Chapter 18 - Flower Arranging

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Erica sighed as she approached Astoria and Draco's door, knocking on it. Her and Parker were supposed to go there to learn about flower arranging but she, well, was running late. After a minute of waiting, the door opened and it was the 10 year old double of Draco Malfoy.

"Auntie Erica." Scorpious smiled.

"Scorpius." Erica patted his head,"I'm not too late, am I?"

"Not really." He shook his head.

"Thank goodness." Erica sighed.

"Everyone is through in the kitchen." Scorpius nodded.

"They better not lecture me." Erica shook her head as she stepped inside.

"Dad will. He's mad because you, Mum and Auntie Parker are going out. But it's nice for Mum." Scorpius sighed.

"You mean that he'll try, my ears won't pick it up because he'll be too far away." Erica shrugged.

"Erica Weasley!" Draco yelled.

"Draco Malfoy?" Erica asked.

"Where have you been? I've had to deal with my wife and sister for hours now." Draco ran through.

"Look, George made a big oopsie and I had to fix it." Erica excused herself, shaking some ash from her hair.

"I'm sure. Now, will you help me?" Draco pointed to the two women in the kitchen making cookies.

"How exactly?" Erica asked.

"They keep talking about baking, and flowers and this and that. I can only say so many 'yeah, I understand' before they notice I'm not listening." Draco complained.

"Okay, Midget." Erica rolled her eyes as she walked into the kitchen.

"Midget?" Draco turned to her.

"Erica." Parker smiled, holding the bowl, "Want to try some batter?"

Erica gasped,"Yes, please."

"See Dray? Erica likes the cookies." Astoria hummed to Draco as Parker handed Erica a spoon.

"Your wife likes me better than you." Erica teased before putting the spoon in her mouth.

Astoria laughed, her cough coming through slightly as she hugged Draco's side.

"Batter good?" Parker asked.

"Mhm." Erica nodded.

"Good. I'm making cookies." Parker began putting them in the oven.

"Oh, are you? I couldn't tell." Erica winked.

"Scorpius is sad, what does Parker do when people are sad?" Astoria shook her head.

"She makes coo-" Erica began,"Wait, he's sad?"

"It's nothing. Aunt Parker's just over reacting.' Scorpius sighed.

"Scorpius." Erica gave him a look.

Scorpius stayed quiet.

"Rose rejected him again." Draco rolled his eyes.

"I mean, I've been rejected a bunch and look how I turned out." Erica shrugged before thinking,"Y'know, I don't think I'm a good example."

"I mean, I got your mother, didn't get rejected." Draco shrugged.

"What about Pansy, she rejected you. Oh, and that one time you tried to ask ou-" Erica was cut off mid-sentence.

"Okay!" Draco pointed.

"I never had any lovers. I was busy." Parker shrugged, "Sure, there was crushes.. But never a relationship."

Erica sighed,"Are we just gonna be single forever? The one guy I like is married."

"Can I join you two? We can all be single." Scorpius suggested.

"Yeah, we're superior. Except Astoria because she's better than all of us." Erica nodded.

"Thank you." Astoria chuckled.

"It's the truth." Erica shrugged.

"Er, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Parker looked over at her.

"Hm? Yeah." Erica nodded.

Parker walked off with her to an empty area, making sure the others weren't listening before she turned to Erica.

"She's getting worse." Parker sighed.

"But- But she can't get worse." Erica shook her head.

"..I know. But she is, and I'm getting worried." Parker rubbed her arms.

Erica stood in thought for a moment. She assumed that with her actions and profession that she'd be the first to go but... Astoria was just so nice. Why did it have to be her?

"She's.. Like our sister. I hate this." Parker shook her head.

Erica just looked at the ground. It couldn't be possible. They could hear Astoria laughing, a cough mixing in with the laughter.

"I don't like it." Erica shook her head.

"I just want her to enjoy it while it lasts." Parker mumbled.

"That's why we're doing this. We'll make it special." Erica nodded.

"Exactly." Parker nodded as they walked back to the kitchen.

"Astoria, can we do it now?" Erica asked, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Do what?" Scorpius asked.

"We're going flower arranging." Erica answered her.

"Why?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Because I enjoy it Dray, and I'm teaching my friends." Astoria hummed.

"I'll probably make a mess." Erica warned her.

"It's okay." Astoria shrugged.

"Well ladies, shall we go?" Erica looked around.

"Yes, we shall." Parker nodded as she put the cookies in a container, leaving a few for the boys.

"After you." Erica held the door open for the other two.

"Thank you." Astoria nodded to Erica, kissing her boy's cheeks before she walked out, Parker following.

"There, I saved you." Erica rolled her eyes and followed as well.

"So, ladies. How about a little trip to the flower hill?" Astoria raised a brow.

"Yes!" Erica ran slightly to catch up with them.

"How are you guys about flower arranging? Ever done it before?" Astoria asked them.

"Never." Parker shook her head.

"Nope." Erica told her.

"Good." Astoria held her hands out, "I'm going to teach you."

"I'll try not to burn it." Erica nodded.

"Please don't." Astoria chuckled before she ran with them.

"I physically cannot promise you anything." Erica sighed.

"Just.. Don't use matches or magic." Astoria shrugged.

"I wasn't planning on it... Because I maybe left my wand at your house." Erica sighed.

"Good." Astoria hummed.

"So... How do we do this?" Erica turned to her.

"Here, sit." Astoria sat down in the field, Parker sitting down as well.

Erica sat down, careful not to squish any flowers.

"So.. Pick a flower." Astoria nodded.

"Any flower?" Erica looked at them.

"Any." Parker pointed.

Erica picked a flower, she didn't know what type it was but it was red.

"A poppy." Astoria nodded slowly, "Now look around, and keep getting them."

"Uh, okay." Erica nodded and went around gathering poppies.

"I pick.. a tulip?" Parker held a blue flower up.

"I don't know." Erica shrugged, walking over with her poppies.

"Astoria?" Parker showed her the flowers.

"Yep, that's a tulip alright." Astoria examined it.

"I'll be back with my tulips." Parker nodded and walked off.

"You already have two lips, though." Erica sat down.

"Very funny!" Parker rolled her eyes.

"Too bad you don't use them." Erica chuckled.

Astoria laughed slightly, her cough being heard, "So how have you been Erica?"

"Alright, actually." Erica nodded,"What about you, Hun?"

"Getting there." Astoria sighed.

Erica looked down at her poppies. She knew Astoria wasn't getting there.

"How are the girls? I haven't seen them in a while." Astoria hummed.

"They're doing fine but they miss you." Erica told her.

"We'll have to set up something. Scorpius wants to see the girls too." Astoria smiled.

"Maybe they can give him some tips on how to get with Rose." Erica joked.

"I can imagine." Astoria nodded.

"Are you nearly done, Parker?" Erica turned around.

"Yeah." Parker ran back over with her tulips.

"So... Now what?" Erica turned back to Astoria.

"Now, we take all them.. And make them look really pretty." Astoria nodded.

"But how?" Erica asked.

Astoria took some purple strings from her bag, wrapping them around the flowers, letting them all bundle together.

"Viola." Astoria presented them.

"Wow, it's so pretty!" Erica told her.

"I know." Astoria clapped her hands.

"How do you do it?" Erica asked.

"Like this." Astoria began teaching them.


Parker slowly blinked as she snapped out her daze, putting her black cardigan on. Erica was sat nearby. She didn't seem to be paying attention either.

"Er?" Parker slowly turned to her.

Erica blinked slowly and turned to her.

"I miss her." Parker sighed.

"I was supposed to come get you but.." Erica glanced over at some poppies.

"It's alright." Parker shook her head.

"We have to go." Erica nodded slowly.

"I'll get Draco." Parker nodded as she fixed her sleeves.

Erica sighed. This couldn't be real, right?

"Meet you down there." She kissed her cheek lightly before she walked to Draco's room, gently knocking on the door.

"Come in." Came Draco's voice from inside, it was quiet, low.

Parker slowly walked in, "Are you alright?"

"No." Draco answered.

"I'm so sorry, Dray." Parker sighed and walked up to him.

"Don't be, we couldn't have done anything else." Draco shook his head.

"..Her body just couldn't fight it off." Parker nodded.

"I'm more worried about Scorpius." Draco sighed.

"We'll look after him." Parker assured him.

"I know." Draco nodded slowly.

"Now remember, if you ever need time, Scorpius is welcome at my house whenever." Parker rubbed his arm.

Draco nodded slowly.

"Now, take a deep breath." Parker pointed.

Draco nodded and did as he was told.

"There you go. Now, we're going to do this together." Parker nodded.

"Together." Draco repeated.

"Just like we always have." Parker held out her hand.

"Right, you're always right." Draco took her hand,"Most of the time."

"All of the time." Parker smiled.

"Mm, Most of the time." Draco shook his head.

"Hm..Fine." Parker nodded.

"Right, come on then." Draco stood up.

Parker kissed his hand before they walked out.

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