Chapter 6 Welcome to Pune!

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Piya's POV

Today I had to leave for Pune. Returning from college, I booked my flight tickets and headed to room to pack my clothes and necessities. Divya's sadness was reflected by her face. My always chirping and jolly Divya, didn't even gave a smile today. She hugged me, wished me luck and assured me that she is always by my side, but she was not coming to drop me to the airport. How selfish I could be? She always understood me, made me smile and I become the reason of her sadness. But I would definitely rectify this mistake of mine. I am not good in explaining my feelings but I will never stop to try, explaining my feelings out.

Taking my bag and necessities, I walked downstairs, only to found Mom and Pa lost deep down in their own thoughts, sitting on the dinning table. I grabbed an apple from fruit basket, just when mom asked, "Piya, are you going somewhere?"

"Pune." I replied monotonously.

"Piya, please you don't have to. We are at mistake and we know that. Please forgive us."

"You don't have to act so innocent mom." I lashed on her. 'No Piya, control your temper. You can't tell them why are you leaving.' I reminded myself and averted my eyes.

"Piya, you are our only child. Please don't leave us." She said.

'Only Child! I am their only child!' This was limit.

"Only child! Really? You left your own son in orphanage and saying that I am your only child. Disgusting!" I yelled on her and this time her jaw dropped on floor. Pa's eyes widened listening to my words.

" I know everything. So, don't act innocent. If you both are still hiding something, then please tell." I said in a calm voice, composing myself.

" There is nothing left to hide." Mom hung her head in shame.

" Good, now tell me in which orphanage did you left my brother?" She snapped her head towards me.

" Your brother?"

" Will you please answer?" I asked again getting irritated.

" The orphanage's name is 'Sparsh Balgram', but what will you do?" Pa asked.

" None of your concern and listen, in front of the world we will be a lovely father-daughter duo but in personal, we are nothing more than strangers and I am leaving now, bye." Saying so, I left for airport.

I didn't know why, but I really wanted to meet Divya before leaving. I already met her in the morning, but I really can't see her non-smiling, dull face. Without giving a second thought, I asked driver to first take me to the college.

On reaching, I straight away went to the staffroom. I didn't found Divya there, so I looked for her timetable on the noticeboard. She had a lecture. I didn't have time for lecture to get over. So, I went to the classroom. It was not a right thing to do, but I couldn't help it at that time.

Maintaining the decorum of class, I asked her to come out.

" What happened Piya? Did you cancelled your plan of going to Pune?" She asked, her face showed some kind of hope. I really didn't want to break that hope, but I couldn't help it.

" No Divya, I didn't cancelled it, but I can't see your dull face. If you will not support me, then I will definitely cancel to board flight, right here only." I said.

Don't take me wrong. I didn't emotionally blackmailed her. I would have cancelled going, but what she said next changed my mind-

" Piya, I am really happy that you are facing your problems strongly. I was just said thinking about what will I do behind you? You don't worry, I will call, skype you and will do everything to irritate you." She said and smiled. Finally!

She gave her precious smile and my heart got less guilt-ridden. Bidding her bye, I left for Pune.


Rohan's POV

Today I would leave for Pune. This was the first time that I was going to handle a deal. As dad said, this deal was really important for our company. Dad believes in me so much that he gave such an important deal to a new comer like me. I would crack this deal at any cost. I called Parth to tell about this and he was very happy for me. He and her mother persuaded me to stay at their home till I would be in Pune.

I was packing my luggage when Ishu came in. Definitely, she must had come to irritate me.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Couldn't she see what am I doing?

"Ishu, come help me. Don't irritate me." I whined.

"Okay, okay." Then she helped me and after sometime I left for airport.

Dad and Ishu came to drop me to the airport.

"Dad I will be staying at Parth's place or else he won't talk with me." I informed both of them and Ishu giggled.

"Okay, bye." I said, hugged both of them and boarded my flight for Pune.

I didn't know why, but I was hell nervous. Parth would definitely help me out to tackle my nervousness. This was new start for me. A very new start.


Piya's POV

The flight had just landed and I thought to first enquire at the orphanage. I took a cab and directly went to 'Sparsh Balgram' orphanage. It is a very good rated orphanage in Pune.

I entered and saw many children playing. How innocent and pure they were looking. Looking at them, a smile made its way on my face.

"Are you looking for someone?" Someone tapped my shoulder and asked.

"Yes, myself Piya Kapoor and I want to meet matron ma'am."

"Please come with me." I followed her and reached matron ma'am's cabin.

She was a decent lady. I talked to her and told her all the necessary details. Listening to me, she asked for sometime.

I headed for my home. A home in which there are many memories engraved. My room, that park near my home, my neighbours. Maybe, I would find Parth there. Maybe, he didn't get shifted somewhere else. Thinking about all these things I reached my home.

Except entering my house, I first went to Parth's house to enquire about him. When I rang the bell an unknown lady opened the door.

"Yes, whom you want to meet?"

"I want to meet Parth Mathur. Some years ago Mathur's used to live in here."

"They sold this house to us long back. Now they don't live here." She informed and was about to close the door when I stopped her and asked again, "Do you know where they live now? Actually that's my home." I pointed my finger towards my house.

"I don't know where they live now. You are the one who used to live there?"

"Ya, long back, with my family. I will meet you later. Thanks for your time."

"No problem, come again, to have a cup of tea." She said, smilingly.

"Sure aunty!" Saying so I left.

Again I didn't go home. I reached nearby park. This park hadn't changed a bit. That bench, those swings, everything was same. How much I used to play here with Parth? I miss him a lot.


Parth's POV

Yahoo!! Rohan was coming here and was going to stay with me. I was so happy. Right now, I came to pick him up from airport.

"ROHAN, here!!" I called him as I saw him trying to spot me.

"Hey, Parth." He came and hugged me.

" Lets go home." I said and we headed to my home.

Dad liked Rohan a lot and mom pampered him more than me. Rohan mingled with them very easily. That's why he is my bestie!


Piya's POV

I was sitting on the park bench, cherishing old memories, when matron ma'am called me. She asked me to meet her soon. I immediately left to meet her.

If she would give me the adoption information, then It will be a new start for me.

'But will she give me the information?'


Hola readers,
I am back again. Thanks for your patience.

So, now Parth, Rohan and Piya are in same city. Will they meet each other or not??
Give your views please. I am always open for positive criticism and suggestions.

Next chapter will be updated soon, maybe till this weekend.

Keep reading and loving me and my friend MANVI_bOOk_lOvER 
Love u all ❤

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