Chapter 7 Annoying Stranger

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Piya's POV

I entered matron ma'am's cabin and settled myself in front of her.

"I was not expecting you this much soon Miss Piya!"

"Ma'am, everything regarding this matters to me a lot."

"I can understand Miss Piya. According to your provided information, a baby boy was adopted from our orphanage."

"Ma'am will you please provide me those detail? I will be highly obliged."

"Miss Piya, I am really sorry, but I can't do that. Those information are kept confidential."

"Ma'am it is very important, it costs someone's life. Please help ma'am, please." I literally begged for the information.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down Miss Piya, I will. Here, take this." She passed me an envelope. " This is the essential information."

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"My pleasure Miss Piya. I hope, whose life is at stake will be saved now." Then I left the orphanage.

I reached my home. A house which contained a lot of memories.

As I opened the door, some dust fell, which made me cough. I entered and kept my luggage at one side. The house was full of dust and of dirty smell. It was darker. It was evening time. I couldn't search and hire any maid this time. I switched on lights. Electricity was there because Pa always paid minimum monthly bill.

On looking at hall's empty place and stairs, my traitor mind started giving me flashes of how I used to play here, with ma and sometimes Parth too. 'Can't my mind listen to me once?'

Furniture was covered with clothes, there were cobwebs in the corners and there were smudges on windows and mirrors too. A thick layer of dust had built up on the shelves. I thought to do necessary cleaning, in which one can stay and for rest I will hire a maid.

Cleaning enough, I changed and called it a night.


Rohan's POV

I was very angry on Parth. I came here in afternoon only and he didn't took me for city tour. I didn't want to watch whole city in one day but I got bored sitting idle.

"What happened bro?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Woah man! What happened?"

"Because of you I didn't went out to get a look of city and even I completed my novel also. From last two hours, I am sitting idle and you are busy in computer." I huffed.

"Sorry! We will tomorrow definitely go for city tour and I will also take you to bookstore where I used to go in childhood." He coaxed me.

"You and bookstore.....No, no, no, this can never happen. Not in this birth."

"I used to go with my neighbour friend but I don't know where they reside now." His face fell. I tried to divert the topic.



"I am very nervous about the deal."

"Don't worry, just prepare your best and give your best." He encouraged me.

Everyone must have a friend like Parth. He is my partner in crime, my brother, my well wisher and much more. I am very blessed to have him. Though I never show my love to him but I love him a lot. Now don't take me in a wrong way. *winks*


Piya's POV

I woke up early in the morning and immediately asked my neighbour to send her maid to my house for today. Her maid helped me in cleaning. Then I went to buy some groceries. While shopping, a bookstore caught my attention. This was the same bookstore where I used to come with Ma and Parth to buy novels. I would definitely visit there after sometime.

I immediately left for college after eating my breakfast. Now I was waiting for principal ma'am to call me.

"Ma'am called you in, Miss Piya."

I immediately entered her cabin and she asked me to sit.

"Thank you ma'am." Saying so I left. Now I could visit the bookstore. Even that place is a storehouse of many memories.

I reached there and on stepping in, many memories got refreshed. I remembered how Parth used to tease me that how romantic I am and blah, blah...

I searched for some novels other than love stories. 'Sometimes we should try something new.' Then a book caught my attention, 'The Book Thief'. 'Hmm...Seems interesting.' I went to the counter and paid for it. After paying, I looked for some other books.

I kept my book aside to check others, just when someone took my book and left.

"Oh! Hello, Mister." I called, he didn't turned. I thought to use Divya's tricks.

"Oye hero...Oh! tamatar (Tomato). OH! Mr. Red shirt." I called him again, trying to maintain his pace and catch him.

"Oyee!....The Book Thief." Now!! Thank god he stopped and turned. 'I am tired man!'

"You called me." He asked. 'Really!'

"No, I called your Ghost." I mocked him, catching my breath.

"Okay! Then I should leave." 'Seriously!!'

"No, I called you only." I stopped him from leaving.


"Where are you taking my book?"

"Your book?" He glanced at the book and continued, "I thought this book is of papers." 'Seriously!!'

"See Mister, this book belongs to me so, please return it." I said in a calm voice.

"It belongs to you? Are you its author or what?" 'This man is testing my patience.'

"See, if you want this book, go and take it from that corner." I said, showing him direction and clutching one side of the book he was holding.

"You can also take another piece from that corner. Why should I only?" 'Really'

"I took this piece from there only."

"But I took it from there." He said and we started to grapple for the book.

"Sir, what happened?" We were interrupted by the shopkeeper.

"See, I took this book and he is snatching it from me." I replied.

"No, I took it from that corner." He defended himself.

"Mister, please take another piece of this book." I advised him and shopkeeper eyed the book.

"Ma'am, this is the last piece." The shopkeeper declared. 'I have to win this tug-of-war at any cost.'

"See, now will you please leave miss?"

"No!" I replied and started pulling the book but failed miserably. He had well built body. How could I win against his strong arms. 'Poor me!'

Suddenly my phone rang. I took it from one hand and the other was still clutching the book.


"Hey Piya, where are you? Actually....I am standing at Pune airport. Will you pick me up? Please.....!" 'Oh god! I have to leave for airport immediately.'

"Wait there, I am coming." Saying so, I ended the call.

I glared at him and he replied my look with a glare. I was literally fuming in anger. I had never experienced this much anger in me before.

I finally left the book. "Do hell with the book!" I said in frustration and left the bookstore.

He was so annoying. How can someone annoy a person so much, whom he even don't know?
'I swear, I will rip his head off from his body if I meet him again. ANNOYING STRANGER!'

Taking myself out from the anger, I thought what was going to happen ahead. I had to reach the airport as fast as I could.


Hola readers....... I'm back with the update.
So please tell me.... How was the update??
Any guesses.. Who this annoying stranger is?

I request my silent readers to at least vote... Because I'm not able to know your responses.. Comments will be highly appreciated.

I will update very soon... Till then keep reading and loving me and my friend MANVI_bOOk_lOvER

Love u all❤

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