Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

It has been about 9 months since their first meeting of the ice Saiyan things of have been amazing for the three of them which has been resolved into spending some together weather that would be mostly training and helping out the pregnancy of his fused girlfriend or helping his other girlfriend Frost into fighting against other war planets that tried to take over her own which he happily slaughtered every last one of them and mostly doing other things that caused more his sweet cream to be putting into good use by his two Saiyan women especially since they're go through moods here and there now the last training session he's had with Kefla herself was mainly kept upon even later on remained focus and was chosen to achieve SSB until she was visibly seen with a big stomach and since both Saiyans it is possible to have the strongest child and given the fact on how many times he's been giving it to Frost a more dominance and knocking her up so many times until injecting himself inside of her body through the front has commence after all, so the Saiyan teen was sitting outside looking out at the beautiful sunny morning crossing his arms with his legs in a fetal position looking up at the sky feeling his hair brushed by the wind and even having to tell the z fighters about his lovely ladies especially now that both of them are pregnant. "Ha!! This is the life honestly I never thought things would go this  either can you!!" He said sensing Kefla behind him of course along with Frost being beside the two.

Kefla's POV

Kefla smiles then rubs the large bump located on her stomach and says "Yeah I thought I'll be going through this alone but guess who decided to get pregnant with me" Frost looks down and smiles and says "He caught me off guard" "That's not what I heard It" Kefla says then sits beside Alex on his right as Frost sits on his left. No one said anything then till Frost groans and punches the ground under her, making a large hole. She was going through a mood swing at random times as Kefla looks and goes over and soothes Frost's hair to calm her down. Frost growls then slowly relaxed. Kefla then says "If I didn't stop you I would had started one too, poor Alex would had to put up with us" Frost smiles and says "Well your days away and I still have 4 months left, have you and Alex think of any names for your godly child yet" Kefla chuckles and says "Ummmm......not really, what about you Frost what will you name your child?" "If it's a girl I'll name her but if it's a boy Alex will name him, but if I happen to have more than one I'm gonna punch Alex " "Cause of you he managed to make more than one child you're going to punch him?" "Yes cause of how many times he's released in me!!!!" "You allowed it as much as I did" Kefla says then sat by her. Both pregnant women stare at Alex till Kefla pokes Frost's left boob. Frost snarls and does the same to Kefla's right one. "I'm jealous your boobs are HUGE compare to mine they got bigger cause I'm pregnant and so did yours" Frost pull her over and kisses her and says "I love yours more"

Alex's POV

He smiles at the two giving love towards each other making the young Saiyan smile warmly crawling over to them with his arms around both female fighters getting their attention with kissing both their cheeks having to tell them about baby names. "Well to be honest if I honestly had to choose a name for Frost's side if it's a girl then Snow or if it's a boy then Blizzard or have both kids that's their names, for Kefla wise I believe if it's a boy then how about Indra or a girl she'll be called Sayaka!" He said to both of them having his tail to be swaying around wrapping around Frost's looking at the beautiful blue sky with the moving clouds as the sunlight was shining on them having him huff away poking on both of their boobs being bigger couldn't help but to giggle at it really then kissing the ice queen's lip passionately then goes over to Kefla next pulling away caressing their faces. "I love you both so much....what do you think about the names" he asked them waiting patiently for their answers.

Kefla's POV

She smiles and says "Sayaka........I like it, it'll be nice to call out when they manage to do something bad or dumb" Frost looks at Kefla and says "That took me off guard and I like the names Snow Blizzard, goes with the Saiyan tradition, but I'm assume I'm going to have one child cause I only felt kicks from the same leg for the past 2 weeks" "aww that child has an anger probably already, just like his momma" then she rubs Frost's stomach. She smiles then her stomach grumbles as with Kefla's. Both women looks at the man wanting him to fix them something, even giving him puppy eyes but if that didn't work Frost could always yell at him and threaten his life. The difference between Kefla and Frost mood swings is that Kefla is short burst of anger then she'll leave the place she in on ruins, full power and all. Frost is long term but anything can set her off, she'll only go up to SSJ God with her hair floating all over the place and starts to freeze smash things due to her super strength. Both are the same outside the anger category. Frost then was getting impatient as her power started to rise. "Alex" she says sternly as Kefla suddenly goes SSB as both women glared at him, mere seconds the two will raise on him.

Alex's POV

"Don't worry I'll fix you something so I will get to cooking right now!! Just wait here you guys relax okay!" Alex said to both female warriors with a calm smile understanding their mood swings had dealt with both of them for a long period of time for the last 9 months which didn't really faze him much, so he gotten onto his feet walking off to the cabin and prepared them done traditional meals they're very much love as their favorites and giving the best food they'll need of course having to make sure things were perfect as he walks out having the two females grabbing onto his hands taking them inside as he made some breakfast,lunch, and dinner all together on the table having him sit down across from both of them especially adding more meat since they'll crave it not just his own large meat in the bed every now and then😏😏😏.....but in all seriousness he was relaxing eating some of his pancakes filling their request in food as his deed was done dong this for them and not wanting the planet destroyed just because he didn't fix them any meals at all especially how strong Saiyan females can be really be if he was going through the same thing would go in a major rampage.

Third Person's POV

Frost and Kefla instantly went back to base form and rushed over to the table and started to munch down on 90% of the food, 50% and around 4 plates on Frost's behave cause she has very weird cravings for non edible food, such as the 4 plates she's eaten. Kefla only ate 40% cause the child inside stopped her from eating anymore by kicking her. She snarls then stops and just sips on the water. Frost yawns then looks at the 10% of food left but she left it for Alex, didn't want him to starve. Frost then gets up and goes over to the couch whole on the way she has stripped of all her clothes then laid on the couch then uses her Cryomancy to form an ice fort around her to keep cool. Kefla smiles then says "She never stops amazing me by how she acts, this isn't the first time we seen her randomly strip naked but she told me many ice Saiyans do it, I want to try it!!" She says with excitement while getting up yeeting her clothes then goes over to Frost and lays with her, who didn't mind. So the two nude pregnant women laid on the couch covered with an ice fort they kept an eye on Alex.

Alex's POV

Alex was cleaning up most of the plates wearing a scarf for covering his hair as both females have finished eating making sure things are all good of course sensing the two keeping a close eye on the male which didn't mind having wash all the dishes that has the most eaten on them as for himself he wasn't really hungry just having to make sure things are set and done had eaten some salad earlier before that he was training in the hot sunny morning but knowing by the weather was going to change since it's mostly winter probably just this one time, so he just got done cleaning and was mostly checking all around the house then had noticed his two lovers were the couch all naked inside of the ice fort having to save the 10% of food in fridge was mostly drinking some water has his tail wrapped around himself and sitting down on the floor in the living room doing a meditation letting the two relax and appreciating his life very much with a calm smile finding it amazing of their bond has grown stronger ever since and enjoying their wholesome moments like this as he gets up taking off his long sleeve shirt feeling a bit sweaty and heads upstairs for a nap.

Frost's POV

Frost hums as Kefla plays with her long white hair along with enjoying the cool air the ice fort gave off. Kefla hums and noticed Alex went upstairs and never came back down yet. "Where did Alex go to do?" Frost then says with her eyes closed "Probably to take a nap, he did cook, clean, and train today" "He could had invited us to train" Kefla pouted while Frost shakes her head and says "We're too pregnant to train, the time we get to train is to let off some stream from our mood swings Kefla" then she turns and lays on her back and looks up at the fusion woman, still holding onto her hair. Kelfa thinks and says "True" then she lays her face on Frost's huge breast, making the ice Saiyan moan cause they were more sensitive. Kefla smirks till she yells when Frost pinches hers. "We're even now, unless you want to do something about it" Frost says then closes her eyes and relaxed. Kefla didn't do anything cause she ends up getting tired and going to sleep, her hand cupping under Frost's right boob, she didn't care. Frost was still awake and thinking about since Kefla is days away, how and where she will deliver the child, she hoped not here, but she was prepared for that situation, she dealt with these all the time with others on her planet so when the time comes she won't panic like the father would, or will she?.

Alex's POV

Alex had later on woken up for his sleeping time to check on his girlfriends to make sure they've doing good and in need of anything since he was still tired but worth cleaning, training and cooking, all the time for them since he'll want to do those things so they don't have to as a system implanted into his mind ever since beforehand when doing it for Kefla now Frost especially since she's a literal queen so deserving it too. He walked downstairs seeing the ice fort was crawling right inside in case their needing just his attention so for him to ask with his usual warm smile having some bags under his eyes slightly. "You both need anything else? My loves if so you can tell me and I will do it!!" He said softly having to feel their arms now wrapped around him as he could do was look at them with the same expression.

Third Person's POV

Kefla leans on his right shoulder and says tiredly "S-stay" then lightly snores. Frost was wide awake and just sat up and looks at Alex then snarls when the child kicks her again. She rubs her stomach with her tail and says to Alex "I don't need anything, J-just sleep, you're free to do whatever you want just don't be too loud unless it's something I'm interested in😏😏" then she poked his left cheek. It was quiet till it took the turn for the worst when Kefla wakes up screaming. Frost jolts and asked worried "What's wrong?!" Kefla just pointed to her stomach and the water under her. Frost gets rid of the ice fort and gets up and says "Her water broke and she's going into labor, earlier than we thought, or we miss counted" she then picks up Alex and says "Let me handle this just go and try to bring Whis here". Kefla screaming  and shakes Frost hard crying "Do something it HURTS!!!" Frost then says "I will if you let go" Kefla let's go then she was placed on the other couch with her head on a soft pillow as Frost get a cold towel and puts it on her head and says "Try to relax ok, doing all of this isn't going to help" Kefla huffs and puts effort into doing on what Frost told her, surprised it helped a bit but more that Frost is not fazed by this at all. Frost sits by her and holds her hand and asking "This is just the first part it's get real when you start to have very close and strong contractions." Kefla then asked "You know so much about this" "As queen I get involved with most deliveries of children" Kefla nods. Frost then puts on a giant shirt and covers Kefla's body with a blanket, just in case Alex managed to get Whis here. "You'll be ok Kefla I promise" Kefla smiles then jolts in pain and tightly grip Frost's hand , almost breaking it. Frost holds back a cry of pain for Kefla's sake, she didn't want to panic her. "Alex please hurry!".

Alex's POV

He nodded running out of the house with putting on a male maid outfit actually looking very formal instead of his regular clothing teleporting his way over to find the Angel which suppose happens to be at Bulma's place which is great so far wouldn't have to use his instant transmission on getting there in time having to appear in front of Whis, Bulma, and Vegeta walking over to the Angel quickly with a worried expression but keeping his cool about it. "W-Whis sorry to bother you but Kefla is having a baby!! So could you come help please!!" He said to him trying to make his way back to the cabin as Beerus was there too eating some food on the side like usual with the prince was surprised in seeing his student appearing but hearing universe 6's Saiyan Kefla in labor is still shocking to him after all as he then was following the two of course but was going to stay outside of the cabin and knowing Bulma would want to join as well carrying his wife. "I might as well bring you since you want to see their kid" he said to her calmly with his usual serious look even Goku having to train on planet vampa noticing Kefla's pregnancy so decides to head there as well saying bye to Broly teleporting away.

Kefla's POV

Kefla yells at Frost then sensed a group outside the cabin but she focused on Whis and Alex. Kefla was too distracted to even notice as Frost says "Alex is back with Whis, but invited some guest " Kefla groans then yells, powering up to SSJ2 making the cabin shake. Kefla then sits up and roars "Alex GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND BRING THAT ANGEL WITH YOU!!!" Frost then takes her now broken hand free as she winced then goes over the door and pokes her head out and says to Alex and Whis "You two can come in" Whis looks then says surprised "Frost, surprised to see you here as well" Frost nods as then the Angel floats in then looks at the fusion going into labor in her SSJ2 form. Frost then looks to see Vegeta, Bulma, and Goku. Bulma sees her and asked Vegeta "Hey, who is she?" Frost then moves her head back inside as Kefla was losing herself as Frost goes over and cups Kefla's face to calm down as Kefla slowly starts to. Whis noticed Frost was pregnant as well and looks at Alex and says "You sly dog, your the father of ice Saiyan's child as well. Anyway when I deliver the baby, the baby will have a very strong power level same as Frost. Kefla calms down as Whis floats beside Frost and place his staff over Kefla's stomach as it glows making a flash of bright light. The lights dims as both female Saiyans looks in shock and amazement to see the baby wrapped in a blanket floating in the sky and lower into Kefla's arms. Whis smiles and moves away and so does Frost for Alex to come meet his newborn child. Frost then sees Whis starting at her and asked "what is it" "I can deliver yours as well right now if you like" "No not yet" "Very well".

Alex's POV

Alex nodded softly at Whis giggling a little bit knowing he's at this point just wanting two kids with both of his girlfriends as he was making his way over to Kefla's side looking over at his newborn child in wonder of what could the gender be at the moment but doesn't matter right now as the main point he's now father to both of his unborn ice Saiyan child and now born child from his fused girlfriend as he holds onto their kid in his arms smiling peacefully with a happy expression, he was making sure he's going to get even stronger and taking good care of wives not just his child as he shows Frost as well realizing this little one will have a sibling in 4 months, he was keeping the baby close kissing their forehead rocking back and fourth. Vegeta turning his look at his wife softly having to tell her about Frost where she came from and now she's pregnant by his student which never thought he would ever want to think but happened so expecting the other one to give birth too soon enough. "That's Frost his second girlfriend and now pretty much pregnant too! So yeah and Kakarot where were you!!" He said turning to his rival/friend walking outside of the cabin as seeing the clown follow after him with Bulma couldn't believe this was happening it is something he'll hold special to him of course now feeling excited to have his children.

Kefla's POV

Kelfa smiles in joy as does Frost while looking at the bundle of joy as the baby looks up at Alex and then smiles as Whis smiles and heads out and says "Remind me when Frost is due, unless you want to see the true wrath of pregnant ice Saiyan, they even kill people around them" Frost then sweats and smiles as Kefla looks at Frost as she says "I promise not to do that with you guys, but if I do you have 4 months to prepare" Whis then goes out as Frost says "I'm sure you the guest will want to see the kid as well" Kefla groans and mumbles "But if I don't want them here, this is family time" "But-" "You're an exception Frost, but what is the gender of my baby" Frost then takes the baby from Alex as the baby looks at her then grips Frost's hair as Frost smiles then sniffs the baby, oddly. "It's a girl, awwww" Kefla cheered and says "Well our daughter you named is Sayaka" Outside Whis tells them the news as Bulma cheers then says to what her husband. "Her two, seriously you two should had taught him better about sexual things" getting onto Goku and her husband. Frost then says "I can already sense Sayaka's's already at the start of SSJ2 " Kelfa gasp and says "If that's the case than she's stronger than me and Alex from the start, that's my girl" Sayaka giggles then she is handed over to let her father once more.

Alex's POV

"Well in 4 months you're going to either have a brother or sister when that time comes my precious daughter!!" Alex said holding Sayaka close to him sitting down onto the couch he planned a baby room and with everything needed for it, so the Saiyan was rocking her around gently even getting a bottle of milk for his child and pacifier is now upstairs and looking over at Kefla can tell she's very tired wouldn't mind for her to sleep if she wants to as he looks at Frost laying his head onto her belly gently. "Well can't wait for the next one plus we'll have Whis handle this again!! Hehe" he said to her softly rubbing his head onto her belly felt her arms holding him as he was keeping his daughter close and warm. Vegeta on the other hand having to fluster up in embarrassment knowing fully well enough pointing over to Kakarot angrily as he was telling his wife right back. "First off I'm not his parent!! Can't control what he does just is my student of course he's gotten attached to us!! But Kakarot over there wouldn't know anything about the stuff we would know just look at him!! !" He said crossing his arms being all grumpy as he didn't want the blame here.

Frost's POV

Frost smiles and says "You still have to introduce Sayaka to your buddies outside Alex don't forget that or they'll yell or barge in, I'll deal with Kelfa" then she kisses him on the cheek and walks off and heads to where Kefla is who was zooming in and out as Frost then says smiling "You want to go to bed and sleep" Kefla hums but nods on agreement as Frost helps her up and to the bed and then get her in Kefla yawns and gets cozy in the bed as Frost was about to walk out but Kefla calls out to her. "Stay with me" Frost chuckles and walks back over and sits beside Kefla who roles overs and lays her head on Frost's large belly and says to the child inside. "In 4 months you'll be here too" Frost smiles warmly and closes her eyes and rested a bit. Bulma then says to her husband "But you and Goku were his father figures and you know that! You could had also trained him to control his sex drive!" Whis place his hand over his mouth and says "Oh My, shouldn't be speaking that way with a baby around" then chuckles.

Alex's POV

"Hey guys!! I now present to you all my daughter Sayaka!!" Alex said holding out his child to them softly hearing about what they're were talking about having to agree but he wouldn't really want to go around keeping doing it with his lovers so much since he knows how to use protection just didn't at this point the second time and making Frost her first time still remembering how she couldn't believe his size as the Saiyan was showing her to Whis as well not wanting to count the Angel out at all to join in on the experience it is very surreal how he's a parent at the age of 17  as he was sitting down in the grass area  enjoying  the scenery of the forest and the wind but doesn't want her to be outside for too long as he caresses his daughters face.

Third Person's POV

The group was looking over at the baby of course admiring and smoothing his newborn child Sayaka mostly Bulma since she's a mother either way having to hold the baby and giving her all these praises with more love, Alex had watched it all unfold from the Angel Whis commenting on how he's very happy that the universe wasn't really destroyed back in the tournament and things have gotten even better ever since then seeing this young Saiyan grow stronger not just psychically but also mentally wise too, so admires that about mortals as Goku and Vegeta were agreeing with Whis but also talking to their student about sex drive and knowing the full responsibilities taking care of another growing Saiyan baby which is really isn't that hard at all so for the teen to nodded having a good conversation had later on taking his daughter back from the female scientist and headed back inside to put his child to sleep meeting up with Frost and Kefla in bed to cuddle and sleep together very peacefully as things are going great in their future together knowing his parents must be proud of him as he tells the two Saiyan females. "I love you my baby's" "We love you too Alex~" they said right back as all three were asleep enjoying their dream session as the world is in good hands.

The End

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