Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV (this chapter is long but worth it trust me😏)

The two opposite Saiyans were clashing fists and mostly teleporting all over on the ground then the sky where both intertwining hands together power struggling until Frost gains the upper hand by immediately head butting Alex's face knocking him away and gives him a heavy knee into his gut as the female warrior wasn't wasting anytime telling him while throwing barrages of punches onto his body of course was mostly trying to block some of her frozen hands. "YOU'RE ACTUALLY BETTER THAN THAT FOOLISH GIRL!!! BUT CAN DO A LOT MORE THAN THIS!!!" She said loudly kicking into his ribs that sends him flying away at the ground as the ice Saiyan was coming straight for the male that was shooting mostly ki blasts to keep her way knowing it wouldn't work much with the regular Saiyan boy mostly dodging her frozen ice balls and disks that he was still gotten stabbed with then he was charging forward using teleportation and after imaging giving her two punches across the face and kicking into her stomach to knock her back wasn't enough as they kept clashing and shooting off more beams having Kefla wake up to watch their battle in awe and annoyed.

Frost's POV

She snarls then looks at Alex then she roars out mouth beam at then she teleports behind him and blast in his back with a wave of ice, freezing him then she makes a ice war hammer and swings it in the back of his head, shattering the ice prison and stunning him as she knees him in the stomach, slams his head down and hardly slaps him away with her hair then she makes an ice clone just when Kefla tries to punch her. Kefla freezes in place as Frost says "too much for you fusion Saiyan" to then she makes a giant energy ball and throws it at Kefla, engulfing her. Then she goes after Alex, flying and slamming her fist into his face, sending him down then forms ice claws on the tips of her fingers and dive down on Alex and slashes him in the chest then blast him away with a ki wave.

Alex's POV

He was being sent flying away getting all kinds of pain added to his body feeling the slashes on his chest holding onto the wounds for a bit before powering up and began flying at her direction giving some barrages of punches having to dodge away her ice abilities using his fire like ki blasts and engulfing some onto his fists to defend himself in creating a ki blade cutting her around sharply as he implanted her with a ki bomb going off and engulfing her whole body, withstanding the pain given to her as the Saiyan male was kneeing her stomach right back with a heavy head butt to her face then double axe handles down at the ground as he is deflecting some of her hits but finding her very strong but then charges his whole power up into SSB wasn't going all out just yet and shooting a large beam hitting her body right back converting the technique into sending her away further into the air.

Frost's POV

Frost growls then yells in rage making the technique Alex used instantly disappear. She then stops holding her stomach as she looks at Alex go SSB. She creeps a smile and says "Proved to be stronger from last time, I heard that you use this as a last resort.....the fight we had helped me a lot I must say" then she stares sharply as then says "Before we truly fight, I want to know if I did that form correctly" to then clenching her fist towards powering up greatly as she yells as trees nearby start to rip out of the ground. Kelfa watches and says amazed but shocked "That power, has she been holding back this whole time?!" Frost's ki starts to turn a royal blue then she roars loudly as her ki burst blows everything away and she's engulfed in blue light. Kefla's eyes widen at the blinding blue light dims as her white hair was blue and spiky. Frost flexed her muscles a bit and asked "Now don't I have the transformation you're on right or not?" She said waiting for his response.

Alex's POV

"Well actually it looks like you've achieved the blue evolution form from my master Vegeta back in the tournament so....technically yes but above Super Saiyan Blue!!" He said calmly crossing his arms having his aura flare down
onto vanishing where he was remaining without it looking at the 2nd Saiyan with a sweat drop covering his face in a more confused moment then changing back to serious expression with having his other forms he could use her than just blue, so he then tells her with a smirk listening to what she hearing of him. "You must have heard more about me, that is flattering and honorable you've came to meet now fight me can't exactly help feeling this excited!!" He said with a mixture of excitement and seriousness now at full maximum power but not sure if this is all the power she has or any other form looking like she might have something else up her sleeve as he speculates the situation for a second before pointing at her. "Do you have any other form than Super Saiyan Blue!?" He asked her curiously.

Third Person's POV

Frost tilts her head then nods as she lowers her power and goes to normal Super Saiyan blue with the gold/blue aura. "So this is the regular one and what I did was something different" Kefla growls in anger as she watches Frost being able to achieve the form she desired desperately at this point. She stands and yells out to her. "How did you get that strong, I'm supposed to be the strongest saiyan female warrior known in all the universes! Tell me, how do you achieve super saiyan blue!!" Frost looks at her and says loudly to be very clearly with her "Super Saiyan God is all you can handle, you are nowhere ready for such power cause of your eagerness to fight using that form, those forms are not games you can just randomly choose and fight anyone." Kefla yells in anger powering up to SSJ. "You don't know shit!" Frost looks at Alex and says "All the forms you can do but my God form is different" shegoes back to normal form. "I want to fight the best so I will fight the best, excited I see then let the real battle be-" she was cut off by Kefla and who says "Fight me!" "I'll give a fight!" to Frost telling her with a death glare very annoyed with the fused female warrior and persistence in wanting a meaningless fight "No" Kefla then powers up to SSJ and attacks her as Frost dashes at her but flips over her as a clone took her place, making Kefla once again crash and freeze in place, Frost makes an ice sword putting it at Kefla's neck and says "Call her off, I'll kill her".

Alex's POV

"Kefla!! If you can hear me from there just stop let me fight her already!! She's right you're not ready for that form yet and they're not used as some type of a game than just skipping over you really need to stay on Super Saiyan God please for me!!" He said to her calmly trying to cool her down from continuing to fight Frost since this is the first time meeting another female Saiyan that holds ice abilities being very different as it makes him very happy and excited doesn't really see her as an enemy just looking for a great fight putting out his hands as a sign of not wanting 2nd Saiyan to kill her or anything at the same time isn't wanting Kefla getting angry over the truth as he's been trying to tell her just due to his kindness and finding better ways of explaining to his girlfriend rather than faking the very honest route in saying she isn't ready for that kind of power just has to first handle the forms she already has especially God being a somewhat first form to the ascended version as he turns his eyes over towards Frost calmly knowing she wants to have the best fight seeing how different that she has acquired having to slowly relax from remembering their own fight doesn't want things to escalate even further.
"Yes we can surely since this isn't the only form I have currently anyway, but just let her go and she can be annoying with most of the time not listening to reason or control her ego I get it!! Still shouldn't kill her and in return we can maybe talk!!" He said to her softly putting his hand behind his head scratching it like Goku and breathes out in relief to hope she won't go further to harm bad enough she gets whooped very easily without even trying even if the fused warrior can bring in the pain still isn't enough.

Frost's POV

She looks at him as she sighs and her sword fades as Kefla yells breaking free then she stares at Alex and looks down "Fine whatever" then she sent a death stare at Frost and flies off to watch. Frost then stretches her limbs and looks at Alex and says "Get ready Alex and don't disappoint me"  she then powers up in base form with her energy spiked in light blue aura as then ice covers her hands up to her elbow as armor. She then says "I'll start with my base form and work all the way up, if that's okay with you" then she studies him ever closely while thinking of her by to fight him with after fighting him before in the tournament of power and losing, she makes sure she won't again. With a battle cry she flies at Alex and throws a much heavier punch to his face and send him back but she goes after him by high kicking him in the chin into the air as she uses her hair to pull him down to deliver more heavy punches then blast him away with a ki wave. She then makes an ice disk and throws it at him.

Alex's POV

He nodded hearing her talk about being ready and won't disappoint going to start from using her base form might as well do the same too reverting back to his own having to be stronger that way. He quickly charges forward taking in those little hits dodging her ice disk knowing it can follow him so he begins to turn around shooting it completely with his fiery blue ki blast ducking down any attack she many try to sneak up on him with a quick drop kick into her stomach knocking her away as he throws a yellow ki blast to hit her even further away using his teleporting to go from behind high kicking her into the air and going after his opponent even faster throwing some heavy punches and blocking most of hers at the same time dodging any sharp ice attacks, he wasn't falling for it this time elbowing her face to knock her back before using five afterimages ganging up on hitting her stomach then the rest of her body but disappears for the real one comes dashing in to give a harder double axe handle sends her down at the ground then shoots several more ki blasts to follow after the female warrior as he teleports being in front delivering a much harder punch into her face knocking her back on the ground as those ki blasts was engulfing her whole body with the Saiyan male dashes away watching her movements using some shockwaves to her away cracking some of the ice armor on her arms and legs to only do a teleported knee into her stomach then smacks her away with also throwing a barrage of punches then shoots a ki beam with his hands that sends her flying into the sky even faster and teleports from behind blasting green ki blasts multiple times into her back engulfing again until an explosion was emerging from the impact damaging her jumping away to wait patiently for her next move.

Third Person's POV

Frost yells then huffs looking up at Alex and smiles as her skin starts to crack then shatters into ice leaving a chilling laugh as it fades. Kefla looks in shock as Frost either just kîlled herself or replaced herself with an ice clone, she couldn't sense her at all. Frost then appears behind Alex and says, kicking him down onto the ground at the same time. "Interesting but you left so many free time for me to replace myself with an ice clone and let you play with it as I watched. From that watching how you fight and made up a move set for you" Kefla growls and she forced herself to stay put. Frost then dashing at Alex and slams him into the ground as she then makes an ice dagger and throws it into his side, drawing blood from it. She then pulls him over by her hair then holds him as she uses him like a punching bag making each blow strong that the shockwave blows away the trees. She stops and looks at him then she powers up a bit more in her base form then she blew the ice cold mist into his face as it placed him into a trance. She let him go as she chuckles and says "what I did is just blow icy mist in your face but when you inhale it, you go into a trance and obey me...till I'm done with you or when it can wears off. You can't escape it either Now Alex blast yourself with five ki waves" Kefla  powers up and yells "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!" Frost turns towards her view with one hand on her hip with death glare. "So what? Do you want to test me as well?"

Alex's POV

Alex was very stuck in this position being trapped as her little slave wasn't so fun standing still until he was commanded to
shoot five large ki waves at himself so he started holding out his hand at his face was mostly charging up a red ki blast getting ready to follow her orders to obey by and only Frost which isn't fair at all but has no other choice was trying his absolute best to get himself out of it, only remembering he can't escape the trance but has to at least try dealing with her moving his hand that was shaking from trying to keep the ki blast away from his face but instead was yelling at himself silently in being a Saiyan warrior having his own pride and is better than getting controlled by someone else as the Saiyan was aiming his hand over towards Frost from behind getting distracted from his girlfriend which is a good thing having now the chance to attack the ice Saiyan blasting her with full force of his power exploding more of the area as trees gotten sliced apart while having his mind overtaken but isn't going to let this continue any longer. He started powering up at full base rushing in and kicking her in the back heavily enough to send his opponent flying into a mountain having to shoot some ki blasts at her and larger rock so the impactful explosion emerges knowing it wasn't enough for her quickly turning around and dodging any attack she might come at him with. He started transforming into SSJ surround himself in golden light becoming larger with a pillar shooting into the sky before dimming the massive beam that was now apart of his flaring aura showing his first form breathing tiredly but looking at Frost before creating 12 fake clones that were scattering and moving much faster speed still struggling with his wound not only trying to keep himself in control from the trance while coming at her all at once delivering more attacks and every blow made larger shockwaves still knows how strong she is compared to him does admire that.

Frost's POV

Frost blocks the attack with an ice barrier then at the 12 clones as she coldly stares at them, examining them closely then she powers up to SSJ with ease then with a kick roll of her head, her hair whip lashes at high speed slashing his clones into nothing and eventually hitting Alex. She then teleports behind him and makes a war hammer hitting him across the face, sending him flying away but teleports in front of him and makes an ice ball and freezes him in place but to punches him free then slaps the Saiyan male across the face then punches his head down into a hard knee to the face then gets kicked away use for a clone to appear from behind and slam him into the ground with an ice hammer as the real Frost lands and kicks him into a tree then holds him there by her hair. The clone appears and chuckles and blows even more ice mist into his face, making it harder for him to fight back the control Frost had on him. "Don't fight back, you might enjoy it" the real Frost chuckles deeply along with her clone.

Alex's POV

He was shaking it off not wanting take anymore control over having enough of this foolery starts charging up his power switching forms again going from SSJ to SSJ4 skipping his second and third stage isn't dealing with her icy mist blowing it off and making a large explosion wave of his energy sky rocketing through his anger for the entire universe to feel it breaking her clone completely engulfing everything around him until he finishes boosting his power looking over coldly at Frost doesn't waste no time in giving a hard left knee into her chin and throws back his whole leg fast enough to high kicking her into the sky as he stabs her with a ki blade and slamming her down onto the ground then teleports behind the ice Saiyan giving her harder punches and kicks throughout her body leaving some bruises before grabbing onto her hair starts shoulder slamming her around like Broly as he tosses her over through some mountains only appears from behind grabbing her face and dragging into the dirt then rapidly attacking her some more with barrages of punches damaging the female warrior with a big ki blade stabbing into her side making it bleed. He pulls back that brings her closer to him giving a harder roundhouse kick added onto her body shoving a blue ki blast into her stomach as he yells out in rage throwing Frost into the sky trapping her inside and taking out his hands into the air firing an even bigger yellow energy blast sends her flying higher while engulfing and burning her even more like Trunks but wasn't enough giving himself some footing to blast himself into the air before she can recover in time and began yelling out. "DRAGON FIST!!!" He morphs into a golden dragon piercing into Frost's body before giving an massive fiery explosion completely turning back to normal and draining most of her energy as he floats down waiting for another attack.

Third Person's POV

Frost lands on the ground, weaken as the sudden attack took her by surprise as Kefla chuckles as Frost puts her hand on her thighs gripping them tightly in rage as she pushed to go at least Super Saiyan but couldn't even. Kelfa cheers to Alex "Way to go Alex!! Put her in her place!" Frost eyes twitches as then she forced herself into any transformation as she yells as the air got super cold to wear it snowed heavily along that the trees around started to deeply freeze, shatter but float into the air. Kefla looks at her and says in shock "She still going?" Frost growls louder as her long hair starts to float into the air then with a roar, the ground explodes with blue aura lighting from inside the cracks  as she instantly went SSJ Blue. She charges up large attack as ice build up around her along with very strong circular wind with her blue aura. Kefla then powers up as Frost attack starts to flicker as she kept pushing but it didn't work out on her favor, if she kept it up she was going to kîll herself and probably take the planet with her. Kefla then charges at Frost powering up a punch but her hair slashes on her chest, sending her off into a tree. Frost then coughs up blood then glares at Alex as then she goes back to base form willingly and passes out on the ground. Kefla gets up then says "So I guess she passed out trying to force herself in that transformation. I hope she stays that way" then she spoke too soon when Frost wakes up but sits on her knees as she was pissed off she lost, even worst to a low class Saiyan. "I am pathetic! I lost to him!! She said with venom.

Alex's POV

He looks down at Frost with a calmful stare looking at her with now a small smile still enjoyed their fight either way having to sit down onto her level hearing her talk bad about herself isn't a good way of getting stronger and even low class Saiyan like him can beat her crossing his arms with the same look as his master Vegeta giving her a little lecture.
"Listen low ranker, elite, it doesn't matter you can beat anyone it's called hard work Frost... you shouldn't beat yourself up you're very strong fighter also very cute too to be honest and can't be overconfident otherwise you'll end up like this one!!" He said calmly before having to wrap his arms around Kefla's waist hugging her close to his body being all cuddly and lovely towards her in front of the ice Saiyan giving her a soft kiss on the cheek pulling away and facing back to his sore loser opponent as he takes out his hand to her wanting to help her get off the ground knowing she shouldn't treat herself badly as he looks over his girlfriend. "Well what should we do with her Kefla?!" He asked her softly having to still wince a bit in pain from the wound so he walks over to his cabin and having to bandage himself up around his waist coming back out a little bit later even giving Frost some ice tea in a cup and showing it to her. "Here Frost something to drink in the mean time!!" He said to the female warrior displaying his kindness towards her.

Frost's POV

She looks at him then at the tea then back at him. She was confused why Alex was talking and doing this to her. He must've not known that once she defeated him she was gonna kill him and bring his head to her planet and hang it like a trophy and now that thought left her mind. Kefla snarls then says to Alex's question.
"Let's just torture her and beat her until that cold look and tone is out of her!" Frost growls then looks at the tea and puts it up to her lips but she wasn't sure so she asked sternly "You didn't poison this haven't you Alex?" Kefla then walks off and mumbles "I hope he did" then she slips on ice. "Karma's a bitch ain't it Kefla?" Frost asked with a smirk then she takes a sip of the tea as to her surprise she highly enjoyed it. She then gets up heads off somewhere in the woods and finds a hot spring. She looks around then starts to take off her clothing and walked into the hot water, sighing in joy as she sat in it.

Alex's POV

He watched Frost enjoying her little ice tea shaking his head at her questioning that it was poisoned had walked off liking her cold beverage then turning his view to Kefla walking over to her side helping her up from slipping on some ice having to smile a bit like his master Goku but looks at her calmly checking for any sudden wounds she may have gotten from the fall not only the stab wound he began wrapping her up like some kind of mummy, he was then putting his hands around her neck looking into her eyes softly knowing those two will be at each other's throats of wanting them to get along well enough. "Ya see babe she isn't that bad but I want you two to get along well enough, she did enjoy her tea at least!! But for you I patched up along with myself so now we're both good to heal regularly instead of using senzu beans!!" He said to her softly caressing her face very gently before giving her a little bit of making out before pulling back to tease a tiny bit resting his head onto her chest feeling tired and yet had lots of fun from their fight telling his girlfriend calmly. "That's why I want you to focus and use the forms that you have now okay my love promise me that!!" He said softly with a warm smile that'll make her sink.

Kefla's POV

She whines and looks away from Alex flushed then mumbles "Yeah s-so what, she could be trying to play us, making her seem friendly then next thing we know she killing us! And I want to be stronger Alex what if God form isn't going to save me from much stronger threats, that's why I want SSJ Blue!" Then a wolf with clothing in its mouth runs past the two then there was a loud roar in dirt then Frost appears  completely nude in front of them then points to the wolf "Give me back my clothes you furry thing!" Kefla looks at her then looks away quickly as the wolf howls as Frost chases it but then the wolf leaps over Alex then trips Kefla making the fusion crash into Frost making her fall on Alex. The wolf howls again then drops her clothes and walks off as Frost groans and looks at Alex deeply blushing as Kefla says "Get off of my boyfriend! You might have larger boobs and everything but I won't—" she was cut off when Frost says "You pushed me into him!" She then sits up, her breast in full display  in Alex's face as the two girls started to argue.

Alex's POV

He blushes very warmly before having to then feel her beautiful breasts onto his hands very gently realizing the two of them are arguing so he leans in closer towards her using his hands making Frost face him having to lean in and kissing her lips passionately then pulls away facing Kefla to where he grabs onto her face kissing her lips softly then pulls back a bit grabbing onto her hand pulling the fused Saiyan into a hug along with Frost using his other hand using this to stop them from fighting and actually loves them can't really choose either one person, he was smiling peacefully at the two cuddling them up wasn't letting go until telling the two female  Saiyans. "I love you both equally you're very strong and so cool but Kefla I know how much you want blue but you'll have to use more God just please wait!!" He said calmly having to pull away picking up the ice Saiyan's clothing handing it over towards her having to softly caress her beautiful white hair with his hands as he gives a warm smile  facing the two of them. "Do you guys want anything else?? In case you're hungry I can make some food!!" He said to them holding onto Kefla and Frost's hands.

Frost's POV

She didn't say as she was in the process of pure shock, to have someone as Alex, a low class Saiyan being able to touch her in such a way, usually when that happens she'll easily get pissed off and kill the person, but for the first time she didn't do anything about it, just was in shock. Kefla huffs in anger and annoyance by what Alex told her then for Frost to say after being quiet "Love me? you barely even know me the only times is at the T.O.P and for you to actually touch my breast, kiss me, and say you love us both equally....there's actually 3 women cause Kefla is two people!" Kefla watches as Frost was about to yell but she didn't really have no insults in the matter, she must had enjoyed it for not to have anything to say. Frost groans and says lowly "I.....never ate this planet's food so surprise me Alex" Kefla laughs and got cocky "Got no insults at the moment huh? The high and mighty royal brought to silence" Frost growls but didn't fight back.

Alex's POV

"Sure thing Frost I'll actually whip up something" Alex said getting up on his feet with a happy expression on his face loving that idea of surprising her making the way over into his cabin preparing with his apron and chef hat changed up into his regular clothing with some cooking items to get started as the sunset was setting with the sky being a orange/reddish color with the clouds moving very slowly but putting the mood and looking like you can run on those things making it very beautiful for humans to witness and for Saiyans is easy for them to fly on them of course but still special anyway back to making some dinner having to get some meat stuff and other food like things that is well healthy to get more nutrients and growing stronger, but has most meals to make their tastebuds sing getting things Saiyans will like along with regular food even started teleporting all over some stores quickly paid for and getting things that'll be good for Frost looking up he was preparing for a whole thanksgiving meal with a mixture of healthy and unhealthy foods adding some desert into the mixture that is usually cold knowing the two will enjoy that as well adding after the big food and some fish into it that's perfectly cut finishing up the meals using knives like he was a ninja adding some ramen and other Japan like meals together with eggs. He was walking outside putting on blindfolds for the female Saiyans covering their eyes and taking them inside of his cabin having his hands onto Frost's shoulder and using his tail wrapped around Kefla's arm tugging her with him into the kitchen. "Okay Frost you can look now, Kefla you can also take off your blindfold it's all done!!" He said calmly taking out his hands in a tada pose wanting them to look at his big meals which is dinner like set that is healthy vegan/meaty meals combined with some desert fitting the whole table that is good for them to enjoy.

Third Person's POV

Frost groans having to get up and stand with her eyes covered. She didn't trust this one bit as she was getting thoughts of a trap so she tensed up while having herself on full guard. When she was told she can look, she had already smelled something old to her but it wasn't anything bad, rather amazing. Kefla rips her off then makes a large grin by at the load of food and says in joy shaking Alex "Oh Hell yeah!! I'm totally going to enjoy this, thanks babe" then plant a rough kiss on his lips as Frost tilts her head at the food and asked "So this is what you all eat, I'll say it looks amazing." Kefla stuffs her mouth full then says to Frost, pointing a Turkey bone in her whole mouth stuffed "Dammit just try it's not going to kill ya!" Frost huffs loudly then sits back and stares at the food seeing if anything stuck out to her, which something did the ham. She's reaches for a piece and sniffs it as Kefla takes it and shoves it into Frost's mouth. "There you go" Frost snarls then chews on the ham and swallows it. She stands there as she takes a deep breath and says "Excuse me for what you're about to witness" then she quickly takes the whole ham and savagely feasts upon it. She will admit this was the best thing she had ever taken into her mouth except when....😏😏😏. She then reaches for something else and got the same reaction. Kelfa stares and says  "You act like you haven't ate in years" Frost looks at her and says "It's just that I never taste something so good that's all, I'll show my manners next time but right now I can't help it" then shoves a large Turkey leg into her mouth with ease added a little licked lips into it. Kefla chuckles and says "Come on Alex before the bake ice queen eats it all"

Alex's POV

He nodded softly walking over to the table seeing those two enjoying his food which is very great wanting them to eat everything they can stuff down as he just watches for a bit getting a fork and knife getting ready to start eating sitting down across from Kefla going after the vegetables like the corn and green beans before chowing down on some of the meat areas wanting them to have a chance admiring their hunger dm after watching Frost taken the whole ham down her mouth which had him blushing to a point where he can possibly drool in wonder if she can take something else....😏😏😏. He kept on savagely  munching down on the cauliflowers and broccoli doing this for a whole hour until burping out the loudest one even getting up and started serving some drinks like some juices or soda on the sidelines to them not just for himself, he continued on eating the sausages and some turkey leg as his shadow can be seen eating a lot of the spaghetti section slurping it up then watches the two giving a little wink and smiles softly as he points out more of the gravy and mash potatoes taking some of that as well.

Frost's POV

She then takes the soda and drinks it and she gives a small smile before, turning away from the food and the two Saiyans and burped up 100mph winds and ice destroying more trees. She sighs and turns around and looks down blushing "Excuse me, I guess that was the reaction from drinking this" she says pointing to the can soda. Kelfa then says "You think that's strong wait till you see mine!" Then starts shoving piles of food on her mouth. Frost then looks at the sausage and starts to take all of it on one go, but biting on it at all. She sighs then smirks at the thought of what she did then took some fruit, like a banana and did the same thing but slightly sucks on it. "This is ok" she says then swallows it as well. Kefla just stares at her turns around and burps extremely hard, blowing up an open area. Frost then says "Not bad" "Oh yeah, I win this one" Frost then looks at the whipped cream topping and scoops on a spoon but falls on her breast. She groans as she was naked enough and now she made a mess on herself. Kefla then takes the risk on dying but walking over to Frost which she was about to question till Kefla covered her eyes with her hand. Frost then asked sternly "What are you do-ING" she yells when Kefla's mouth was on her boobs to lick the whip topping off. Frost holds back a moan as Kefla looks at Alex then continues , licking every bit of it off , even sucking on her skin lifts up and says "There just be careful next time" Frost then looks as Kefla goes back to her like she didn't do anything. "My first day here and it comes to this, do you do this to all travelers?"

Alex's POV

He was at a loss for words after witnessing that amazing moment then was shaking his head softly getting a reddish look on his face not just having his power pole getting large from under the table feeling it sticking out into his pants but just calmly getting up and starts having to cover his mouth feeling a bit embarrassed telling the two trying to hide his little friend that gotten extended wasn't trying to seem like a pervert at all. "Excuse me for one moment, I have to use the bathroom!" He said nervously running upstairs into his bathroom and had begun doing his little business then came back down few minutes later with washed hands looking at the two of them already finished with the meat and now onto desert section taking a slice of vanilla cake and Oreo ice cream putting it together even doing it for them as they're little servant since their still his guests wanting to treat them with respect going back to his desk. "No we don't do that but at this point both of you just take me now~" he said with some horny vibes.

Frost's POV (Warning:Lemon occurs)

Kefla and Frost looks at Alex as Kefla says "I'll love to take you Alex, but you're already mine anyways" then shoves a slice of cake into her mouth. Frost takes a piece and bites it and moans in delight then eats the ice cream, making some drip onto her bare chest,
immune to the cold. Kefla whines and
calls out "Don't hog the ice cream,
I want to eat some!" Frost then says out of nowhere "You'll rather eat me Kefla, your little tactic preciously proves that matters" "I was helping you, don't expect me do it again" Frost chuckles as she gets up, walks over to Kefla sits across her lap and then continues to eat the cake and ice cream. "I'll easily prove you wrong" Frost says in lust then chuckles as Kefla huffs and watches. She knew the ice Saiyan was just doing this to tease her earlier but she will say this, the ice queen is knows how to manipulate and tease into getting what she wants. Frost then takes a bite then looks at Alex and Kefla "I might stay for a little longer, I'll postpone our little battle Alex" Scared to lose again, want more time to get stronger" "Just like your trying to get blue Kefla" she snaps back. Kefla then does something to take Frost by surprise. She then turns the ice Saiyan to her face with her legs on both sides of her. Frost stares  as Kefla says coldly You won't manipulate me so easily!" "Surprise me Kefla I can just by voice and body, that's how we got into this position already taking a sexual liking too" Kefla was left for words then looks at Alex for backup. Frost then leaps back and takes a scoop of whip topping and slaps it onto Kefla's neck. "Hey! You-" she stops when Frost leans down to lick it off her neck slowly teasing and sucking on her neck slowly licks up to her lips and takes in the bottom one. Kefla instinctively place her hands on Frost's hips and rubs up and down, smirking at Alex.

Alex's POV

He was just watching the two of them just doing this in front of him couldn't no longer handle this feeling of his steaming face gripping onto the table until he let's go of it getting up from his chair and started walking over to the two female fighters loving the way their looking so good and sexual making his friend downstairs getting even harder, so he decides to take off his pants and boxers immediately showing it off being very big with a warm blush added to his cheeks looking into their eyes for a moment having to tell them before continuing this little session on. "I want you both so badly rn, you can just fuck me~" he said coming over to Frost's side grabbing onto her hand and Kefla's taking them upstairs into his bedroom to have better space for their little intimate time placing Frost in front of him starts making out with her first as he was being pulled by his shirt from behind by Kefla.

Third Person's POV

Kefla was a bit jealous but at the same time she was turned on from what was happening beforehand anyways, not letting the two know that...mostly Frost who started this lil thing with her sitting in her lap. Frost chuckles then plants her cold hands on Alex's broad chest and continues to make out with, she never thought this will happen when she first came here, fighting Alex and leaving, but end up in this situation. To her honestly this is what she thought will happen from the first thing she lost her clothes and remained nude. She giggles as her thought then pulls away and says "If I can't beat you in a fight, I'll bear you this way" "In what actually?" Kefla ask taking off her shirt then bra but left her pants on. Frost makes a devilish smirk and then pushes Alex down onto the bed and with one yank pulling off his pants were gone, just his boxers left. "He'll cum before me" Frost says then leans down then frees Alex's dick and grip it softly and slowly place her lips on the tip. She was so passionate, she likes to get straight into it. Kefla watches and says, slapping Frost's ass "you better share, he's my boyfriend you know" Frost rolls her eyes and slowly take part of Alex in her mouth, purring in joy, getting wet from being turned on. Kefla saw this and says "I wonder what you taste like, hope getting than that whip topping" Frost response by spreading her leg, given Kefla a full display of her wet pussy, tail swaying. Kefla then bends down and then press her lips on her pussy, making Frost gasp.

Alex's POV

He was moaning very loudly putting his hand onto Frost's full head of hair loving the way she was so passionate with his dick making him spread out his arms looking up at the ceiling before having to look at Kefla licking her wet pussy which gets him even more turned on holding in his semen not wanting to give her that satisfaction just yet, he was caressing her face in the process felt her tongue on the tip before swallowing the whole thing down having to tell both of them quickly while remaining in his freaky tone. "I love you both still can share me~ it's alright Kefla baby" he said to her then sticking out his tongue from being pleasured running his hands onto her bare back going straight for the sweet butt smacking and making it jiggle before having to move his hips in motion slowly making his member going inside of her mouth in and out loving this as the Saiyan boy was cumming moments later inside her throat and pulling it out shooting into her face to taste parts of him more before leaning in and kissing her passionately with all tongue.

Frost's POV

She chuckles then licks the cum off around her face with satisfaction then swallow it in delight.  Then she looks at Alex when passionately kisses her, she don't like the passionate things either she was a rough type and like to be dominant as a royal. She kisses Alex but slightly rougher than he anticipated with, pushing her tongue into his mouth along with hers and claims her dominance by letting her tongue explore his mouth. She bums till Kefla moved away with Frost's juices around her face.  "A bit rough don't ya think? I can tell by how you was moving Frost" She rolls her eyes then uses her tail to slam Kefla's face back onto her wet pussy, which she didn't mind at all, swirling her tongue on her clit, getting a shaky moan from Frost. Kefla then sucks on her clit making Frost release a loud moan in Alex's mouth. Kefla creeps a smirk then plants both hands on Frost's ass and squeezes them. Frost then pulls away from Alex's mouth and let's out a louder moan and stuffers "F-Fuck~"  then she she hangs her head down as her legs started to shake a bit, she wasn't going to let Kefla make her cum that easily, so she reaches back and pulls her away who chuckles and says "Almost Gotcha"

Alex's POV

He was then getting to the point about her being more dominant one then being passionate so having to no other choice in just giving her a rough kiss right back cupping onto her face to make the ice queen facing him from the first time had let her explore his mouth along with her didn't want that to stop, he was using his hands to trailing down from her face to the collarbone area even having to claw his way down onto her back being rough with it like she wants it to be then going onto groping her tight ass cheeks and was making it jiggle as he began to pull back from her tongue kissing her. The Saiyan proceeded to just go over towards her neck leaving some bite marks then sucking her soft nipples and kissing down onto her belly to the waistline kissing and licking her clit splitting and fingering her off some more until she was close to cum as he pulls away heading over to Kefla and kissing her lips grabbing onto Frost's hand pulling her into their make out session with the ice Saiyan being from behind as Kefla on the front of course.

Third Person's POV

Frost smiles then leans on Kefla's back, her large breasts pressed against her back as she reaches in between Kefla's arms then firmly grips both Kefla's breasts making her gasp into her kiss with Alex. Kefla smiles as she slowly rubs her hands up and down on Alex's muscular chest then she smirks into the kiss when her left hand grips onto Alex's dick and slowly but firmly strokes it. She pulls away but nibbles onto his bottom lip smiling then looks down at the two hands on her breast and pinching her nipples. She whimpers then Frost's head comes from the side planting touch kisses on her neck to jawline then bite a little there. Frost looks at Alex and winks at him then goes back into planting marks on Kefla's neck then licks down on her shoulders. Frost then let's go of one of Kefla's boob and push both Alex and Kefla down so the two women on both sides of Alex. Frost laughs then press her lips on the right side of his face then goes down to his neck and roughly sucks on his skin while Kefla works on the left side of his collarbone, still jerking him off.

Alex's POV

He was just smiling softly before having to moan out Frost's name first couldn't help giggle away at their love for him caressing the ice queen's face ruffling up her beautiful hair felt those lips sucking down his neck going over to kiss her forehead licking onto it before having to turn the right side seeing Kefla was doing the same on his left beginning to calmly put his hand through the fused female's hair gently loving the way she's pleasuring him, so he leans in cupping onto Kefla's chin before she can continue to do it he was kissing her lips passionately slipping in his tongue to connect with hers before pulling away going over to Frost putting his finger onto her chin leaving a small little scratch but pulling her into a rough kiss putting more tongue into it then pulls away giving back a little wink to her as well then lays his head back watching them continue their pleasing moment as his big dick was getting a lot harder into Kefla's hand knowing how much he wants their attention as he moans out their names telling them how much he loves the two women and hoping he's pleasing them back when using his hands putting one on Frost's clit and the other on Kefla's starts going faster and rubbing so good.

Frost's POV

Frost and Kefla suddenly lost concentration from Alex's neck and chest area when they felt his fingers on their clit. Kefla moans as Frost held back hers and just bit her lip. Kefla then leans down and takes his dick into her mouth doing slow bobs with her head as Frost watch with a devilish smirk on her face. Frost hummed then placed her smaller hands on Alex's that was on her pussy and pushes one of his fingers into herself then bites his ears then moans into his ear then she pushes his finger more into her tight pussy up to his second knuckle as she groans in pleasure. Kefla then leans down further on his dick, taking every inch of his large cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. She purrs, sending strong vibrations to his dick. She then starts to fantasize an certain position that she was getting even wetter on Alex's fingers. Kefla continues for a good 8 minutes before pulling away with pre cum around her face as she licks it with a smile. Frost then starts to fuck herself on Alex's fingers, getting even more wet as she moves her hips down onto his fingers as she clinch tightly around the one inside of her. She whimpers softly then stops then pushes a second finger of Alex into her. Kefla watches and decides to the same, shoving 2 fingers from Alex's other hand into her and fucks herself on them. The moan was filled with whimpers, gasp, and low moans from the two Saiyan women then both place their one hand on Alex's dick and jerks him off.

Alex's POV

He proceeded to finger both of them watching their moans, gasps, and whimpers coming from their mouth were filling up the entire room seeing how much their enjoying this pleasure making him smile warmly and pushing them further into her wet pûssies didn't want that to stop that and felt their one hand on his hard cock pumping him off some more as he moans along with the two until slowly later switching positions into eating their buttholes and clits not just fingering for some time spitting and licking his whole tongue into it loving the feeling as his little kinky type to do to them making their cheeks all red for the amount of times he was smacking them like a belt on a bad black kid kept on going until he was leaning in kissing the back of Kefla's neck licking down to moving over onto Frost's roughly tugging her head of hair leaning in kiss her cheek before letting go had started pulling Kefla over and have her lay down onto her stomach in doggy position starts telling her he'll be gentle slowly putting it inside of her hole having Frost behind him.

Kefla's POV

Kefla groans when she felt Alex push his dick inside of her as she slightly grip the sheets to the bed. She smiled when he said he was going to gentle with her as she will want to actually walk with after this compared to the other female Saiyan leaning on his back with her cheeks were red flushed and slightly panting from almost cumming for the 3rd time. Frost groans as she was slowly losing her dominate side against the two low class, even how hard she tried they will easily get the better of her, mainly Alex by what he recently did to her and Kefla, she never been this wet or aroused in her life. Frost then reaches over and slaps Kefla's ass making the fusion woman moan. Frost then instinctively play with her own nipple, making at her self pleasure making her nipples hard. Frost huffs then slides 3 fingers into herself and pumps them at a good rhythm, ice cold mist erupting from her mouth. On the surface she seem to be commanding and recessive one, getting ordered in doing things, fucked out of her living mind that she hope will happen and being extremely dominated into submission ever single time. The thought almost made her cum again so she pull out her finger and shoves them into Alex's mouth.

Alex's POV

He was sucking down onto her fingers licking onto her sweet juices putting the whole thing inside wanting his own saliva added onto her sweet juices before turning back to Kefla going slow moving his hips and thrusting into her clit on repeat until he picked a much faster pace with some clapping noises going in and out. He was holding onto her waist for some time moaning away in fucking her clit too good until finally cumming slapping onto her ass pulling out wanting to give Frost a turn now as he lays Kefla aside whose hole was dripping with his semen and her own juices but can still walk well tomorrow and putting her to sleep after that, so he caresses the ice queen's chin cupping it gently gesturing his lover enough to pull her whole body on top of him having her first time in pain turns into pleasure has began ramming and switched positions to where he was holding her waist being laid onto her back to stare into her eyes while giving it to her and chocking her roughly in good way.

Frost's POV

She lets out a loud moan then chuckles when she wraps his hands around her neck as she clinched tightly around Alex's cock each time he roughly pounded into her. She whines and says "Don't hold back on me, I can take it" as she grips both her large breast into her hands, still bouncing either way from the thrusts she received. She then wraps one leg around Alex's waist and pulls him closer as her mouth hangs open as loud choked moans left her mouth. Kefla opens her eyes and stares at Frost smiles says tiredly "You moan louder than me" Frost looks at her and tries to say but only just said "S-Shush fuck he's much bigger than I imagined he would be" "That's what I thought too, and now your getting the life fucked out of you, what happened to that dominate side of yours hmm?" Frost growls and ignores her till Kefla grips her chin and forced her to look at her. Frost whimpers randomly as Kelfa says "I like seeing you this way Frost, how about cumming twice on this one go" Frost blushes as Kefla rubs her clit while being fucked by Alex at the same time. It was getting too much for her as her moan got even louder till she came all over Alex's dick and cries but he didn't stop, cause Kefla said so. Frost was overstimulated legs shaking and leaking even more. Frost then pulls Alex's cock out of her and put it in her ass as she moans "C-cum in here pls!!~" she begged, drool leaking from both sides of her mouth.

Alex's POV

Alex blushes softly then leans in kissing her lips then wiping away her tears doing what she wants as he starts holding onto her waist had began thrusting and grinding into her butt going much faster as his hard cock was getting even bigger inside of her pounding her clit so good and having some more stamina left as he was making her bounce on it moaning away at the same time, now seeing how she's lost her dominance for him taking full control no longer holding back as he quickly goes full on SSJ2 pulling back some of her hair in a seductive way to have the ice queen screaming in such pleasure putting all of his power into these last couple of pussy destroying going in deeper getting her whole life fucked out of her even more speeding it up until finally cumming inside of her butthole moaning out her name. "F-FROST!!!~" he was slapping her cheeks again even redder leaking out even more to make sure she couldn't walk for the first time losing her virginity along with him and both of them to have his kids as he pulls out of her then jerks off shooting more on their face to taste him again as he lays on the bed happily tired in between them all naked.

Third Person's POV

Frost screams in pleasure while feeling Alex fill her ass up with his cum as she gasp with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she was completely slumped then feel cum land on her but she didn't do nothing about it. She purrs as she leans up seeing her juices and Alex cum leak out of her from both holes as she smiles in satisfaction then looks over to see Alex between her and Kefla. She then lays back down smiling and speaks while panting and exhausted. "We should do this more if I get to stay on this planet" Kefla groans as she had her head on Alex's chest and says poking his cheek. "What do you mean if you get to stay" "I'm queen of a whole planet in the second universe, I have to for full my duties and that I have Alex's cum in my ass cause I can't get pregnant right now" Frost groans as Kefla chuckles and say "So I'll end up being pregnant while you just being kid free" "I'll be honored to help you in your pregnancy and other things" both smirk then looks at Alex if he was completely out or just awake with his eyes closed. Frost then asks "Who is cleaning the bed cause we made a large mess" then they giggle as Kefla yawns sand says "Me and Alex still knowing you won't be able to get up in the morning" True" then both slowly dozed off to sleep.

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