18 - I Felt Bad For John

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Castiel opened his eyes slowly, blinking the sleep away. The sun was shining through his curtains and there was a lack of Dean beside him. Cas sat up and looked around to still see no Dean.

Cas quickly got dressed and went downstairs in the water damaged house. "Dean, you here?"

"Yeah, living room Cas," Dean called back from the next room. Castiel walked to see Dean sitting on the couch, a phone in his hand.

"What's with the phone?" Castiel asked.

"Dad called, needs help with something today," Dean said. "So I'll be out most of the day. Sorry Bee."

Castiel smiled at the nickname and sat beside Dean, nuzzling into his side. Dean chuckled and put his arms around Cas. They sat like that for a few minutes before Dean gently pushed Cas away.

"I have to go, Dad wants me there by 11," Dean said, standing.

"It's only 9 or something though."

"Cas it's 10:48, you slept for ages."


Dean leaned down and kissed Cas lightly, before walking away through the house. "See ya later Cas!" he called. Cas smiled slightly as he watched Dean go.

It took about two more hours before Cas actually decided to do something with his time. Also his siblings were getting really annoying. Like always.

Castiel grabbed his phone and typed in the number he had written down on Friday.


"Hello Meg."




"Let me go."


"I need to get up."

"No you don't."

"Come on Gabe."

"No. You're warm and I'm comfy and sleepy."

"Yeah but you're like octopusing me."

"Get used to it."

Sam sighed but smiled at Gabriel. He leaned down to kiss Gabe on the forehead, which was all he could get seeing as Gabriel literally was octopusing him. He felt Gabe smile against him and tilt his head up to kiss Sam properly.



"If you don't get off me then no kisses for a week."

Gabriel immediately pushed himself away from Sam, falling off the bed in the process. Sam chuckled and looked over the edge of the bed at Gabe on the floor.

"Oh look Sam, I appear to have fallen for you," Gabe said.

"But you were an angel...so does that make you Satan?"

"Oh hell no, I don't want to be my brother. Ugh."

Sam laughed and got out of the bed, putting a hand out to Gabe. Gabe took it and he pulled him up.

"What shall we do today?" Gabriel asked.

"Something," Sam replied.

"You said you needed to get up, did you actually have a reason?"

"Oh right, Dad needs help with something."

"What does he need help with?"

"I literally have no idea. He probably doesn't even need help, he could just be trying to get us somewhere. Normally we're too lazy to go when he tries so he just says he needs help."

"Wow what great sons you are."

"Are you any better?"

"Nope. I'm worse, I go and prank them instead."

"Hey since when did our prank war end?"

"Who ever said it ended Sammy?"

"Well we've kind of stopped..."

Gabriel smirked and waggled his eyebrows.

"I shouldn't have said that should I?" Sam said. "Well, I guess this is starting again..."

"Hells yeah it is," Gabe said.


"Okay Clarence, what can I help you with?"

"I told you yesterday, teach me how to defend myself against those jerks," Cas said. Meg nodded, thinking.

"What's in it for me?"


"Kidding, seeing you win against those idiots will be good enough."


"First thing, don't let them do anything to you without fighting back."

"I do though."

"No Cas, you really don't. You let them beat you up. Throw a punch at them or something."

"I...don't know how."

Meg sighed. "This is going to take a while."


"Okay Dad, where are we going?" Dean asked. Him and Sam had met up with John somewhere, and now John was driving them somewhere.

"Bobby's," John said.

"What for?" Sam asked.

"Something," John said.

"What something?" Dean asked.

"Just something, okay? Something unexpected."

"Great, plot twist," Sam muttered.

"It's not bad though, the readers won't hate the author," John said.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Dean asked.

"Nevermind," Sam said.

John pulled up the car at Bobby's house, which was kinda in the middle of nowhere. They all got out and walked to the door and went inside because screw knocking.

Dean and Sam froze. Well Dean froze and Sam looked at him confused.

"Dad...what's going on?" Dean asked slowly as he looked at the person in the room.

There was Bobby, Ellen, Jo too...and Mary?

"Who are you?" Sam asked. Mary smiled sadly at him.

"That Sam, is Mary Winchester," John said, smiling brightly.

"But...you said..."

"I said she died in that fire, yes," John said. "I thought so too."

"Hello Dean, Sam," Mary said, tears shining in her eyes. Dean made some sort of weird choky noise and ran over to hug her. A moment later Sam joined in the hug.

A couple of minutes later, Mary, John, Sam and Dean were all sitting on couches facing each other.

"How?" Dean asked.

"That fire all those years ago," Mary said, "wasn't an accident. In my younger years I'd made some enemies, and some of them wanted me dead. So they set a fire to kill me."

"Then how are you here?" Sam asked.

"Well I got out of the fire, and they saw that," Mary said. "They were waiting just in case, and then they came up and captured me."

"When no one could find Mary and the house was completely gone, she was just presumed dead," John said.

"But you would've been seeing greys," Dean said to John.

"That's the thing, the colours never vanished," John said. "That's how I could always say what the colour was when you asked Sam."

"I knew that was suspicious," Sam muttered.

"Oh and now I know why you use gold so much," John said, smirking. "It was meant to be from the start." Sam blushed, thinking of that certain golden eyed, golden haired shorty.

"Why'd you never tell us?" Dean asked.

"I didn't know the colours were supposed to disappear," John said. "Until I met Bobby and he told me."

"By then I was just a prisoner of those people, Leviathans they called themselves," Mary said.

"When I found out Mary was still alive, Bobby helped me get a police investigation going," John said. "He paid for all the fees and stuff to keep them searching for all these years."

"And they finally found me," Mary said, smiling brightly. "The Leviathans had taken to torturing me instead of killing me, letting me know my family was out there thinking I was dead. It was horrible, they kept me in a cell for almost the entire time."

Dean and Sam both smiled and hugged their mum again. John was also smiling pretty much the entire time. It had been a while since either of the brothers had seen him this happy.

"I'm sorry I missed both of you growing up," Mary said sadly as the brothers pulled back. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize," Sam said. "There was nothing you could've done."

"I know but," Mary's voice cracked slightly and they could tell she was holding back tears.

"Mum it's okay," Dean said softly. Mary looked up with wide eyes at the word 'Mum' and a single tear fell down her face. John leaned over to wipe the tear away and then pulled Mary into his arms.

"I'm never letting you go again," John muttered.

"Hey so Mum," Dean said suddenly. "How do you feel about gays?"

"I...they're great, why?"

"No reason."

John smirked. "Dean has a boyfriend."

"Oh," Mary said in surprise. "...When do I get to meet him?"

"Probably the same time you meet Sam's boyfriend," Dean said and Sam spluttered. "Seeing as they're brothers."

"Wow really?" Mary asked. "Do they look alike? Because that would be weird."

"No, they're adopted," Sam said. "Novak's. Wait that won't mean anything. They're great people."

"Are they?" John asked, still smirking. "How much did Chuck and Becky have to spend in repairs for the damage Gabriel and you caused?"

Sam smirked slightly at the memory and then looked wide eyed at Mary. "I...uh..." Mary just laughed.

"Sounds like you too get up to quite a lot of fun," Mary said. "What about you Dean?"

"Well Cas is great, and really quiet and shy sometimes, kinda clueless, but he's adorable."

"Dean you're being sappy," Sam said.

"Screw it I'm allowed to be sappy if I want."

"Don't you mean screw Cas?"

The room went silent, and then John and Mary burst out laughing as Dean went red. Sam just smirked and leant back on the couch.

Just one big happy family together again :)


Castiel rubbed his hand, sore from attempting to learn how to throw a proper punch. Meg had continued trying despite Castiel's slow progress.

"It's okay Clarence, we can try again some other day," Meg said as it began to get late. "In the meantime, try and boost the confidence level so you don't let them talk to you like that."

Cas nodded and then left Meg's house, immediately going over to Dean's instead of his own house.

When he opened the door like he had done so many times now that it was just like his own house, he was surprised to smell a home cooked meal...like not Sam, Dean or John's crappy cooking, but actually something good.

"Dean?" Cas called through the house, but someone else appeared in the doorway. A woman with blond hair and a kind smile.

"You must be Castiel," she said.

"Uhh," Cas said awkwardly.

"Yep definitely Cas," she said. Suddenly the door opened behind Cas, knocking him onto the ground.

"Oh sorry Cassie."

Gabe was standing in the doorway, and suddenly the two Winchester brothers came into the hallway.

"Dude why is Cas on the ground?" Dean asked.

"Like you don't want him there," Gabe said. He turned to Mary. "So who's the new person?"

"That's Mary," Sam said. "Mary Winchester. Our mum."

Silence filled the room again as Castiel and Gabriel looked at their soulmates in confusion.

"But you said..." Cas said.

"Yeah, we thought that too," Dean said. "Come sit down, we'll explain it."


"Woah," Gabe said. "Like woah. What's being tortured like?"

"Okay Gabe let's skip that," Sam said. Mary just smiled.

"Painful," she said. "But it's over now."

The two Novak's looked at their happy Winchesters, the happy smiles making them happy too.

"Now one question for the four of you," Mary said. "Are you guys soulmates or just dating?"

"Soulmates," Sam and Dean said at the same time and Mary smiled brightly.

"Wow you met young," she said. "How'd it happen?"

There was silence as both couples smiled kind of sheepishly, remembering their meeting.

"Well Cas and Dean were drunk and forgot that they met each other," John said, appearing in the room. "And then avoided it for ages."

"Dean, you shouldn't be getting that drunk," Mary said in that motherly scolding voice.

"Well if I didn't, then I wouldn't have met Cas," Dean replied.

"Also it does make for quite a few funny stories," John said. Mary just shook her head while chuckling.

"Sam, Gabriel, how about you?"

"We started a prank war," Gabe said. "And colours appeared because we passed notes. Not confusing at all." Mary laughed again.

"Well I'm going to finish dinner," Mary said and left the room, with John following.

"Your mum's kinda hot," Gabe said suddenly.

"Uhh...Gabe too soon," Sam said. Cas winced and Dean glared at him.

"What?" Gabe asked. "What did I say?"

The three just stared at him as Gabriel slowly understood.


"Sorry does not make up for that," Sam said, looking pointedly away from Gabe.

"Aww but Sammy."


"Samantha why?"


Gabriel suddenly smirked and leaned over, kissing the sweet spot on Sam's neck. Sam made some sort of noise and pushed Gabe back.

"Wow is this how you guys feel when we make out?" Dean asked. "Woah I'm so sorry. We're going to leave now." He grabbed Cas and dragged him out of the room, leaving Sam and Gabe.

Gabe looked back at Sam only to be pushed down against the couch.

"You're going to pay for that," Sam said lowly while smirking.

"Why Sam, that's mildly inappropriate," Gabe said while smirking. Sam just rolled his eyes and kissed Gabe before pulling back. Gabe pouted and Sam shook his head.

"Not while both my parents are literally a room away."

"Wow only just back from the dead and already ruining our fun," Gabe muttered. He opened his mouth to say something else but Sam stopped him.

"If you dare make a fire joke I swear to Misha our overlord..." Gabe nodded, getting the message. "It is and always will be too soon for the Mary jokes."

*Sam and Gabe turn to look through the fourth wall at the Supernatural Fandom*


Yeah I felt bad coz I made John awesome and happy but he didn't have a soulmate :( So here's Mary back. Oh and remember that feely chapter I did? Those things both lead up to much bigger feely things in the future...

Anyway...I just bought tickets for AHBL...I'm gonna meet Rich and Matt again...and Luci too...*Fangirling too much to type*

Also, today, or yesterday depending on time zones...28th September is Matt Cohen's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT

Oh and remember last chapter I asked if you guys would read a book I wrote? Well I asked that because I've actually written an actual novel, 78000 words long, and I just finished the final edit last week (except for minor changes from friends reading over it)...sooo...I dunno, I may try and publish it...I guess we'll see...

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