest of the X-Men will be toast, " the mutant sighed. " Not even, overpowered people can handle that big bad wolf. "

" That's why your people get killed, " Detente sadly replied. " No one has ever taken him down. "

" Then, what's next? "

" I feel like it's us at the moment. But he is taking sweet time for us getting ready to make us introduce him his new mate, the ground".

" Very funny, Kai! " Gladius grinned and laughed. " Amnon's right about you. You can stir up jokes in such a full moment as he told me. "

Detente slightly smiled and sighed as he looked at the window, " I hope so guys...I hope so..."

Kai nodded as he chuckled a little before receiving a messaging that made a loud beep. He stopped in place and picked up his phone and checked the message. He widened his eyes in surprise and awe as he quickly replied.

" Kai, my dad is here. You should see him! " - Amnon

" Right. I'll probably meet up with him and you. See you then. " - Kai.

" Fine, I'll get it out of the way now, " he tossed the pencil to Detente. " I'm going out for a bit, don't being down the fort".

" Yeah, I guess you have to meet someone, " Detente nodded and grabbed it.

" Sharp thinking, " Kai said before he left the apartment house.

(Champs-Élysées, Paris, 7:30 PM)

Kai was walking down the streets of Paris at the nightly tone, smiling. He was surrounded by people on the sidewalk where he was heading his way to the restaurant. He went into the establishment as a young brunette woman approached him.

" Bonsoir, monsieur, are you reserving a table for two? " she asked.

Kai was thinking of answer as he looked for someone. The waitress remained waiting when Amnon dressed up in a black suit and a white shirt stood up and left his parents as he approached her.

"Excusez-moi, mademoiselle. C'est mon ami. Nous nous attendons à ce qu'il vienne sur cette table, là-bas. ( Excuse me, miss. He's my friend. We are expecting him to come on that table over there.) " he pointed at Carol and the other man waving at Kai as the waitress smiled and nodded.

" Oui, monsieur.Je le garderai pour un invité supplémentaire. (Yes, sir. I'll keep it posted for an additional guest. " she replied. " Si vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez nous appeler. (If you need help, you may call us.)"

" Merci beaucoup. (Thank you very much.)"

" De rien, (You're welcome.)"

Kai nodded slightly, " Uuuhh...Oui? "

He soon glancing over to the couple and waved at them. The two men went their way to the respective seats.

" Now, you've got a life-saver, " the Kree Eternal whispered at the pyromancer.

Kai whispered back to his friend, " You knew and told, didn't you? "

" Yeah, she's asking for you to reserve a seat. "

Carol smiled at the two men as a blonde bespectacled man with a moustache who looked very uncanny to Amnon sipped his red wine. Kai got surprised to see him.

" Well, you're just in time, Kai! " she called him. " Have a seat. "

Kai took the seat reserved for him as he looked at the familiar man and nodded at him, " Methu, it's good to see you young. "

" So, you must be Amnon's friend, Kai Izaleith? " the older Kree Eternal smiled and replied. " Thank you for the compliment. "

" Dad, are we giving him something to eat? " Amnon asked.

" Of course! He must be hungry, son. It's my treat by the way! "

" No,No, it's fine...Water sounds nice though. "

" Okay, if that's so. " Methu-Selah answered. " Feel free to ask, if you want. "

He signalled the waiter and asked for a glass of water. The waiter arrived and gave the pyromancer a glass of water.

" Right, right, " Kai nodded before looking at the Kree family. " Man...I feel out of place a bit... Anyway, Carol, Mind you spare some knowledge?"

" Oh yeah, we are talking about those anomalies that happened in the past few days. Yet, I'm thinking of probabilities. Anyway, I showed Methie the video transpired in the Philippines, " she replied.

" What are your thoughts? "

" Okay, that incident gave us 99 percent of losing, but in our next fight, It will be reversed. "

" Reversed? " Amnon curiously repeated the word.

" Your father's prediction made some calculations after watching it. "

" And so whenever we fight him again, we'll have that 99% chance to win then? It's a bold statement,but something to get high hope's for, " Kai said and drank his glass of water.

" Yes, but somehow a tournament type of fight, " Methu-Selah replied. " It may be very
unconventional in our case, but you could defeat Gueritaru along with another superior being. "

" I could see, that, Dad. " Amnon anxiously nodded and pondered. " It may be very risky for us to do it. "

Kai was hesitant to say something before he became lost in thought of what he was going to say but only sighed and shook his head. The blonde half-Kree woman noticed and looked concerned.

" Kai, is there something you want to say? " Carol asked.

"...I don't think someone like him will play around with mortal methods. He has that aura of egearness and forward thinking. Persuading him won't work, even with the Mind Stone."

" That's the problem why is it very risky, " Amnon concluded. " My mother could be easily tricked on that. "

" Yeah, that's why I asked your father to solve this Big Bad Wolf problem, " Carol replied.

" Well..." he then looked at Methu-Selah. " Any ideas, chief? "

" I think you could let the others join, like Shade and his son, the Asgardian princess, " Methu-Selah turned to Amnon. " Your granddaughter as well. A combination of powers to deal those brutes. "

" R-right, " Amnon nodded as he got worried of Amelia's involvement which she could be harmed in this battle.

" Kid? " his mother turned to him.

" If she's ready..."

Kai looked at Amnon, " We are all ready...just hesitant in actually doing it. "

" Right, but I'll be honest here, I'm not even certain if she could do it on her own. "

" She can't. "

" That is why I'm worried about her. "

"...But she can help us out..we need all the help we can get, " Kai said.

" Amnon, in her timeline, you have raised her well, " his father spoke. " Don't be anxious for her. "

" Kid, they're right, " Carol added and held her son's left hand to assure him. " Amy is a good team player and a leader. You can let her work with us. Don't worry, she won't let us down. "

Amnon heard the three and smiled. He held his glass of red wine and offered a toast to his companions, " To all of us..."

" To everyone, " Kai smiled as he raised his glass of water.

" Salut, mon amies! (Cheers, my friends!) " Methu-Selah added.

The four of them toasted their wine glasses as they enjoyed their moment. Suddenly, the older Kree Eternal had thought of something as he looked at Carol. Amnon and Kai looked at the couple and smiled.

Kai leaned over to Amnon and whispered to him, " Ten credits for anything romantic happening from the two of them".

" Twenty Euros, my friend, " he whispered.

" Carol Susan Jane Danvers or Car-Ell, " the older Kree Eternal cleared his throat as Carol smiled and blushed at him. " We have been best friends for a decade. I know this is a milestone and I want to spend my next hundred years with you. "

" Methie, you've gotta be kidding me! " Carol laughed as her boyfriend held her hands.

" One question... Will you marry me? "

" OUI! " she happily beamed and hugged him.

Amnon grinned and turned to Kai as they exchanged glances. Methu-Selah brought an engagement ring as Carol was happy and started kissing him. The rest of the patrons at the restaurant turned to them.

" Looks like they are attracting a crowd, " Kai said as he smirked.

" Well, my mother is Captain Marvel, " Amnon nodded and took the bill from his wallet. " There, you go. "

" Surprised they didn't notice her earlier...or that's just me, " Kai thought and received it.

" It looks like I have an inspiration to fight for aside from my granddaughter and the rest of my family. "

" It's not just you Chief, its her's too."

" Yeah, Love is in the air where you're in Paris..." the younger Kree Eternal grinned.

Kai looked at the romantic scene more before he received another message. "At a time like this, why was it you?". He looked at his phone which was a message from Skoúro and read .

" Hey Kai-boi, Everyone except you and the Montmartre family are back at the apartment and were discussing a plan to go after Gueri tomorrow after noon. What do you say? "-Skoúro

Carol and the others looked at him and asked, " Is it time for us to go? "

" Maybe, maybe not really? It's just for me and Amnon, " Kai explained before looking at his friend. "You can stay with your mate for a bit longer. Don't worry we'll tell everyone".

" Sure, we'll catch up. "

" See you later Mom! Dad! " Amnon hugged his parents.

" We like to see your team, anytime, " his father added and gently patted his son's back.

" Sure. "

" But you know...the night is still young...just keep that in mind" Kai said as he gets up from his seat and smiled to the couple. " Anyway, see you guys later. "

" We will! " they replied in unison as the two men nodded, waved at them, and left the restaurant.

He looked at Amnon and asked, " Ready to head back? "

" Yep, fly or walk? "

" The last time you flew, you've left me in the dust. "

" Oh, that was years before you found my alter-ego and I were the same person, " Amnon nervously smiled. " I was worried that you might find out. Sorry about that! "

" You always repeat yourself about that, Chief. You can relax about that now. Everyone has accepted you now. Relax those tensions" Kai patted his friend's shoulder and smiled.

" Yeah! Thanks..." he laughed and saw a married couple kissing and embracing on the other side of the street. It was very intimate as Amnon remained silent and sadly sighed. They reminded of him and his wife back in his universe doing the same moments together. He was wondering of how she was doing without him. The Kree Eternal was deeply longing to be with his wife while seeing them. " Gourai, I'm coming home very soon. I missed you. I love you..."

"...Feeling a bit homesick?" Kai curiously asked as he noticed the symptoms emitting from Amnon.

" Yeah, ever since I got here, ten years ago. I had this same homesickness for being with my wife. "

" Ten years?"

" Yep, there were those days when I disguised as Lawson and that terminal illness I had. "

He got shocked in disbelief and replied, " It hadn't been that long back home. Only like 3 years...I guess our reality is slower than this one. "

" I guess so, " Amnon still looked at the couple. " I hope Gueri never gets anyone. My family will suffer if he messes up. I don't want to lose them. "

" He'll never get anyone more at all. Not on my watch" Kai confidently said before sighing to himself. " Is what I would say if he hadn't shattered my willpower? "

" Yeah, you're right. Whatever it takes..."

Kai nodded before looking up at the night sky and sighed, " Even if we are eager to beat Gueri up, we are not sure of where he is. "

" Right, " the Kree Eternal nodded. " But he may be somewhere in the cosmos. "

The pyromancer hummed and thought something for the future fight. He then gasped and had an idea, " Okay Amnon. Hear me out, alright?"

" Yeah, sure, maybe I can add something from my mother's thinking of this reverse probability. "

Kai looked at his best friend with malicious intent as Amnon clearly understood him. The two began conversing their plans and loudly laughed. The Parisian crowd turned their attention and felt awkward at them which they murmured. Whatever they were planning, it could be a spark of defeating the cosmic Big Bad Wolf.

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