30 • 三十

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- Lee Minseo's POV -

"Hey. Minseo." I felt someone shake my thigh gently. "Wake up. We're here." I opened my eyes to be suddenly blinded by the bright light. Checking the clock, I realised that it was now 10:01am and the sun was glaring through the windows of the car.
"Where..?" I groaned, rubbing my eye. I was still half asleep.

"Look for yourself." Yoongi got out the car, walked round and opened the door for me. I stepped out, looked around and gasped in awe. This place... it was a utopia!
"Oh my god!" I gasped, causing Yoongi to smirk at me. "Is this yours?" I turned to look at him, forgetting that he was my kidnapper for a mere second while I basked in joy.
"Yeah, it is." He replied, closing the car door he was leaning on. "Follow me."

I did as I was told, the handcuffs still adorning my wrists, and followed Yoongi up to the front door of the humongous mansion. We walked up about 5 steps, up to a large door guarded by two large men in black suits. They're hella intimidating, that's for sure.
"I have a lot of people who work for me." Yoongi suddenly stopped, turning on the spot to face me.
"They work in shifts around the clock. There's no way you can get past them without my permission, so don't bother trying to escape."

"How many are there..?" I asked shyly.
"Well, I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." He smirked, turning back to face the door. One of the large guards opened the door, allowing me and Yoongi to walk inside, but before he let me through the door he removed my handcuffs, allowing me to move my arms freely. I gasped in awe at the sheer size of the place. Everything was intricately detailed from the picture frames to the humongous chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"How can you afford this place?" I asked. "The salary at the mattress store can't be this great."
"You really believe I work in a mattress store?" He scoffed. "I'm an army general."
"A- army general?" I stuttered. "Why did you never say anything?"
"It's not something I'm allowed to go round telling people." He retorted.
"Did BTS know?"
"No. No one knew. You're the first." With that he walked off into a room, and I swiftly followed.

As you walked in there was a huge hall with a grand staircase in the centre, and two doors leading off: one to the left and one to the right. I followed Yoongi through the right door.
"This is the kitchen." He told me. "Chefs cook meals here three times a day: at 9am, 2pm and 7pm, and you can order what you want to eat, but you can also snack on whatever you want if you're hungry." I nodded, and we walked back into the hall and into the left door.

"Here's the living room." Yoongi gestured to the room with a luxurious-looking sofa, facing a fireplace with a large, flat screen TV above it. "I'll probably be in here if you need me." He added, and then we turned back around, heading up the large staircase.
"So, on the second floor is my bedroom, the bathroom, your bedroom and the study." He pointed to four doors respectively. "Don't go in the study. If I'm in there it means I don't want to be disturbed." Yoongi turned to look at me. "Understood?" I gulped, nodding slowly.

"Don't go up to the third floor either," Yoongi added, pointing to a small staircase in the corner. "All the staff live up there, and I don't think it's the safest place to be since I let them do whatever they want up there."
"So they live here?" I asked. "Do they get time off to see their family?"
"People here don't have families." He replied. "And if they do, they were made here. They don't get time off, since I'm a general and no one can know of the whereabouts of this place." I nodded slowly.

"Don't they deserve some freedom?" I mumbled.
"They chose to live here." Yoongi retorted.
"The kids didn't." I fired back, turning my head to look at him. Yoongi stared back. Crap. Shouldn't have done that.

"Are you arguing with me?" He asked, an eyebrow slightly raised.
"Arguing?" I replied, covering for myself. "Gosh no. Of course not." I turned away awkwardly, but saw him smirk before I did. So I'm in the clear?

He beckoned me to follow, so I did, and he took me to a bedroom.
"This is your room." He told me. "It has an en suite over there. I ordered the staff to unload your things from the car and bring them here, which is why your stuff is here."
"Did you take this from my house?" I asked, and he nodded.
"I thought you'd be more comfortable with your own clothes." He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Can I have a shower?" I asked.
"Do you need to ask?" He retorted.
"Just making sure," I mumbled.
"Go ahead." Yoongi shrugged. "The shower's in your bathroom." I ambled over to the door, opening it to reveal the en suite Yoongi was talking about, but he stayed in my room as I walked in.

Is this my chance? Can I get out?

"Is the hot water on?" I asked as I looked for an exit. I'm not having a shower, I'm getting out of here.
"Yeah." Yoongi replied. As soon as he did I realised the window in the bathroom could be opened wide enough for me to climb through. This is it; I can leave. I turned on the shower to distract Yoongi into thinking I was taking a shower, then I climbed up onto the toilet and opened the window.

But when I stuck my head out the window, a deafening alarm pierced my ears. At that moment the door opened, and Yoongi was stood there. A look of disappointment was spread across his usually blank face as he observed me standing on top of the toilet.

Well shit.

"Close the window." He ordered, and I did so, causing the alarm to stop ringing. "Get down from there." I did as I was told, stepping into the cold floor.
"What happened to getting a shower?" He asked, stepping closer. Almost on instinct, I stepped backwards, eventually feeling the cold, hard wall hit my back. Yoongi left about an inch of space between us, and looked down at me from where he was stood.

"Do you know what you've just done?" He asked me, and I shook my head slowly.
"You tried to leave, didn't you." He asked me, leaning his hand against the wall behind me. I nodded.
"Do you think that's what good girls do?" He questioned, and I shook my head again. He stared at me, trying to seem intimidating, but then sighed.

"God damn, isn't it funny how the whole of South Korea is after me, yet all my cares seem to disappear when I look in your eyes." He whispered, smirking slightly.

I gulped, continuing to look at him, as he continued to stare back.
"I guess now you're gonna know the punishment for naughty girls." He told me in a hushed tone. Then he leant in...

And kissed me.

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Word Count: 1244

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