Chapter 3

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Caulifla's POV

The rebel was remembering everything that happened during the tournament and even afterwards knowing the promise to herself that she'll achieve those forms shown to her for the first time not just him but also the spiky haired clown Goku of course as she was thinking in her head for a moment before snapping out of her own lost thoughts focusing on the person in front of her putting her left hand on her hip the other down walking over to the 7th universe male gotten a little close to his face with the same cocky expression. "So you've decided to come here and finish our fight huh!?" She told him with a raised eyebrow wondering what he was planning at the moment leaving Kale and Cabba to watch on the sidelines with her minions keeping a close eye on the young warrior seeing he's gotten a little bit taller poking at his shirt a little bit not only keeping somewhat distance between their faces.

Alex's POV

The young warrior was noticing Caulifla's closeness towards the male seeing how she's very pumped in thinking the two was going to fight wouldn't mind that either as his hands were still in the pockets giving her the look of 'are you serious' towards the female Saiyan before answering her question. "Well...we can fight if you want but that's not why I'm here..but I'll give you what you want!" he said to her calmly just by having her that sentence making the rebel wanting to take him on as a challenge and keeping the same mood walking outside of the hideout having her follow with Cabba and Kale to keep go along to watch the fight having the male getting into fighting stance like Goku and Caulifla doing the same as well feeling excited to fight the tomboy Saiyan again.

Third Person's POV

The two Saiyans is having a standoff only to hear rocks falling from the distance at random going into an immediate clash of fists being thrown and bunches of shockwaves can be heard as each hit bouncing from every blow for Caulifla keeping up with her opponent is impressive but the two were in base form for Alex to block most of her punches and kicks easily only to break their clashing with a harder kick to the stomach knocking her bock but was holding her own with a rush at him again shooting a few red ki blasts at the 7th counterpart who deflecting most of them, he uses some after images to quickly dashes at her using his left knee hitting the girl's face yet again making the rebel stumbling back painfully as she was mad obviously then transforms into SSJ for Alex doing the same with both clashing fists to trading blows on repeat going faster with him being more experienced quickly dodge most of her punches having to deflect then reflect pushing her fists/feet away using only his two fingertips to his whole hand not only weaving swiftly then roundhouse kicking her to the ground when they both was mostly in the air going a maximum speed and she still was down yet but beaten up a bit going SSJ2 for him doing the same having a little stare down. "You're definitely stronger than ever Alex!! but I'm even better" she exclaimed making him think that at least she is believing in herself as lands back onto the ground shooting back four yellow blasts to make her dodge as he quickly teleports being distant from to now above her shooting out more ki blasts making her deflect some as the male flipping over onto the other side of area before charging at her using some his feet to block then his hands knocking her back to jumping in the air using some kicks to break her blocking time then lands onto his hands thrusting both his feet to her face using full force kicking her into the air then jumps back using a quick blue beam to make her block then more of his ki blasts sent her way that was mostly dodged but also some easily reflected by her then began yelling out. "WILL YOU QUIT IT!!! YOU'RE PLAYING IT SAFE!!!" She said to him as for Cabba and Kale taking notice of something that their friend isn't only for the male Saiyan fighting her pushing the rebel back by double kicking to distract her long enough to point upward showing how much that was surrounding the Saiyan female while in the air which is several as like Piccolo's but more faster having her backed into a corner then having the face of "Oh Fuck" who was then shot with ki blasts from all sides blinding the other two from the light being brighter as more ki blasts were consuming each other into a bigger explosion having the Saiyan female was blocking but was burnt from the amount she's taken with a few scars while still standing but collapses as he was telling her calmly. "Well looks like I win this match" he said walking over towards Caulifla giving her a senzu bean to heal her wounds telling what this can do with healing and helping your stamina.

Caulifla's POV

The rebel knowing they fought fairly and this match has ended in terms of fairness so surprisingly she was more accepting of it than just getting all angry and being a sore loser about it, she was looking up at him with an soft smile feeling every bit of excitement from how strong he currently was to her given a senzu bean and after told what this was she quickly eating it, making her wounds disappear and restoring her stamina fully back to health as she looks at him with the eyes of star struck for a moment when Kale and Cabba came over talking with him being possible to teach them about their goal in achieving super Saiyan 3 as Alex could notice slightly about her looking at him that way. "Hello? Earth to Caulifla you're good" he asked her in questioning to make sure she wasn't hit too hard from those attacks and blast knocking the rebel back to her senses. "Huh!!...Yeah I'm fine just amazed at how strong you are if you're going to be here than teach us Alex!!" She said to him having to grab onto his shirt shaking him a bit in excitement as he puts up his hands with a small smile nodding to her pleading being that's the reasoning why he's in their universe at the moment letting her know as he turns towards Kale letting her know something. "Don't worry I didn't forget about you either Kale" he said with a small grin leaving the other female Saiyan to be blushing from his comment giving him a little warm smile as she was still a bit shy but able to respond. "It's..ok Alex!" she said gently in she usual shy tone before turning a little away.

Alex's POV

The male Saiyan was looking up at the sky seeing how the sunlight was slowing going down turning into night time in wonder if there's a place to actually stay at the moment since they should have one a home or something to stay in order for them to get a lot of rest for some relaxation than mostly training, so he turning towards Cabba with a questioning look of that reason as the other male Saiyan can take notice of the way he was staring at him. "Cabba do you have places for me to stay at?" He asked him having the boy to respond at his question quickly. "Yes you can stay at Caulifla's place she has a room for you to sleep in" he said to his new friend with a calm smile as Caulifla herself diving into the conversation as well. "Yeah you can sleep in one of the rooms of my hideout so you're good" she said to him with a soft grin making him blush for a second finding her adorable in his mind then snaps out of it accepting her offer as the four of them have left the wasteland heading back to the hideout mainly chill there as he gotten into his own room getting more adjusted bed and for someone to walk into his new room only to be Kale actually. "Good night Alex~" she said before leaving as he says it back to her loud enough for her to hear it then drifts off to sleep thinking to himself. "I think I'm falling in love with those they even like me back in that way...?"

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