Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

Alex was just relaxing in a chair after a long day of training watching two of his mentors fighting against each other in the water while ascending into the air until making Beerus angry and yelling out at the two of them about trying to sleep having to finish their little training session now discussing about the reasoning why Goku trains and Vegeta getting stronger as for Alex getting the same question from the Angel. "The reason why I want to get stronger is because I want to break my limits and live up to my potential" he said to them before Bulma gets a call from trunks about two people took the dragon balls that looked like Frieza's forces which means Frieza is up to no good again with this information the Saiyans get on Bulma's ship to head to Antarctica miles away from west city with the Tyrant's ship landed in front of them just far away as Frieza steps out his ship with two unknown Saiyans. "It's good to see you monkeys" he said to the three Saiyans that was looking at the lizard angrily. "Why'd you come for the dragon balls?" Goku said to the space emperor who gives a clear answer being none of his business and noticing the unknown Saiyans being behind them as Frieza explains. "This is Paragus and Broly...They've been trapped on a repunit planet" he said to them having Goku ask a stupid question.

Alex's POV

He was watching the other two Saiyans seeing how Broly was starting to get very angry and was ordered by Paragus to start attacking as the angry Saiyan has started fighting against Vegeta as their was fight getting good as the attention shifted to Goku fighting the exiled Saiyan that gave him a brutal beat down as their opponent was adapting to their fighting style as he starts breaking the ice from sheer power alone and Alex was watching from the background flying around the two fighters until The Saiyan spotted him and charges at Alex, Alex is shocked by the speed and surprise attack getting grabbed by the leg and immediately slammed down onto the ground gets swunged and slammed around by the powerful Saiyan like a rag doll for Alex to quickly shoot ki blasts at the Saiyan's face to let him go on the ground jumping away. "Damn it he's tough alright!!" He said to himself as he transforms into a SSB as Broly lunges at him as the two start clashing Alex decks under a punch doing a backwards handstand and immediately countered with a split kick sending Broly flying. But that wasn't enough to stop the persist Saiyan as Broly immediately recovers and returns faster and stronger than before, as he delivers powerful blows to Alex's skull as Alex becomes disoriented by the many blows to his head then his mentor Goku comes in to instant transmission them to Vegeta as Broly turns to the three Saiyans. "GALICK!! "KAMEHAMEH!! "STATIC SHOCK!!!" as orange, yellow blue combined attack was blasted at Broly who created a pillar of energy which repeals the beams and chased after them only for Goku to get an idea and grabbed onto both Vegeta and Alex in time flying away from Broly only for Frieza to get caught and attacked. "Have fun Frieza!!!" "Wait what!!! No I'm the mighty Frieza!!!" He was then being molly whopped by Broly painfully as Goku teleports to the mountains where Piccolo was with both Alex and Vegeta as he moved his hand away from the teen very tired sitting up from the ground.

Piccolo's POV

"Hey!! What in the name of the multiverse is going on!!" the namekian said to his fellow Saiyan comrades having Vegeta moves his hand away annoyingly from Kakarot's having to get up from the ground not knowing what was going to happen as Goku began asking the prince knows about the fusion dance and he doesn't really but remembers hearing Trunks doing the dance, he immediately calls it off. "When you do an absurd dance and fuse together!?!" He said back to the clown who then agrees showing it to him as the prince was denying it at once. "As if I merge myself with a fool!!" "come on it's only 30 minutes besides we fused before with the potara earrings but we don't have those now" he said looking down  feeling little defeated with his friends as Alex was watches the two of them arguing as broly was fighting pumbling Frieza into the wall with heavier punches the tyrant got enraged into his golden form. "You dare make me exert myself!! To put effort into a fight, then I will teach you a lesson behold this is Golden Frieza!! The last thing you'll ever see!!" He yelled out at Broly charging at him but that didn't last long because he was sent right back into the wall getting beaten up some more as Goku turns to Alex having to lose the option with the prince putting on an excited grin. "So Alex wanna fuse with me!!" He said to him calmly hoping this would work as the teenager began nodding a bit wanting to do it with his master. "Yeah we have to stop Broly! Let's do it I've wondered how fusing with you would be like?!" Alex said excitedly to Goku who was happy about his student agreeing to do this and began teaching it to him as the first two tries to where he was fat and Piccolo commenting. "Nope wrong try again you missed by an inch" he was telling the fused warrior only to do another 30 minutes as only the next one again being messed up due to a few centimeters becoming more skinny looking while Frieza was beaten up to a bloody pulp yelling in pain only one last time. "Fu!!" Sion!!" Ha!!" as both Goku and Alex fused together with the colors of red and purple into one person correctly becoming this golden bright energy like tornado.

Third person's POV

Piccolo now impressed with how they've managed to get it right this time watching the fusion was giving off a calm expression having a mixture of Goku and Alex's hair looking longer along with a more darker skin tone,  having his tail wiggle around a bit, keeping a more serious look as the warrior was looking over to Vegeta who is seeing how different this person was from the two the fused male warrior was pondering about a name to call himself and putting his finger onto his chin having piccolo wanting them to hurry up. "Well if I had to name myself since potara version is Vegito from himself and Vegeta now then...between us how about Golex!!" He said confirming the fusion name with a small smile before putting his hand on Vegeta's shoulder teleporting the two of them back to arctic grounds now covered with lava as Frieza was pinned to the wall and Broly had went after Whis only for Whis to dodge his attack was about to counter attack even Bulma who was terrified but Golex immediately thrust kicks him away from the blue haired scientist as he appeared with Vegeta quickly holding onto his wife with a mad glare at Broly. "Oh my!?" "We got this Whis leave it to us" he said to the Angel that was excited to see mentor and student fused as Golex gives off a little smile before turning back to Broly giving a more serious look.

Golex's POV

He was taunting Broly to come at him as the fused Saiyan flew up into the sky looking back moving away as their opponent following him which makes Broly angry as he constantly pursues Golex only for Golex to counter attack with a strong straight kick as the fused warrior started transformed into Super Saiyan as Broly punched him only for Golex return to notion with greater force and fourth with their attacks until he was shooting several ki blasts hitting the Saiyan's body keeping him in the ground and using his ki to keep him tapped out as the fused Saiyan was pressuring the taller Saiyan trapping him in his yellow ki making it explode then rushes in delivering a heavy elbow to his nose knocks him back with little blood slightly came out then kneeing his stomach converting into a high kick sends him flying into the air then changing forms turning into SSG using more fiery ki to give Broly more pain doing a few spinning and drop kicks to knock him around to firing a big red beam to blast their opponent further down as everything around them was blowing up with it and then dashed forward dodging any attack he may hit the fused warrior very swiftly to giving a hard uppercut sends the angry Saiyan flying into the sky but not for long as Golex appears above him throwing his fist forward morphing into big red fiery dragon charging/yelling out to Broly. "DRAGON FIST!!!" engulfing his body before exploding completely sends him free falling while turning back to normal form going after him as he immediately transforms into SSB as his aura changes emitting the very essence of the blue form covering his whole body wasn't done yet getting serious he began dive kicking the man's face harder into the ground and jumps back before flying in with clashing fists until pushing him back some more hitting his left side sends him flying into some lava and every punch was then breaking dimensions as around them was shattered leaving the fused male confused at first but Broly comes flying at him only to block and dodge hitting the angry man's face yet again spinning all upside down to jump away watching him transform into Legendary Super Saiyan form and kept on fighting more brutality by Golex grabbing his face and repeatedly kneeing him very hard enough to do one final double stomp knocking him back leaving some blood/some teeth missing until breaking through a random dimension going back dry ground area as he throwing two blue ki blasts at his chest blowing him back leaving some bloody scars then shooting out several more keeping the angry Saiyan at bay consuming into a bigger explosion emerged from it with using the soul punisher to at least blowing him up as he was sensing the dragon balls being used by cheelai now having to finish this fight charging at Broly yet again throwing three punches to his face then a harsh thrusting kick to his neck knocking him around then high kicks him into the sky going further teleporting above hitting a overhead slam to his head sends the man falling coughing out some spit/blood then quickly spins him around very fast enough to be thrown near the ground but was dragging his body into it until being hit with another sweep kick to his chest sending him tumble down onto some rocks only being covered in some blue ki as the fused warrior raises his hands into the air blowing him up even further destroying more mountains around the two then quickly lands in front of Broly with a big red beam forming from Golex's hands yelling out. "KA-MEH-HA-MEH-HA!!!!" He was blasting a full power massive beam was coming straight for broly who was scared looking very beaten but wished off planet back to his home missing the technique quickly only for the fused warrior to be smiling off knowing he wasn't truly evil or anything becoming good instead as Frieza was about to shoot the ship then was stopped by the fused warrior with a serious look letting go of him and leaving Earth as well only for a couple minutes later the fusion time wore off splitting Alex and Goku back to normal. "Man Alex! Who knew you could fight very rough with someone!" Goku said in surprise but kept his composure. "Well we had to teach him a lesson!! Besides he'll heal anyway but that fight was awesome!" He said softly grinning.

Third Person's POV

The teen Saiyan was holding himself up using his hands giving Goku a little fist bump before having to stand up onto his own of course with the help of other his mentor as Vegeta who was watching from the background seeing how that was fight to him ended unfairly due to Broly being wished away knowing the prince would think it that way but Goku knew he wasn't so bad after all as the older Saiyan began searching for them with Bulma having to help out in that situation as Vegeta taking her back home using the power of flying, so Whis was walking his way over to Alex's side having that usual calmful smile looking down at the young Saiyan's level. "I must say that you've definitely grown a lot stronger! That was quite the show you put on for us!" he said to him calmly having the male to nod a bit getting up from the ground saying his thanks back to him but then hearing a voice calling out to the Angel as he was answering to be his sister wanting to talk to him. "Oh hello Vados!! What brings you calling??" He asked his sister softly in his usual tone waiting for her response. "I'm calling to see if it's okay to have Alex come train universe 6 Saiyans?" She said back to her brother of course thinking that would be a splendid idea as the Angel started putting his hand onto Alex's shoulder telling all the details and had began teleporting the two of them to their universe as a whole white pillar surrounded them and has started flying away from planet earth to universe 6 only for the two appearing in Champa's palace where you can hear the God's Angel speaking to them. "Oh you've made it here already!! Knowing Whis is very happy to have you here" she said to the young Saiyan who only nods a bit softly. "So you're the one who will be teaching my Saiyans huh??" Champa said to the teenager having him to shrugging a bit in agreement.

Alex's POV

"Yeah I wouldn't mind teaching them something and haven't really seen the three of them since the tournament being a long while anyway" he said to the sixth god of destruction as the Saiyan was just thinking about what can he really do with the three Saiyans very unsure about it at the moment, so for Champa to then accepting the boy instead of dealing with those other two Saiyans as Alex was turning to Whis who was telling that in case he wants to come back to their universe he can just ask his sister to tell him which he does understand and wonders if Beerus will even notice his disappearance but Whis has that covered for the Saiyan was following Vados going off to the mountains looking around the place seeing how different things are from his own world which is nice but kept seeing more of those ancient buildings and taking notice of planet sadala as some buildings are old looking but no different than how the Saiyans of 7th truly was to them and he was keeping up with the Angel
in search for Cabba at the moment only to later find him at Renso's place.

Cabba's POV

The young boy was just finished talking to Renso walking out of his house having to owe him for getting stronger of course for the older man to think he didn't need to owe him anything at all as the Saiyan male waving away at him before heading off to go find his two new friends seeing the Angel and the person from universe 7 where at first was surprised to see him stumbled back a bit only for Alex to speak for the guy. "Hey Cabba how's it going man!!" He said with a small wave and the male returns his greeting back with a happy hello as well as Vados began explaining the reason why he was here in the first place. "So you're here to teach us some techniques?!" He asked the 7th warrior who nodded a bit having his hands onto his pockets that were installed by Chichi actually wanting some on his pants as the Saiyan with his tail wrapped around his waist showing it off a bit towards the other male Saiyan who just now noticed yet knowing it's been a while since last seen each other from the tournament as Vados then tells Cabba to at least show him around and taking him to his friends so they all can train together having him agree to it for the Angel to leave going back to serving her God of destruction. "Well why don't I show you around then Alex" he said to the young male softly who wouldn't mind at all taking him to go see Renso first who goes and talking to him about being the one who defeated his sister in the tournament then brought them all back with his wish and the rest was history to where he expressed how he felt about her having the man being very happy about it which is surprising even gotten his blessing to which made the 7th warrior chuckle still gave a thumbs up but anyway the two went over to the city and having Alex discover the sadala army not just other places in the area then headed off to Caulifla's hideout. "Hey Alex...Thanks for wishing us back to life...I really appreciate it! I know master would do the same for us!" Cabba smiled calmly at his fellow Saiyan friend as he returned back with a small nod taking out his fist towards him gladly bumping fists together, not only reaching Caulifla's hideout. "This is her hideout not too shabby!" Alex said with his arms crossed digging the place. "Yeah she would mainly be out here away from civilization smuggling some stuff with her crew...just so you know, she hasn't given up on her goal either!" Cabba informed him calmly as he looked at the 7th warrior's expression being calm before the two slowly entered through the door.

Caulifla's POV

The rebel headed Saiyan was still running the place of course with Saiyan criminals that was getting supplies of food and other things in order to keep for herself of course but still having that goal in becoming super Saiyan 3 and in hopes in beating Goku, also his student Alex as well which still won't happen yet anyway as the 6th warrior was laying her hand onto her cheek in boredom having Kale to keep watch of things to go more smoothly just because she's now wanting to get stronger doesn't mean she isn't going to keep her reputation on having her punk gang at her side, as she was too busy thinking about someone lost in her own thoughts. 'He was very strong, probably more powerful than Son Goku' she said to herself only to be getting a knock onto the bar doors and having her two guards go check who it was only see Cabba from back view unable to see another person there. "Still up to your old ways huh Caulifla!" He said to her calmly as she quickly responds back walking downstairs to probably punch him or something with a smirk. "I gotta keep my promise and helping out my own gang!!—"She proudly spoke to him only to cut herself off when seeing the one person she's destined to defeat and may secretly have feelings for as Kale was the same way too seeing him again feeling a little happy to see him again "it's you! Alex!" the tomboy said with such excitement but actually collecting herself keeping a more chill attitude crossing her arms not wanting to sound all girly as he gives them with a calm smirk. "Sup Caulifla good seeing you too again!" He exclaimed to them with a small wave keeping a calm smile as she thought to herself about how cute he looked but quickly snap out of those thoughts remaining focus on the little unexpected reunion between them but felt eagerly ready to battle him.

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